Trabalho realizado no Instituto de Química da Unicamp sobre nanopartículas de prata biogênica atinge mais de 30.000 downloads.
O trabalho Mechanistic aspects of biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by several fusarium oxysporum strains, de autoria de Duran, Marcato, Alves, de Souza e Espósito, publicado na revista Journal of Nanobiotechnology, atingiu número superior a 30.000 downloads.
O estudo propõe um mecanismo pelo qual o fungo Fusarium oxysporum realiza a biossíntese de nanopartículas de prata, a partir do nitrato de prata (AgNO3), via redução onde intervém uma reductase nitrato dependente.

Cultura de Fusarium oxysporum.
Créditos: LQB/LQES/Unicamp.
Os estudos sobre sistemas contendo nanopartículas de prata biogênicas, ou não, e sua interação com biossistemas constituem um dos temas centrais da Rede Brasileira de Nanotoxicologia CigeNanotox, baseada no IQ Unicamp e coordenada pelos Prof. Nelson Duran e Oswaldo Alves.
Querendo ter acesso ao trabalho, clique (sétimo artigo), aqui.
Conheça outros artigos publicados pelo Laboratório de Química Biológica (LQB) e Laboratório de Química do Estado Sólido (LQES), do IQ-Unicamp, sobre o tema:
N.E.D. Caballero, P.D. Marcato, G.I.H. de Souza, O.L. Alves and E. Esposito
Antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles produced by fungal process on textil fabrics and their effluent treatment : Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Vol. 3 (2), 203-208 (2007).
N. Durán, P.D. Marcato, R. De Conti, O.L. Alves, F.T.M. Costa and M. Brocchi
Potential use of silver nanoparticles on pathogenic bacteria, their toxicity and possible mechanisms of action : Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, Vol. 21 (6), 949-959 (2010).
N. Durán, P.D. Marcato, R. De Conti, O.L. Alves, F.T.M. Costa and M. Brocchi
Potential use of silver nanoparticles on pathogenic bacteria, their toxicity and possible mechanisms of action : Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, Vol. 21 (6), 949-959 (2010).
DOI 10.1590/S0103-50532010000600002
R.D. Holtz, A.G. Souza Filho, M. Brocchi, D. Martins, N. Durán and O.L. Alves
Development of nanostructured silver vanadates decorated with silver nanoparticles as a novel antibacterial agent : Nanotechnology, Vol. 21 (18) (2010).
DOI 10.1088/0957-4484/21/18/185102
N. Durán, P.D. Marcato, O.L. Alves, João P.S. da Silva, G.I.H. de Souza, F.A. Rodrigues and E. Esposito
Ecosystem protection by effluent bioremediation: silver nanoparticles impregnation in a textil fabrics process : Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 12, 285-292 (2010)
DOI 10.1007/s11051-009-9606-1
P.S. Melo, P.D. Marcato, S.C. Huber, I.R. Ferreira, L.B. de Paula, A.B.A. Almeida, N. Durán, S. Torsoni, A.B. Seabra and O.L. Alves
Nanoparticles in treatment of thermal injured rats: Is it safe? : Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 304 012027 (2011)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/304/1/012027
P.D. Marcato, G. Nakasato, M.Brocchi, P.S. Melo, S.C. Huber, I.R. Ferreira, O.L. Alves and N. Durán
Biogenic silver nanoparticles:antibacterial and cytotoxicity applied to textile fabrics Journal of Nano Research, Vol. 20, 69-76 (2012)
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/JNanoR.20.69
P.D. Marcato, M. Durán, S.C. Huber, M. Rai, P.S. Melo, O.L. Alves and N. Durán
Biogenic silver nanoparticles and its antifungal activity as a new topical transungual drug : Journal of Nano Research, Vol. 20, 99-107 (2012)
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/JNanoR.20.99
R.D. Holtz, B.A. Lima, A.G. Souza Filho, M. Brocchi and O.L. Alves
Nanostructured silver vanadate as a promising antibacterial additive to water-based paints : Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Vol. 8, 935-940 (2012)
DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2011.11.012
A.F. Faria, D.S.T. Martinez, A.C.M. Moraes, M.E.H.M. Costa, E.B. Barros, A.G. Souza Filho, A.J. Paula and O.L. Alves
Unveiling the role of oxidation debris on the surface chemistry of graphene through the anchoring of Ag nanoparticles : Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 24, 4080-4087 (2012)
DOI: 10.1021/cm301939s
A.G. Rodrigues, L.Y. Ping, P.D. Marcato, O.L. Alves, M.C.P. Silva, R.C. Ruiz, I.S. Melo, L.Tasic and A.O. de Souza
Biogenic antimicrobial nanoparticles produced by fungi : Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, in press (2012)
DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4209-7
P.D. Marcato, N.V. Parizotto, D.S.T. Martinez, A.J. Paula, I.R. Ferreira, P.S. Melo, N. Durán and O.L. Alves
New hybrid material based on layered double hydroxides and biogenic silver nanoparticles: antimicrobial activity and cytotoxic effect : Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, accepted (2012)
M.C. Artal, R.D. Holtz, F. Kummrow, O.L. Alves and G.A. Umbuzeiro
The role of silver and vanadium release in the toxicity of silver vanadate nanowires toward Daphnia similis : Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, accepted (2012)
N.E.D. Caballero, P.D. Marcato, G.I.H. de Souza, O.L. Alves and E. Esposito
Method for producing nanoparticles, protein stabilized silver nanoparticles, production of antibacterial textile products, antibacterial textile products and bioremediation method : WO 2008/034207, 27.03.08 (International Patent).
LQES NEWS Ano XI - no. 258, 20 de dezembro de 2012 (OLA).
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