P. Peralta-Zamora, I.F. Gimenez, L. Cordi, J. Reyes, O.L. Alves and N. Durán
Remediation of effluents from pulp and paper industry using Horeseradish Peroxidase immobilized on ceramic material
In Proc. do III Latin American Biodegradation & Biodeterioration Symposium Florianólis, SC, Brasil, 6 pp., april (1998)
P. Peralta-Zamora, S.G. de Moraes, O.L. Alves, I.F. Gimenez, J. Reyes and N. Durán
Immobilization of peroxidade enzymes and application in paper effluents remediation
In Proc. do Water Quality International 98
Vancouver, Canada, 4 pp., june (1998)
E.M. Marmolejo, E. Granato, O.L. Alves, C.L. Cesar and L.C. Barbosa,
Fabrication of Ga2S3 based Glasses in sulphur flowing atmosphere
In Proc. XVIII International Congress on Glass
São Fracisco, CA, USA, 34-38, july (1998)
C. Barbosa, R.F. Cuevas, G.E. Tudury, A.M. de Paula, C.H. Brito Cruz, C.L. Cesar, O.L. Alves and A.F. Craievich
PbTe quantum dots in phosphate and borosilicate glasses
Proc. XVIII International Congress on Glass
São Francisco, CA, USA, 19-24, july (1998)
A.P. Bispo, G.E. Tudury, M.C.O. Aguiar, O.L. Alves, L. Tessler C.L. Cesar and L.C. Barbosa
Influence of high Er3+ content on TeO2 based glasses
Proc. XVIII International Congress on Glass
São Francisco, CA, USA, 53-59, july (1998)
A.J.G. zarbin, O.L. Alves and D. Ugarte
Preparation of CuO nanoparticles and Nanowires inside carbon nanotubes cavities
In Procc. do CBECIMAT' 98
Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 5198-5204 (1998)
I.O. Mazali, P.P. de Abreu Filho e O.L. Alves
Propriedades estruturais e comportamento da cristalização de vidros niobofosfatos: precursores de vitrocerâmicas porosas
In Procc. do CBECIMAT' 98
Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2845-2854 (1998)
L.S. Barreto e O.L. Alves
Cristalização de vidros à base de acetatos de lítio e sódio
In Procc. do CBECIMAT' 98
Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2617-2626 (1998)
A.O. de Souza, M.C. Rangel e O.L. Alves
Compósitos formados por clusters metálicos e matrizes dielétricas: alfa-
fosfato de zircônio(IV)/cobre metálico
In Procc. do CBECIMAT' 98
Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2109-2117 (1998)
R.D. Sinisterra, R. Najjar, P.S. Santos, O.L. Alves, C.A. Alves de Carvalho, E. Munson and K. Thakur
13CP/MAS studies of Rhodium(II) 3-Fluorobenzoate and their Inclusion compound in b-Cyclodextrin
Procc of Molecular Recognition and Inclusion Conference
Lyon, France, 511-514 (1998)