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trabalhos publicados em congressos

comunicações internacionais


comunicações nacionais

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As Comunicações estão organizadas em duas partes. A primeira compreende o período de 1976-1995 e, no segundo, temos informações apresentadas, ano a ano, a partir de 1996.


O.L.Alves, Y. Gushiken and Y. Hase
Raman spectra and coordination effects of complexes MCl5.CCH3CN and MClm.nCD3CN (m=2 and m=5; n=1,2)
II Congresso Latino Americano de Química
Quito, Equador (1976).

Y. Gushiken, O.L. Alves Alves and Y. Hase
Vibrational spectra of donor-acceptor complexes containing POCl3 as ligand and metal halides of group IV and V.
II Congresso Latino-Americano de Química
Quito, Equador (1976).

Y. Gushiken, O.L. Alves Alves and Y. Hase
Raman spectra of some complexes of antimony pentachloride
XVIII International Conference in Coordination Chemistry
São Paulo, Brasil (1978).

Y. Hase e O.L. Alves
Estudo vibracional do ion metal(I) hexakis(acetonitrila) M(CH3CN)62+, M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Mn e Cu.
III Congresso Latino-Americano de Química
Lima, Peru (1978).

O.L. Alves e Y. Hase
Frequências fundamentais e estruturas moleculares dos compostos de adição do tipo MX2.TMPO (M=Zn e Co; X=Cl Br e I: TMPO = trimetilfosfinóxido
III Congresso Latino-Americano de Química
Lima, Peru (1978).

O.L. Alves et C. Sourisseau
Études des spéctres electroniques infrarouge et Raman compléxes binucléaires du Pt(I) et Pd(I)
4éme Atelier de Spectroscopie Vibrationelle
Chatenay-Malabry, France (1981).

J. Mendes Filho, R.S. Katyar, F. Cerdeira, V. Lemos, L.W. Finger, R.M. Hanzen e O.L. Alves
Transições de fase induzidas por pressão: estrutura da fase d-LiIO3
VI Congresso Latino-Americano de Química
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (1984).

F.M.S. Garrido and O.L. Alves
The effect of gel treatment conditions on the crystallinity of layered compound zirconium (IV) bis (phosphite)
Fifth International Workshop on Glasses and Ceramics from Gels
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1989).

J.C.P. de Oliveira, J. Mendes Filho, F.E.A. Melo, J.E.C. Moreira M.S. Garrido and O.L. Alves
Synthesis and characterization of Fe2+ and Fe+3 selenates
Latin American Conference on the Application of Mössbauer Effect
Havana, Cuba (1990).

S.M. Medeiros, J. Mendes Filho, J.C.P. de Oliveira, R.R. dos Reis, F.M.S. Garrido and O. L. Alves
Synthesis and hyperfine interactions of the amine intercalates of FeOCl
Latin American Conference on the Application of Mössbauer Effect
Havana, Cuba (1990).

J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa, F.M.S. Garrido and O.L. Alves
Preparation and characterization of borosilicate glasses containing the semiconductor phase CdTexS1-x
American Ceramic Society Symposium - Glasses for Electronic Devices.
Orlando, USA (1990).

J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa, C.L. Cesar, O.L. Alves and F. Galembeck
CdTexS1-x quantum box doped glass
Quantum Electronic Laser Science Conference (QUELS/CLEO-91)
Baltimore, USA (1991).

N. Aranha, L.C. Barbosa, O.L. Alves e F.M.S. Garrido
Vidros de metais pesados para dispositivos ópticos
III Iberoamericano de Cerâmicas, Vidrios y Refractários, ABC
Belo Horizonte, Brazil (1991).

J.A. Varela, O.L. Alves, J.M. Siqueira Jr. E.G.L. Messing
Fases intermediárias durante a síntese de titanato de bário a partir de citratos
III Iberoamericano de Cerâmicas, Vidrios y Refractários, ABC
Belo Horizonte, Brazil (1991).

M.E. Medeiros, J.M. Siqueira, F.M.S. Garrido e O.L. Alves
Materiais lamelares com "gaps"de van der Walls modulados por radicais orgânicos
Simpósio Franco-Brasileiro de Ciências dos Materiais
Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil (1992).

N. Aranha, O.L. Alves e L.C. Barbosa
Preparação e caracterização de vidros dos sistema P2O5-PbO-Nb2O5-K2O
Simpósio Franco-Brasileiro de Ciências dos Materiais
Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil (1992).

J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa, O.L. Alves e F. Galembeck
Estágios de precipitação de "quantum dots"em vidro dopado com semicondutor do tipo CdTexS1-x
Simpósio Franco-Brasileiro de Ciências dos Materiais
Ouro Preto, MG, Brasil (1992).

M.R.S. de Barros, J.M.M. Rios, C.H.B. Cruz, J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa and O.L. Alves
Ultrafast relaxation in CdTe1-xSx
International Quantum Electronic Conference (IQEC)
Viena, Austria (1992).

J.A. Medeiros, C.L. Cesar, L.C. Barbosa, O.L. Alves, A.L. Duarte, H. Fragnito, M.R.X. Barros, J.M.M. Rios, C.H. Brito Cruz and F. Galembeck
CdTeS quantum dots in glasses: fabrication and optial properties
Workshop on Crystalline and Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys
CNPq-National Science Foundation (USA)/IFGW - UNICAMP
Campinas, Brazil (1992).

N. Aranha, O.L. Alves and L.C. Barbosa
Synthesis and characterization of Nb2O5 and PbO Phosphate glass
XVI International Congress on Glass
Madrid, Espanha (1992).

J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa, C.L. Cesar, O.L. Alves and Galembeck
Growth kinetics study of CdTexS1-x Quantum dots in a borosilicate glass
XVI International Congress on Glass
Madrid, Espanha (1992).

C.J. de Oliveira, P.C. Barbosa, J.A.C. de Paiva, J.C.P. de Oliveira, J. Mendes Filho, N. Aranha, L.C. Barbosa, O.L. Alves and A.S.B. Sombra
TSDC and Mössbauer spectroscopy in iron doped heavy metal glasses
XVI International Congress on Glass
Madri, Espanha (1992).

J.A.M. Neto, C.L. Cesar, L.C. Barbosa, O.L. Alves, A.L. Duarte, H. Fragnito, M.R.X. Barros, J.M.M. Rios, C.H.B. Cruz and F. Galembeck
CdTe Quantum dots: Growth and linear and non-linear optical properties
(Invited Talk)
Winter School on Mesoscopic Physics
Brasília, Brazil (1992).

F.M.S. Garrido and O.L. Alves
Preparation of Zr(IV)/Nb(IV) Nasicon like phosphates by a sol-gel method
7th International Workshop on Glasses and Ceramic from Gels
Paris, France (1993).

O.L. Alves, L.C. Barbosa and A.F. Craievich
"In situ" SAXS study of nucleation and growth of CdTexS1-x semicondutor microcrystals in borosilicate glasses
Small Angle Scattering Conference SAS-93
Saclay, France (1993).

A.J.G. Zarbin and O.L. Alves
Pyrochlore-like compounds derived from antimonic acid as precursors for reactive Oxide powders
1st International Conference on Materials Chemistry, Aberdeen, Escócia (1993).

L.C. Barbosa, V.C. Reynoso, O.L. Alves, N. Aranha and C.L. Cesar
Preparation and characterization of heavy metal oxide glass: Bi2O3-PbO-GeO2-B2O3
1st International Conference on Materials Chemistry
Aberdeen, Scotland (1993).

A.F. Craievich, O.L. Alves and L.C. Barbosa
In situ synchrotron radiation SAXS study of the kinetics of growth of CdTe nanocrystals in borosilicate glasses
International Conference Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation SRI-94, New York, USA (1994).

M.F. Gozzi, M.C. Gonçalves, I.V.P. Yoshida and O.L. Alves
Precursors containing poly(methylsilane)/tetra-allylsilane: One-step route to silicon carbide
2o Simpósio Ibero-Americano de Polímeros, 4o Simpósio Latino-Americano de Polímeros e VI International Macromolecular Colloquium
Gramado, RS, Brazil (1994).

C.R.M. de Oliveira, A.M. de Paula, F.O. Plentez Filho, J.A. Medeiros Neto, L.C. Barbosa, O. L. Alves, E.A. Menezes, J.M.M. Rios, H.L. Fragnito, C.H. Brito Cruz and C.L. Cesar
Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy as a probe to the quantum dot size distribution in CdTe-doped-glass
International Quantum Electronic Conference (IQEC)
Anaheim, USA (1994).

V.C.S. Reynoso, L.C. Barbosa, H.L. Fragnito, A.S. Duarte, E. Palange, C.L. Cesar, C.H.B. Cruz and O.L. Alves
CdTe quantum dots borosilicate doped glass for optical devices
8th CIMTEC-World Ceramic Congress & Forum on New Materials
Florence, Italy (1994).

Y. Liu, V.C.S. Reynoso, L.C. Barbosa, H.L. Fragnito and O.L. Alves
Growth of trap free CdTe quantum dots
MRS 1994 Fall Meeting, Symposium F : Microcrystalline and nanocrystalline semiconductors
Boston, USA (1994).

A.J.G. Zarbin, M.D. Vargas, O.L. Alves and L.C. Barbosa
Inclusion of metal carbonyl clusters in porous glass
2nd International Conference on Materials Chemistry
Canterbury, England (1995).

N.Aranha, O.L. Alves, L.C. Barbosa and C.L. Cesar
P2O5-PbO-Nb2O5-K2O glass system: Preparation, characterization and properties
2nd International Conference on Materials Chemistry
Canterbury, England (1995).

N. Aranha, L.C. Barbosa, C.L. Cesar and O.L. Alves
The role of Nb2O5 on the chemical durability of P2O5-Nb2O5-PbO-K2O glass system
XVII International Conference on Glass
Beijing (Pequin), China (1995).

L.C. Barbosa, Y. Liu, V.C.S. Reynoso, C.L. Cesar and O.L. Alves
Improvement on the size dispersion of CdTe quantum dots in glass
XVII International Conference on Glass
Beijing (Pequin), China (1995).

R.F. Cuevas, L.C. Barbosa, Y. Liu, V.C.S. Reynoso, O.L. Alves, N. Aranha e C.L. Cesar
Thermal properties in the glass system TeO2-Li2O-TiO2
XVII International Conference on Glass
Beijing (Pequin), China (1995).

V.C.S. Reynoso, R.F. Cuevas, O.L. Alves, A.M. de Paula, J.A.M. Neto, C.L. Cesar and L.C. Barbosa
PbTe semiconductor-glass composites: Preparation and characterization
13th University Conference on Glass Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA (1995).

F.M.S. Garrido, A.R. Custódio and O.L. Alves
Preparation and characterization of layered zirconium(IV) bis(phosphite) with different crystallization degrees
International Conference on Advanced Materials, ICAM-95
Cancúm, México (1995).

R.F. Cuevas, A.M. de Paula, Y. Liu, V.C.S. Reynoso, N. Aranha, J.A. Sanjurjo, C.L. Cesar, O.L. Alves and L.C. Barbosa
Preparation and characterization of PbO-TiO2-TeO2 glass system
International Conference on Advanced Materials, ICAM-95
Cancúm, México (1995).

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