As Comunicações estão organizadas em duas partes. A primeira compreende o período de 1976-1995 e, no segundo, temos informações apresentadas, ano a ano, a partir de 1996.
R.A. Rodríguez, A.C. Hernandez, J.S. Salazar, Y. M. Laffita, E.P. Cappe and O.L. Alves
Jahn Teller effect magnitude is reduced by defects induced with 60Co gamma radiation in LiMn2O4
XXIV International Materials Research Congress - SMM - MRS
Cancún, México (2015)
L.A.V. Luna, A.C.M. Moraes, C.D. Pereira, S. Cadore, S. Giorgio and O.L. Alves
Toxicity of graphene oxide decorated with silver nanoparticles and their counterparts graphene oxide and isolated silver nanoparticle to macrophages
54th Annual Meeting - American Society Of Toxicology
San Diego, Califórnia, USA (2015)