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Conferência - There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, Richard P. Feynman, Conferência - Introdução a Nanotecnologia Molecular, Frederic Levy,
K.E. Drexler, "Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotecnology", Contents: The foundations of foresight : engines of construction; The principles of change; Predicting and projecting (52). Profiles of the possible: engines of abundance; thinking machines; the world beyond earth; engines of healing; long life in na open world (117). Dangers and Hopes: engines of destruction; strategies and survival; finding facts; the network of knowledge; worlds enough, and time (69). Disponível integralmente na internet: www.foresight.org/EOC/
K.E. Drexler, C. Peterson and G. Pergamit, "Unbounding the Future - The Nanotechnology Revolution", Quill, New York, 1991, 304 pages. Contents: Looking forward (16); The molecular world (27); Botton-up technology (27); Paths, pionners, and progress (23); Working with nanotechnology (10); The spiral of capability (23); Providing the basics, and more (11); Restoring the environment (18); Nanomedicine (27); Limits and downsides (20); Safety, accidents, and abuse (19); Policy and prospects (32). Disponível integralmente na internet: www.foresight.org/UTF/Unbound_LBW/ K.E. Drexler, "Nanosystems: Molecules, Machinery, Manufacturing and Computations", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991, 556 pages. Contents: Introduction and Overview (22). Parte I : Physical principles : Chemical magnitudes and scaling laws (13); Potential energy surfaces (34); Molecular dynamics (18); Positional uncertainty (29); Transitions, errors, and damage (40); Energy dissipation (28); Mecanosynthesis (57). Part II : Nanonoscale structural components (17); Mobile interfaces and moving parts (45); Intermediate subsystems (21); Nanomechanical computacional systems (29); Molecular sorting, processing, and assembly (37); Molecular manufacturing systems (30). Part III : Macromolecular engineering (24); Appendix A: Methodological Issues in Theoretical Applied Science (17); Appendix B: Related Research (6).
K.J. Lewis and B.C. Crandall (Editors), "Nanotechnology: Research and Perspectives", MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1992, 381 pages. J.W. Gardner and H.T. Hingle, "From Instrumentation to Nanotechnology",
C. Lampton, "Nanotechnology Playhouse - Building Machines from Atoms", Waite Group Press, Corte Madera, California, 1993, 129 pages. Contents: Thinking small (9); The potential of nanotechnology (9); Getting from here to there : the universal assembler (10); How nanomachines will work (6); Nanocomputers (9); Nanomedicine : the end of disease (11); Nanomanufacturing : from the small scale to the large (8) ; Green machines: nanotechnology and environment (6); Nanotechnology in the space (4); The glorious nanofuture: what's the catch ? (7); How close are we now ? Nanotechnology in the 1990s (2); The nanotechnology world... and beyond (4). B.C Crandall, "Nanotechnology", The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1993, 394 pages. D. Koruga, S. Hameroff, J. Withers and R. Loutfy, "Fullerene C60: History, Physics, Nanobiology, Nanotechnology", Elsevier Science Ltd, Amsterdam, 1993, 398 pages. T.B. Vu, N. Garcia and K. Dransfeld (Editors), "Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms Under High Fields and Temperatures: Applications", (NATO Asi Series. Series E : App.lied Sciences, Vol 235), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1993, (?) pages.
A.J. Bard, "Integrated Chemical Systems: A Chemical Approach to
M. Nelson and C. Shipbaugh, "The Potential of Nanotechnology for Molecular Manufacturing", Elsevier Science Ltd, Amsterdam, 1995, 47 pages. N. Max and S. Calvin, "The Potential of Nanotechnology for Molecular M. Krummenacker and J. Lewis (Editors), "Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995, 297 pages. W.M. Du Charme, "Becoming Immortal : Nanotechnology, You, and the E. Regis, "Nano: The Emerging Science of Nanotechnology : Remaking the F. Cerrina and C. Marrian (Editors), "Materials-Fabrication and Patterning at the Nanoscale" (Symposium Held April 19-20, 1995, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1995, (?) pages.
B.C. Crandall, "Nanotechnology", The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1996, 226 T. Norio, "Nanotechnology", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, 422 pages. S. Luryi, J. Xu and A. Zaslavsky (Editors), "Future Trends in Microelectronics: Reflections on the Road to Nanotechnology", (NATO Asi Series. Series E, Applied Sciences, No. 323), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, 436 pages. B.C. Crandall (Editor), "Nanotechnology: Molecular Speculations on Global Abundance", MIT Press, Massachussets, 1996, 214 pages. H.C. Hoch, L. Jelinski and H.G. Craighead (Editors), "Nanofabrication and Biosystems: Integrating Materials Science, Engineering, and Biology", Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge, 1996, (?) pages. N. Taniguchi (Editor), "Nanotechnology: Integrated Processing Systems for Ultra-Precision and Ultra-Fine Products", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, (?) pages. G.M. Chow and K.E. Gonsalves (Editors), "Nanotechnology: Molecularly Designed Materials", (ACS Symposium Series, No 622), American Chemical Society, Washington, 1996, (?) pages. R. Coombs and D.W. Robinson (Editors), "Nanotechnology in Medicine & the Bioscience", Gordon & Breach Science Pub., London, 1996, (?) pages.
I. Yoseph, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics", Oxford University Press, Y. Imry, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics", (Mesoscopic Physics and G. Timp, "Nanotechnology", American Institute of Physics, 1997, (?) pages. H. Helvajian and E. Robinson (Editors), "Micro - and Nanotechnology for Space Systems", American Institute of Aeronautics, 1997, 138 pages.
G.L. Timp, "Nanotechnology", Springer-Verlag, New York Inc., 1998, 500 pages. A. ten Wolde, "Nanotechnology: Towards a Molecular Construction Kit", New World Ventures, 1998, 357 pages. N. Garcia, M.N. Vesperinas and H. Rohrer (Editors), "Nanoscale Science and Technology", (NATO Asi Series, Series E, App.lied Sciences, No. 348), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998, (?) pages.
N.H. Singh, "Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology", R.A. Freitas Jr, "Nanomedicine", Volume 1: Basic Capabilities, Landes Bioscience, 1999, 509 pages. W.J. Lorenz and W. Plieth (Editors), "Electrochemical Nanotechnology: In-Situ Local Probe Techniques at Electrochemical Interfaces", VCH Pub., Berlin, 1999, (?) pages. S. Iannotta and P. Milani, "Cluster Beam Synthesis of Nanostructured M. Ciofalo, M.W. Collins and T.R. Hennessy, "Nanoscale Fluid Dynamics in R.W. Siegel, E. Hu and M.C. Roco (Editors), "Panel Report on Nanostructure Science and Technology: R & D Status and Trends in Nanoparticles, Nanostructured Materials, and Nanodevices", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999, (?) pages.
P. Alivisatos, M.C. Roco and R.S. Williams, "Nanotechnology Research S.E. Lyshevski, "Nano - and Microelectromechanical Systems: Fundamentals of Nano- and Microengineering", CRC Press, 2000, 360 pages. H.S. Nalwa (Editor), "Handbook of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology", Academic Press, New York, Vol.1-5, 2000, 3583 pages. L. Fabbrizzi and A. Poggi (Editors), "Chemistry at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium: Molecular Design, Supramolecules, Nanotechnology and Beyond", Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000, (?) pages. L. Pavesi and E. Buzaneva (Editors), "Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems", (Nato Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Volume 6), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000, 496 pages. L. Merhari, L.T. Wille and K. Gonsalves (Editors), "Materials Issues and Modeling for Device Nanofabrication" (Symposia Held November 29-December 2, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.), Material Research Society, Warrendale, 2000, (?) pages. R.S. Williams and P. Alivisatos (Editors), "Report - Vision for Nanotechnology in the Next Decade", 2000, 360 pages. M.R. Mariella (Editor), "Micro - and Nanotechnology for Biomedical and Environmental Applications" (International Biomedical Optics Society/Society Of Photo-Optical Instrumentation/Spie Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), Progress in Biomedical Optics, 2000, 100 pages.
N.H. Singh, "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology", Harcourt M. Gross, "Travels to the Nanoworld: Miniature Machinery in Nature and E. Rietman, "Molecular Engineering of Nanosystems", Springer Verlag, New N.H. Singh (Editor), "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology", Concise Edition Academic Press, London, 2001, 750 pages. M. Scherge and S.N. Gorb, "Biological Micro- And Nanotribology: Nature's Y. Imry, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics" (Mesoscopic Physics and D.E. Newton, "Oryx Nanotechnology Directory & Sourcebook", Oryx Press, J. Ying, "Nanostructured Materials", Academic Press, New York, 2001, 350 G.Q. Lu (Editor), "Nanoporous Materials: Science and Engineering" (Series on Chemical Engineering), Imperial College, London, 2001, 700 pages. E. Osawa (Editor), "Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, (?) pages. M.C. Roco and W.S. Bainbridge (Editors), "Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Workshop Report", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, (?) pages. J. Korvink and A. Greiner, "Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology: An Introduction for Engineers", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001, (?) pages. M.J. Heller and A. Guttman (Editors), "Integrated Microfabricated Biodevices", Marcel Dekker, 1st Edition, 2001, 456 pages. J. Ying, "Nanostructured Materials", Academic Press, 1st Edition, 2001, 350 pages. "Nanotech Goes to Work", Technology Review, MIT's Magazine of Innovation, 2001, 6 pages. "Wires of Wonder: Q&A with Richard E. Smalley", Technology Review, MIT's Magazine of Innovation, 2001, 6 pages. E. Balabanova and I. Dragieva (Editors), "Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Nanostructured Material Application & Innovation Transfer (Heron Press Science Ser)", Coronet Books Inc, 2001, 159 pages. IEEE Electron Devices Society, "Digest of Papers Microprocesses and Nanotechnology 2000", 2000 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference July 11-13, 2000 Tokyo, Japan, IEEE, 2001. "First IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology", IEEE Press, 2001, 750 pages. Vwami Roychowdhury et al, "Computational Paradigms for Nanoelectronics", Elsevier, 2001, 400 pages. M. Ohtsu (Editor), "Optical and Electronic Process of Nano-Matters", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, 307 pages. A. Atala and R.P. Lanza, "Methods of Tissue Engineering", Academic Press, 1st Edition, 2001, 1285 pages. M. Gad-El-Hak (Editor), "The MEMS Handbook", CRC Press, 2001, 1368 pages. M.C. Roco and W.S. Bainbridge (Editors), "Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, 384 pages. H. Nalwa and H.S. Nalwa, "Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology K.J. Klabunde (Editor), "Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry", Wiley-Interscience, 1st Edition, 2001, 304 pages.
G. Fishbine, "The Investor's Guide to Nanotechnology and Micromachines", J.N. Cawse (Editor), "Experimental Design for Combinatorial and High Throughput Materials Development", Wiley-Interscience, 2002, 336 pages. Editors Scientific American, "Understanding Nanotechnology", Warner Books, 2002, 160 pages. E. Balabanova and I. Dragieva (Editors), "Nanoscience & Nanotechnology '02: Nanostructured Materials Application & Innovation Transfer", Coronet Books Inc, 2002, 171 pages. S. Pothur and S. Srivastava (Editors), "Nanotechnology in Disease Detection and Treatment (Disease Markers)", IOS Press, 2002, 60 pages. S.M. Hsu and Z.C. Ying (Editors), "Nanotribology: Critical Assessment and Research Needs", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 460 pages. E. Sawa and O. Sawa, "Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology", Kluwer Academic Publishing, 2002, 400 pages. "Progress in Nanotechnology", The American Ceramic Society, 2002. "Small Wonders, Endless Frontiers: A Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative", National Academy Press, 2002. A.N. Cleland, "Foundations of Nanomechanics", Springer Verlag, 2002, 440 M.A. Ratner and D. Ratner, "Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the T. Osaka, M. Datta and W. Schultze (Editors), "Electrochemical Microsystem Technologies (New Trends in Electrochemical Technology)", Taylor & Francis; 1st Edition, 2002, 576 pages. N. Trung Nguyen and S. Wereley, "Fundamentals and Applications of Z.L. Wang, Y. Liu and Z. Zhang (Editors), "Handbook of Nanophase and Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis / Characterization / Materials Systems and Applications I / Materials Systems and Applications II", Plenum Press, 2002, 1200 pages. P. Ball, "Stories of the Invisible: A Guided Tour of Molecules", Oxford D.E. Newton, "Recent Advances and Issues in Molecular Nanotechnology", Oryx Press, 2002, 320 pages. D. Brenner, S. Lyshevski, G. Iafrate and W.A. Goddard III (Editors), "Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology", CRC Press, 2002, 824 pages. M.P. Hughes, "Nanoelectromechanics in Engineering and Biology", CRC Press, 2002, 344 pages. O. Iancu (Editor), "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, October 2002. R.P. Manginell (Editor), "Biomems and Bionanotechnology" (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, V. 729)", Material Research Society, 2002, 244 pages. J. Jimenez (Editor), "Microprobe Characterization of Optoelectronic Materials (Optoelectronic Properities of Semiconductors and Superlattices)", Taylor & Francis, 1st Edition, 2002, 816 pages. X. Zhu, S.Y. Chou and Y. Arakawa, "Nano-optics and Nano-structures H. Hofmann, Z. Rahman and U. Schubert (Editors), "Nanostructured Materials", Springer Verlag, 2002. T. Yamase and M.T. Pope (Editors), "Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design", Plenum Pub Corp, 2002, 762 pages. G. Cao, "Nanoscale Optics and Applications (Proceedings of SPIE)", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002. N.J. Halas, "Properties of Metal Nanostructures (Proceedings of SPIE)", I. Bozovic and D. Pavuna, "Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering V (Proceedings of SPIE)", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002. S. Luryi, J. Xu and A. Zaslavsky (Editors), "Future Trends in Microelectronics: The Nano Millennium", Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr, 2002, 408 pages. J.G. Korvink and A. Greiner, "Semiconductors for Micro and Nanotechnology", Wiley-VCH, 2002, 340 pages. M. Grundmann (Editor), "Nano-Optoelectronics", Springer Verlag; 1st Edition, 2002, 415 pages. M. Sipper, "Machine Nature: The Coming Age of Bio-Inspired Computing", McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; 1st Edition, 2002, 244 pages. D. Mulhall, "Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World", Prometheus Books, 2002, 390 pages. P. Woods, "Up-Link-Down-Link-And Crosslink Nanotechnology: Remote Nanotechnology", Xlibris Corporation, 2002, 200 pages. M. Wilson, K. Kannangara, G. Smith, M. Simmons (Editors) and C. Crane, "Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies", CRC Press, 2002, 288 pages. H. Morgan and N.G. Green, "AC Electrokinetic: Colloids and Nanoparticles (Microtechnologies and Microsystems)", Research Studies Press Ltd, 1st Edition, 2002, 250 pages. R.L. Johnston, "Atomic & Molecular Clusters", Taylor & Francis, 1st Edition, 2002, 208 pages. N. Meyendorf, G.Y. Baaklini and B. Michel (Editors), "Nondestructive Evaluation and Reliability of Micro- and Nanomaterial Systems (Proceedings of SPIE)", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002, 238 pages. V.K. Varadan (Editor), "Smart Electronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology", SPIE-International Society for Optical Engine, 2002. T. Zhang, K. Chakrabarty, R.B. Fair and S.E. Lyshevsky, "Microelectrofluidic Systems: Modeling and Simulation", CRC Press, 1st Edition, 2002, 288 pages. T. Pacific, Nanotechnology and MEMS: Commercializing Ultra-Small Objects - Market, Opportunities and Technologies, MarketResearch.com, 2002, 129 pages. E. Buzaneva and P. Scharff (Editors), "Frontiers of Multifunctional Nanosystems" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 57), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 500 pages. B.R. Bulka, F. Kajzar and A. Graja (Editors), "Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Applications" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 59), NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Molecular Low Dimensional and Nanos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 352 pages. T. Chakraborty, F. Peeters and U. Sivan (Editors), "Nano-Physics & Bio-Electronics: A New Odyssey", Elsevier Science Ltd, 2002, 354 pages. D.V. Nicolau (Editor), "Biomedical Nanotechnology Architectures and Applications", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2002. R. Malhotra (Editor), "Combinatorial Materials Development (Acs Symposium Series, 814)", American Chemical Society, 2002, 204 pages. Y. Imry and J. Imry, "Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics", Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2002, 272 pages. B. Bhushan (Editor), "Micro/Nanotribology and Its Applications" (NATO Asi Series, Series E, Applied Sciences, No. 330.)", North Atlantic Treaty Organization Scientific Affairs Division, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Micro, Nanotribology and Its Application, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 692 pages. N. Garcia, K. Dransfeld and V.T. Binh (Editors), "Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms Under High Fields and Temperatures: Applications" (NATO Asi Series. Series E: Applied Sciences, Vol 235), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 336 pages. K.W. Kolasinski, "Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and D. Huang, "Nanotechnology (Chinese Language Edition)", Enlighten Noah T.T.K. Zung (Editor), "Buckminster Fuller: Anthology for a New Millennium", St. Martin's Press, 2002, 416 pages. IEEE Electron Devices Society, "Microprocessors & Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2001), 2001 International", IEEE, 2002. E. Osawa (Editor), "Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 400 pages. P.J.F. Harris, "Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures", Cambridge A.G. Nassiopoulou (Editor) and X. Zianni, "Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology", World Scientific Pub Co, 1st Edition, 2002, 390 pages. A.C. Fischer-Cripps, "Nanoindentation", Springer Verlag; 1st Edition, 2002, 217 pages. C. Zander, J. Enderlein and R.A. Keller (Editors), "Single-Molecule Detection in Solution Methods and Applications", Wiley-VCH; 1st Edition, 2002, 400 pages. G. Fishbine, "The Investor's Guide to Nanotechnology and Micromachines", John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition, 2002, 288 pages. M. Laudon, "ICCN: Technical Proceedings of the Nanotech 2002 International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and Nanotechnology",
C.V. Sotomayor Torres, "Alternate Lithography: Unleashing the Potentials of Nanotechnology", (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Plenum Publishing Corp., 2003, 333 pages. E. Balabanova and I. Dragieva, "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: S. Fritz, "Nanotechnology: Invisible Machines", (Hot Science), Smart Apple Media, 2003, 48 pages. C.P. Poole and F.J. Owens, "Introduction to Nanotechnology", Wiley- L. Dai, "Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices", Springer Verlag, 2003. J. Greer, A.I. Korkin and J. Labanowski (Editors), "Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics", North-Holland, 2003, 256 pages. Royal Society of Chemistry, "Nanoparticle Assemblies", Faraday Discussion N. 125, 2003, 428 pages. T. Tsakalakos, A.K. Vasudevan and I.A. Ovid'ko (Editors), "Nanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 708 pages. T.Tsakalakos, I.A. Ovid'Ko and A.K. Vasudevan (Editors), "Nanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications (NATO Science Series 11: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 708 pages. M. Ohtsu and K. Kobayashi, "Optical Near Fields: Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nanometric Space", Springer Verlag, 2003, 205 pages. J.I. Kleiman and Z. Iskanderova (Editor), "Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment: ICPMSE-6", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 566 pages. A.B. Cohen, R.S. Hanft and E. William, "Technology in American Health Care: Policy Directions for Effective Evaluation and Management", University of Michigan Press, 2003, 416 pages. A. Duparre and B. Singh (Editors), "Advanced Characterization Techniques for Optics, Semiconductors, and Nanotechnologies: Proceedings of Spie", 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA (Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 5188), Society of Photo-Optical, 2003, (?) pages. Z.L. Wang (Editor), "Nanowires and Nanobelts: Materials, Properties and Devices", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 1062 pages. L.L. Shaw, C. Suryanarayana and R.S. Mishra (Editors), "Processing and Properties of Structural Nanomaterials", Times of Acadiana Pr Inc, 2003. D. Ratner and M.A. Ratner, "Nanotechnology and Homeland Security New Weapons for New Wars", Prentice Hall PTR, 2003, 160 pages. P.M. Ajayan, L.S. Schadler and P.V. Braun, "Nanocomposite Science and F. Case and P. Alexandridis (Editors), "Mesoscale Phenomena in Fluid Systems (ACS Symposium Series, 861)", American Chemical Society Meeting 2002 Boston, American Chemical Society, 2003, 464 pages. A. Elaissari (Editor), "Colloidal Polymers", Marcel Dekker, 2003, 464 pages. B. Deveaud, A. Quattropani and P. Schwendimann (Editors), "Electron and Photon Confinement in Semiconductor Nanostructures: Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi": Course Cl", IOS Press, 2003. H. Fujita (Editor), "Micromachines As Tools for Nanotechnology", Springer Verlag, 2003, 212 pages. J. Tominaga and D.P. Tsai (Editors), "Optical Nanotechnologies: The Manipulation of Surface and Local Plasmons (Topics in Applied Physics, 88)", Springer Verlag, 2003, 250 pages. A.M. Baz (Editor), "Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. Technology Research News, "Nanotechnology: Engineering with Atoms and Molecules", Technology Research News, 2003, 17 pages. "Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Smart Electronics Mems, Biomems, and Nanotechnology", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. N. Meyendork (Editor), "Testing, Reliability, and Application of Micro and Nano Material System", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003. S.E. Park, R. Ryoo, W.S. Ahn and C.W.L. Chang, "Nanotechnology in Mesostructured Materials: Proceedings of the 3rd International Mesostructured Materials Symposium, Jeju, Korea, July 8-11, 2002", Elsevier Science, 2003, 846 pages. W.I. Atkinson, "Nanocosm: Nanotechnology and the Big Changes Coming V.E. Borisenko, S.V. Gaponenko and V.S. Gurin (Editors), "Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2003 Minsk, Belarus 20-23 May 2003", World Scientific Pub Co, 2003, 596 pages. C.P. Poole and F.J. Owens, "Introduction to Nanotechnology", P.N. Prasad, "Introduction to Biophotonics", Wiley-Interscience, 2003, 593 pages. Z. Tang, P. Sheng and C.A. Gunn (Editors), "Nano Science and Technology: Novel Structures and Phenomena", Routledge, 1st Edition, 2003, 240 pages. F. Charra, V.M. Agranovich and F. Kajzar (Editors), "Organic Nanophotonics" (NATO Science Series. Series Ii, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, V. 100), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 512 pages. M.C. Tamargo (Editor) and M. Tamargo, "Ii-VI Semiconductor Materials and Their Applications: Optoelectronic Properties (Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductors and Superlattices, V. 12)", Accelerated Development, 2003, 400 pages. Committee on Implications Nanotechnologies, National Research Council, "Implications of Emerging Micro and Nanotechnologies", National Academy Press, 2003, 266 pages. V. Balzani, M. Venturi and A. Credi, "Molecular Devices and Machines: A Journey into the Nanoworld", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 512 pages. J. Uldrich and D. Newberry, "The Next Big Thing Is Really Small: How M. Giersig (Editor), L.M. Liz-Marzan, "Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, D.J. Whitehouse, "The Handbook of Surface and Nanometrology", Institute of Physics Pub, 2003, 1100 pages. J.M. Tour, "Molecular Electronics: Commercial Insights, Chemistry, Devices, Architecture and Programming", World Scientific Pub Co, 2003, 384 pages. M. Iwamoto, S. Mashiko, K. Kaneto (Editors) and S. Masaki, "Nanotechnology and Nano-Interface Controlled Electronic Devices", International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Nice Devices, Elsevier Science; 1st Edition, 2003, 536 pages. J. Uldrich, "The Next Big Thing Is Really Small", Crown, 2003. B. Palsson, J.A. Hubbell, R. Plonsey and J. Bronzino (Editors), "Tissue Engineering (Principles and Applications in Engineering)", CRC Press, 2003, 392 pages. G. Decher and J.B. Schlenoff, "Multilayer Thin Films: Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 544 pages. M. Ohtsu (Editor), "Progress in Nano-Electro-Optics", Springer Verlag, 2003, 178 pages. M. Rieth, "Nano-Engineering in Science and Technology: An Introduction to the World of Nano-Design", World Scientific Pub Co, 2003, 164 pages. H.S. Nalwa (Editor), H.S. Nalwa (Foreword) and R. Smalley, "Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Volumes 1-10, American Scientific Publishers, 1st Edition, 2003, 6000 pages. M.Z. Hu and M. De Guire (Editors), "Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology: Ceramic Transactions", The American Ceramic Society, 2003, 500 pages. "H.R. 766: Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003: Hearing Before the Committee on Science, House of Representatives", G.P.O. Superintendent of Doucements, 2003, 101 pages. E.V. Dirote (Editor), "Nanotechnology Abstracts", Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2003. "The Societal Implications of Nanotechnology: Hearing Before the
B. Bhushan (Editor), "Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology", Springer Verlag, First Edition, 2004, 1222 pages. G. Cao, "Nanostructures & nanomaterials: synthesis, properties & applications", Imperial College Press /World Scientific Pub., 2004, ? pages. J.A. McCleverty, "Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry: From Biology to Nanotechnology", Elsevier-Pergamon, 2004, 100 pages. K. Nakamura and T. Harayama, "Quantum Chaos and Quantum Dots" M.R. De Guire et al., "Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology II" - H. Singh Nalwa (Editor),"Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Volumes 1-10, Americam Scientific Publishers, First Edition, 2004, 10.000 pages. Autor (?), "SPIE Annual Meeting 2003: Organic Materials and Nanotechnology", (Proceedings of SPIE on CD-ROM), SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004, (?) pages. Autor (?), "Microelectronics, Mems, and Nanotechnology", 2003 (Proceeding of SPIE on CD-ROM, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004, (?) pages. M. Kohler and W. Fritzsche, "Nanotechnology: An Introduction to D.V. Nicolau, "Biomems and Nanotechnology", (Proceeding of SPIE), SPIE- Theta Reports, "Nanotechnology: Emerging Healthcare Applications & J.W. Plunkett, "Plunkett's Nanotechnology & Mems Industry Almanac", P.A. Mello et al., "Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems - Complexity J.A. Schwarz et al., "Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and V.P. Veiko, "Laser-Assisted Micro and Nanotechnologies 2003", (Proceeding of SPIE), Society of Photo-Optical, 2004, 308 pages. A. Lakhtakia, "The Handbook of Nanotechnology, Nanometer Structures: P.M.J. Bartos et al., "Nanotechnology in Construction", Royal Society of Author (?), "Materials 2004: Smart Electronics: Mems, Biomems, and Nanotechnology", (Proccedings of SPIE), Society of Photo Optical, 2004, (?) pages. J.C. Miller et al., "The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and G.E. Zaikov, "Biocatalytic Technology and Nanotechnology", Nova Science Autor (?), "Molecular Nanotechnology in Medicine: A Market Briefing" (PDF), Market Research.com., 2004, 50 pages. S.R. Waite, "Quantum Investing: Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology, and Future of the Stock Market", Texere, 2004, 288 pages. E.V. Dirote, "Focus on Nanotechnology Research", Nova Science Publishers, 2004, 221 pages. V.E. Borisenko and S. Ossicini, "What is in the Nanoworld: A Handbook on R.A.L. Jones, "Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life", Oxford University E.V. Dirote et al., "Trends in Nanotecnhology", Nova Science Publishers, 2004, H. Andersson and A. Van den Berg, "Lab-on-Chips for Cellomics: Micro and E.L. Wolf, "Nanophysics and Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Modern W.R. Fahrner, "Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, M. Zrinyi and Z.D. Horvolgyi, "From Colloides to Nanotechnology", (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science), Springer-Verlag, 2004, 224 pages. J.D. Sutherland, "Engineering on the Edge: The Future of Nanotechnology M. Krummenacker and J. Lewis (Editors), "Prospects in Nanotechnology: Toward Molecular Manufacturing", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995, 297 pages. V. Rotello (Editor), "Nanoparticles: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology", Plenum Pub. Corp., 2004, 300 pages. P.G.J. Dienstuhl and K. Goser (Editors), "Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From Transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices", Springer Verlag, 2004, 280 pages. V.K. Varadan (Editor), "Microfabricatin Techniques for Polymeric Mems", Institute of Physics Pub., 2004, 200 pages. M.A. Ratner and D. Ratner, "Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the P. Glosekotter, J. Dienstuhl and K. Goser, "Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From Transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices", Springer Verlag, 2004, 280 pages. V. Rotello (Editor), "Nanoparticles: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology", Plenum Pub Corp., 2004, 300 pages. D.D. Awschalom, R.A. Buhrman, J.M. Daughton, S.V. Molnar and M.L. Roukes (Editors), "Spin Electronics", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 221 pages. B. Bhushan (Editor), "Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology", Springer Verlag, First Edition, 2004, 1222 pages. J.R. Marlow, "Nano", Forge, 2004, 384 pages. P. Yang (Editor), "Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials", World Scientific Pub Co, 2004, 450 pages. A.W. Miziolek, S.Karna and J.M. Mauro (Editors), "Defense Applications of Nanomaterials", American Chemical Society, 2004, 464 pages. J. Reimers (Editor), "Molecular Electronics III (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 1006)" Engineering Foundation Conference on Molecular-Scale Electronics 2002, New York Academy of Sciences, 2004. G.Q. Lu (Editor), "Nanoporous Materials: Science and Engineering", Imperial College Press, 2004, 700 pages. D.S. Goodsell, "Bionanotechnologys: Lessons from Nature", Wiley-Liss, 2004, 352 pages. A.M. Ionescu and K. Banerjee (Editors), "Emerging Nanoelectronics: Life With and After CMOS", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. H. Knobloch and Y. Kaminorz (Editors), "Micronano Integration", Springer Verlag, 2004. S. Fritz, "Nanotechnology: Invisible Machines (Hot Science)", Smart Apple Media, 2004, 48 pages. V.I. Klimov (Editor), "Semiconductor and Metal Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Electronic and Optical Properties", Marcel Dekker, 2004, 484 pages.
A. Periasamy, R.N. Day (editors), "Molecular imaging: FRET microscopy and spectroscopy", Oxford University Press/American Physiological Society, 2005, ? pages. B. Karn, "Nanotechnology and the environment: applications and implications" (editor), American Chemical Society/Distributed by Oxford University Press, 2005, 176 pages. C.N.R. Rao, "Nanotubes and Nanowires", Royal Society of Chemistry, 2005, 272 pages. Author (?), "2005 US Material Science and Nanotechnology", CRC Press, 2005, (?) pages. T. Vo-dinh (Editor), "Protein Nanotechnology: Protocols, Instrumentation and, Aplications", (Methods in Molecular Biology) (Clifton, N.J. V 300), 2005, Human Press, (?) pages. S. Lu et al., "Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology", American Ceramic Society, 2005, 300 pages. D. Maddox and J. Allen, "Nanotechnology", (Science on the Edge), Blackbirch Press, (?) pages. L. Theodore and R.G. Kunz, "Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications N. Yao, "Handbook of Microscopy for Nanotechnology", Springer-Verlag, N.H. Malsch, "Biomedical Nanotechnology", Marcel Dekker, 2005, (?) pages. B. Karn, "Nanotechnology and the Environment: Applications and Z. Zhang, "Nanotechnology Heat Transfer", Mc-Graw-Hill, 2005, 320 pages. R.D. Booker, "Nanotechnology for Dummies", For Dummies, 2005, 336 pages. J. Schulte, "Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and J.S. Hall, "Nanofuture: What's Next for Nanotechnology", Prometheus Books, 2005, 320 pages. E. Gusev (Editor), "Fundamentals in Nanotechnology for Microelectronics", (Nanostructures Science and Technology), Plenum Press, 2005, (?) pages. G.A. Mansoori, "Principles of Nanotechnology: Molecular-based Study of C. Kumar, "Nanotechnologies for the Lifesciences", Wiley-VCH, 2005, 4250 M. Akay, "Neuro-nanotechnology", John Wiley, 2005, 352 pages. M. Rieth et al., "Handobook of Theoretical and Computacional J. Martinez-Duarte, "Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and D. Minoli, "Nanotechnology Applications to Telecommunications and Author (?), "Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine: Methods, Devices and Applications", CRC Press, 2005, 512 pages. J. Schulte (Editor), "Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications", 2005, John Wiley, 194 pages. P.L. Speser, "Technology Transfer: Moving Technology Out of the Lab and B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs (Editors), "Applied Scanning Probe Methods II : Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques (NanoScience and Technology)", Springer, 2005, 390 pages. D. Hülsenberg and A. Harnisch, "Micro and Nanostructured Glasses", (Springer Series in Materials Science), Springer; 2005, 337 pages. W. Hofer and A. Foster, "Scanning Probe Microscopy : Atomic Scale A. Loiseau, P. Launois, P. Petit, S. Roche and Jean-Paul Salvetat (Editors), "Understanding Carbon Nanotubes: From Science to Applications", (Lecture Notes in Physics), Springer, 2005, 600 pages. K.E. Geckeler and E. Rosenberg, "Functional Nanomaterials", American S. Saliterman, "Fundamentals of Biomems And Medical Microdevices", B. Silberzan, "Microfluidics for Biotechnology", Artech House Publishers, 2005, 400 pages. H.S. Nalwa, "Polymeric Nanostructures And Their Applications", American P.-G. De Gennes et al., "Handbook of Theoretical and Computational L. Theodore, "Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and V.T. Liveri, "Controlled Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Microheterogeneous Systems", (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Plenum, 2005, 200 pages. S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and F. Ren, "Gallium Nitride Processing for A. Spasic and J.-P. Hsu (Editors), "Finely Dispersed Particles: Micro, Nano, and Atto-engineering", (Surfactant Science), CRC Press, 2005, (?) pages. D.M. Berube, "Nano-hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz", M. Ferrari (Editor), "BioMems and Biomedical Nanotechnology: VI: Biomedical & Biological Nanotechnology", Volume 2: Micro/Nano Technology for Genomics and Proteomics; Volume 3: Therapeutics, Biomolecular Sensing, Processing and Analysis, Springer, 2005, 1240 pages. S. Goheen, G. Buschle-Diller and V. Edwards (Editors), "Modified Fibers with Medical and Specialty Applications", Springer, 2005, 400 pages. J. de Mello, J. James and M. Halls, "Molecular Semiconductors: An R.W. Berne, "Nanotalk: Conversations With Scientists And Engineers About Ethics, Meaning, And Belief in the Development of Nanotechnology", Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc., (?) pages. R.L. Johnson, "Nanotechnology", (Cool Science), Lerner Publications, 2005, 48 pages. B. Kramer (Editor), "Advances in Solid State Physics / Volume 45" (Advances in Solid State Physics), Springer, 2005, 500 pages. D. Morrison, F. Milanovich, D. Ivnitski and T.R. Austin (Editors), "Defense against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial Opportunities", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Series / Sub-Series B: Physics and Biophysics), Springer, 2005, 334 pages. A.Y. Zomaya, "Handbook of Innovative Computational Paradigms: Models, Case Studies and Applications", Springer, 2005, 784 pages. F. Fages (Editor), "Low Molecular Mass Gelators: Design, Self-Assembly, Function", (Topics in Current Chemistry), Springer, 2005, 283 pages. A. Cavaleiro and J.T. de Hosson (Editors), "Nanostructured Coatings", Springer, 2005, 955 pages. H. De Los Santos, "Principles and Applications of NanoMEMS - Physics", Author (?), "Ceramic Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology IV", American Ceramic Society, 2005, 600 pages. M. McQuaid, "Extreme Textiles: Designing for High Performance", Princeton Architectural Press, 2005, 223 pages. G. Wilkening and L. 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Leondes (Editor), "Mems/Nems Handbook: Techniques and Applications", (1) Design Methods in MEMS/NEMS, (2) Fabrication Techniques, (3) Manufacturing Methods, (4) Sensors & Actuators, (5) Medical Applications and MOEMS, Springer, 2005, 2050 pages. W.-K. Liu, "Nano Mechanics and Materials: Theory, Multiple Scale Analysis, and Applications", Springer, 2005, 350 pages. B. Bhushan, "Nanotribology and Nanomechanics: An Introduction", Springer, 2005, 1148 pages. J. Ahner, "Nanoworkbenches: Principles and Applications", Springer, 2005, B.A. Joyce, P.C. Kelires, A.G. Naumovets and D.D. Vvedensky (Editors), "Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications, and Frontiers", Proceedings of the NATO ARW on Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications and Frontiers, Series I, Springer, 2005, 395 pages. Michael I. Monastyrsky (Editor), "Topology in Condensed Matter", (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences), Springer, 2005, 270 pages. P. David, F. Archangeli and D. Giovanni, "Advances in Modelling Innovation Diffusion", (Diffusion of Innovations), Oxford University Press, 2005, (?) pages. N. Ohmae, S. Mori and J.M. Martin, "Micro and Nanotribology", American M. Razeghi (Editor), "Quantum Sensing And Nanophotonic Devices", Society of Photo Optical, 2005, (?) pages. R. Egerton, "Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy", Springer, 2005, 200 pages. M.J. Schulz, A. Kelkar and M.J. Sundaresan (Editors), "Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional And Smart Materials", CRC Press, 2005, (?) pages. S. Oda, D. Ferry and D.K. Ferry (Editors), "Silicon Nanoelectronics", CRC Press, 2005 (?) pages. N. Kotov (Editor), "Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures", CRC Press, 2005, 180 pages. W.T.S. Huck (Editor), "Nanoscale Assembly: Chemical Techniques", B.Boutevin, F. Guida-Pietrasanta, N. Hasegawa, M. Kato, M. Klapper, P.V. Kostoglodov,, D. Likhatchev, A.L. Rusanov and A. Usuki, "Inorganic Polymeric Nanocomposites and Membranes", (Advances in Polymer Science), 2005, Springer, 230 pages. A. Vaseashta, D. Dimova-Malinovska and J.M. Marshall (Editors), "Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Applications in Sensor, Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Technology", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Series II: M, Springer, 2005, 424 pages. K. Friedrich, S. Fakirov and Z. Zhang (Editors), "Polymer Composites: From Nano- to Macro-Scale", Springer, 2005, 400 pages. C. Wang and C. Bai, "Single Molecule Chemistry and Physics: An A. Vaseashta, D. Dimova-Malinovska and J.M. Marshall (Editors), "Nanostructured and Advanced Materials", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, 6-17 September 2004 (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2005, 424 pages. J. Lyklema, "Particulate Colloids: Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid A.D. Schlüter (Editor), "Functional Molecular Nanostructures", (Topics in Current Chemistry), Springer, 2005, 327 pages. N. Ueyama and A. Harada (Editors), "Macromolecular Nanostructured Materials", (Springer Series in Materials Science), Springer, 2005, 336 pages. J. Korvink and O. Paul, "MEMS: A Practical Guide of Design, Analysis, and Applications", Springer, 2005, 400 pages. N.P. Mahalik, "Micromanufacturing and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals, M. Yamashita, H. Shigekawa and R. Morita (Editors), "Mono-Cycle Photonics and Optical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Route to Femtosecond Ångstrom Technology", (Springer Series in Optical Sciences), Springer, 2005, 389 pages. G. Ozin and A Arsenault, "Nanochemistry: A Chemistry Approach to E. Kasper and D.J. Paul, "Silicon Quantum Integrated Circuits - F. Galembeck (Editor), "Surface and Colloid Science", (Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science), Springer, 2005, 320 pages. S.J. Rosenthal and D.W. Wright (Editors), "NanoBiotechnology Protocols", (Methods in Molecular Biology), Humana Press; CD-Rom edition, 2005, 228 pages. G.H. Michler and F.J. Balta-Calleja (Editors), "Mechnical Properties Of Polymers Based on Nano-Structure And Morphology", CRC Press, 2005, 757 pages. J. Lyklema, "Soft Colloids: Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science", (Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science), Academic Press, 2005, 844 pages. Ralf B. Wehrspohn, "Ordered Porous Nanostructures and Applications" K.D. Karlin, "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry", Volume 54, Wiley-Interscience, 2005, 535 pages. R. Tsu, "Superlattice to Nanoelectronics", Elsevier Science, 2005, 300 pages. J.S. Hall, "Nanofuture: What's Next For Nanotechnology", Prometheus Books, 2005, 333 pages. P. Jena, S.N. Khanna and B.K. Rao (Editors), "Clusters and Nano-Assemblies: Physical and Biological Systems", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005, 464 pages. K.S. Breuer (Editor), "Microscale Diagnostic Techniques", Springer, 2005, 260 pages. Author (?), "Optics East 2004: Sensors and Nanotechnologies and D. McGlinchey (Editor), "Characterisation of Bulk Solids", Taylor & Francis Group, 2005, 264 pages. Author (?), "Emerging Applications of Radiation in Nanotechnology", E. Knystautas (Editor), "Engineering Thin Films and Nanostructures with Ion Beams", (Optical Engineering), CRC Press; CD-Rom edition, 2005, 574 pages. A.N. Cartwright and M. Osinski (Editors), "Nanobiophotonics and Biomedical Applications II", Society of Photo Optical, 2005, (?) pages. E.V. Dirote (Editor), "Nanotechnology Focus", Nova Science Pub Inc., 2005, 177 pages. R. Trent, "Molecular Medicine", Academic Press, 2005, 320 pages. P.M. Vilarinho, Y. Rosenwaks and A. Kingon (Editors), "Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional Materials", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study I Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2005, 488 pages. V.E. Borisenko, S.V. Gaponenko and V.S. Gurin (Editors), "Physics, Chemistry And Application of Nanostructures: Reviews And Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2005", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005, 628 pages. H. Baltes, O. Brand, G.K. Fedder, C. Hierold, J.G. Korvink and O. Tabata (Editors), "CMOS-MEMS: Advanced Micro and Nanosystems", (Advanced Micro and Nanosystems), John Wiley, 2005, 608 pages. C.S.S.R. Kumar, J. Hormes, and C. Leuschner (Editors), "Nanofabrication Towards Biomedical Applications: Techniques, Tools, Applications, and Impact", John Wiley, 2005, 442 pages. J. Schulte (Editor), "Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications", John Wiley, 2005, 194 pages. A. Hierlemann, "Integrated Chemical Microsensor Systems in CMOS N.H. Malsch (Editor), "Biomedical Nanotechnology", CRC Press, 2005, 209 pages. R. Kelsall, I.W. Hamley and M. Geoghegan (Editors), "Nanoscale Science and Technology", John Wiley, 2005, 472 pages. M. Ohtsu (Editor), "Progress in Nano-Electro Optics IV: Characterization of Nano-Optical Materials and Optical Near-Field Interactions", (Springer Series in Optical Sciences), Springer, 2005, 206 pages. D. Fiorani, "Surface Effects in Magnetic Nanoparticles", (Nanostructure J. Schwizer, M. Mayer and O. Brand, "Force Sensors for Microelectronic Author (?), "Implications of Nanotechnology for Environmental Health Research", Natational Academy of Sciences (USA), 2005, (?) pages. D.L. Andrews (Editor), "Nanomanipulation with Light", Society of Photo Optical, 2005, 204 pages. G. Chen, "Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion: A Parallel Treatment of Elections, Molecules, Phonons and Photons", (Mit-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering), Oxford University Press, 2005, 531 pages. H.-J. Fecht (Editor), "Nanostructured Materials", John Wiley, 2005, 250 pages. U.S. Government, "2005 Investor's Guide to Major Nanotechnology Companies with Financial Reports for Over One Hundred Firms, Plus Federal Research Nanotech Encyclopedia and Annual Reports", Two-Discs DVD-ROM Set), Progressive Management, 2005, 931258 pages. N. Setter (Editor), "Electroceramic-Based MEMS: Fabrication-Technology and Applications", (Electronic Materials: Science & Technology), Springer, 2005, 414 pages. Business Communications Com., "Nanotechnology for Photonics", [DOWNLOAD: PDF], Business Communications Com., 2005, 168 pages. A. Nabok, "Organic And Inorganic Nanostructures", (Atrech House Mems), U.S. Department of Defense, "21st Century Nanotechnology Digest: Federal Research and the National Nanotechnology Initiative, Nanoscale Science, and Nanomaterials", (Core Federal Information Series), Progressive U.S. Government, "2005 Guide to Nanomedicine Technology: Medical World Spaceflight News, "2005 Nanotechnology Encyclopedia with Xing Zhu, "Nanophotonics, Nanostructure and Nanometrology", (Proceedings of S P I E), Society of Photo Optical, 2005, (?) pages. D. Baird, A. Nordmann and J. Schummer (Editors), "Discovering the Nanoscale", IOS Publishers Inc., 2005, 321 pages. A.W. Miziolek, S.P. Karna and J.M. Mauro (Editors), "Defense Applications of Nanomaterials", (ACS Symposium Series), American Chemical Society, 2005, 346 pages. H. Watarai, N. Teramaea and T. Sawada (Editors), "Interfacial Nanochemistry: Molecular Science and Engineering at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces", (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Plenum, 2005, 321 pages. S.E. Lyshevski, "Nano And Micro-Electromechanical Systems: Fundamentals Of Nano And Microengineering", (Nano and Microscience, Engineering, Technology, and Medicine Series), CRC Press, 2005, 722 pages.
P.M. Martins (Org.), "Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente", Trabalhos apresentados no Segundo Seminário Internacional, Ed. Xamã, São Paulo, 2006, 344 páginas. Jian-qin Liu and K. Shimohara, "Biomolecular Computation for Bionanotechnology", Artech House Publishers, 2006, 286 pages. R. William, "Encyclopaedia of Nano Biology", Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, 2006, (?) pages. J.K. Freericks, "Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures: The Dynamical Mean-field Theory Approach", Imperial College Press, 2006, 327 pages. G.Cao and C. Jeffrey Brinker (Editors), "Annual Review of Nano Research", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006, 648 pages. A.G. Pereira, S.G. Vaz and S.Tognetti, "Interfaces Between Science an Society", European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy, 2006, 366 pages. A. Nordmann, J. Schummer and A.Schwarz, "Nanotechnologien im Kontext: Philosophische, Ethische und Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven", Berlin: Akademischen Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006, 442 pages. A. Busnaina (Editor), "Nanomanufacturing Handbook", CRC Press, 2006, 416 pages. A.M. Spasic, J.-Ping Hsu, "Finely dispersed particles: micro-, nano-, and atto-engineering", CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006, ? pages. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs, "Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization (NanoScience and Technology)", Springer, 2006, 378 pages. D. Minoli, "Nanotechnology applications to telecommunications and networking", Wiley-Interscience, 2006, ? pages. D.M. Berube (foreword by Mihail C. Roco), "Nano-hype: the truth behind the nanotechnology buzz", Prometheus Books, 2006, ? pages. E. Roduner, "Nanoscopic Materials Size-Dependent Phenomena", Royal Chemical Society, 2006, 286 pages. F. Kimura and K. Horio (Editors), "Towards the Synthesis of Micro-Nano-systems: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering", Springer, 2006, 356 pages. G. Fox-Rabinovich and G.E. Totten (Editors), "Self-Organization During Friction", CRC Press, 2006, 480 pages. Glen E. Fryxell, "Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Sorbents And Sensors", Imperial College Press, 2006, ? pages. H.E. Toma, "Mundo Nanométrico: A Dimensão do Novo Século", Oficina de Textos, 2006, 104 páginas. J. Berthier and P. Silberzan, "Microfluidics for biotechnology", Artech House, 2006, ? pages. J. Schummer (Editor), "Nanotechnology Challenges: Implications for Philosophy, Ethics and Society", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006, 476 pages. N. Duran, L.H.C. Mattoso and P.C. de Morais, "Nanotecnologia: introdução, preparação e caracterização de nanomateriais e exemplos de aplicação", Artliber, 2006, 208 páginas. P. Balbuena and J.M. Seminario (eds.), "Nanomaterials: Design and Simulation", Volume 18 (Theoretical and Computational Chemistry), Elsevier Science, 2006, 328 pages. P.R. Martins (Coordenador), "Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente - 1º Seminário Internacional", Associação Editorial Humanitas, 2006, 286 páginas. R.W. Berne, "Nanotalk: conversations with scientists and engineers about ethics, meaning, and belief in the development of nanotechnology", Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006, ? pages. S.C. Tjong (Editor), "Nanocrystalline Materials: Their Synthesis-Structure-Property Relationships and Applications", Elsevier Science, 2006, 368 pages. V.P. Torchilin (Editor), "Nanoparticulates As Drug Carriers", Imperial College Press, 2006, 880 pages. M. Meyyappan, "Introduction to Nanotechnology for Scientists and Engineers", John Wiley, 2006, 416 pages. V.D. Labhasetwar and D.L. Lelie-Pelecky (Editors), "Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology", John Wiley, 2006, 512 pages. N. Malanowski, "Growth Market Nanotechnology - An Analisys", Wiley-VCH, 2006, 250 pages. E. Vedmedenko, "Competing Interactions and Patterns in Nanoworld", Wiley-VCH, 2006, 250 pages. S. Zhu (Editor), "Fundamentals of Nanocomposites", Springer, 2006, 400 pages. J. Martinez-Duart, "Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and H. Hoelscher and U. Schwarz, "Atomic-Scale Principles of Point Contact Friction" (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics), Springer, 2006, 150 pages. K.J. Bachmann and H.-J. Lewerenz, "Microphotonics: Materials, Processing and Applications", Springer, 2006, 350 pages. J. Altmann, "Military Nanotechnology: New Technology and Arms Control", Routledge, 2006, (?) pages. A. Bjarklev, "Photonic Crystal Fibers: Science and Applications" (Optical and Fiber Communications Reports), Springer, 2006, 250 pages.
P.M. Martins (Coord.), R.D. Dulley, R.M.B. de Azevedo e O. Sanchez Júnior, "Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente", Ed. Xamã, São Paulo, 2007, 152 páginas. P.M. Martins (Coord.), R.D. Dulley, R.M.B. de Azevedo e O. Sanchez Júnior, "Revolução Invisível", Ed. Xamã, São Paulo, 2007, 102 páginas. C. Binns, "Wiley Survival Guide to Nanotechnology", John Wiley, 2007, 300 pages. K.S. Gehar (Editor), "Nanophysics, Nanocluster and Nanodevices", Nova Science Publishers, 2007, 293 pages. Don Norman, "Extended & Updated Dominants Dictionary of Nanotechnology", Dominant Publishers & Distributors, 2007, (?) pages. R. Preidt (Author), "Nanotechnology and Industrial Future", 4 Vols., Dominant Publishers & Distributors, 2007, (?) pages. L.C. John, "Research Frontiers in Nanotechnology: An Anthology of the Most Recent Findings and Researchers of the Ever-expanding Revolutionary Nanotechnology", 2 Vols., Dominant Publishers & Distributors, 2007, (?) pages. C.S.S.R. Kumar (Editor), "Tissue, Cell and Organ Engineering" (Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences), iley-VCH, 2007, 540 pages. T. Soga (Editor), "Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion", Elsevier Science, 2007, 614 pages. T. Vo-Dinh (Editor), "Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine: Methods, Devices, and Applications", CRC, 2007, 784 pages. S. Zhu (Editor), "Fundamentals of Nanocomposites", Springer, 2007, 415 pages. S. Srivastava, and Richard Cote (Editors), "Nanotechnology for Cancer Detection and Diagnosis" (Fundamental Biomedical Technologies), Springer, 2007, 450 pages. S. Kawata and V.M. Shalaev (Editors), "Tip Enhancement (Advances in Nano-Optics and Nano-Photonics)", Elsevier Science, 2007, 338 pages. K.J. Wilkinson and J.R. Lead (Editors), "Environmental Colloids and Particles: Behaviour, Separation and Characterisation" (Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems), Wiley, 2007, 702 pages. T.L. Alford, L.C. Feldman and J.W. Mayer, "Fundamentals of Nanoscale Film Analysis", Springer 2007, 340 pages. V.M. Shalaev and S. Kawata (Editors), "Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons", Elsevier Science, Elsevier Science, 2007, 340 pages. K.L. Turner and P.G. Hartwell, "Experimental Characterization Techniques for Micro/Nanoscale Devices" (Microsystems), Springer , 2007, 500 pages. B. Boutevin, C. Boyer, I. Csetneki, G. David, J.S. Ferguson, G.Filipcsei, B. Gong, S. Li, W. Li, A.R. Sanford, A.Szilagyi, G. Yang and M. Zrinyi, "Oligomers/Polymer Composites/Molecular Imprinting" (Advances in Polymer Science), Springer, 2007, 230 pages. J. Ach and L. Siep (Editors), "Nano-Bio-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Nanobiotechnology" (Munsteraner Bioethik-Studien), Lit Verlag, 2007, 120 pages. M.F. Ginobili (Editor), "New Topics in Nanotechnology Research", Nova Science Publishers, 2007, 249 pages. H.S. Nalwa (Editor), "Polymeric Nanostructures And Their Applications", 2-Volume set, American Scientific Publishers, 2007, 800 pages. M. Shahinpoor, K.J. Kim and M. Mojarrad, "Artificial Muscles: Applications of Advanced Polymeric Nanocomposites", Taylor & Francis, 2007, 480 pages. B. Aktas, L. Tagirov and F. Mikailov (Editors), "Magnetic Nanostructures" (Springer Series in Materials Science), Springer, 2007, 216 pages. J.A. Rodriguez and M. Fernández-García (Editors), "Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Oxide Nanomaterials", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 717 pages. B. Panchapakesan, "Biomedical Nanotechnology", McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007, 448 pages. H. Masuhara, S. Kawata and F.Tokunaga (Editors), "Nano Biophotonics", Volume 3: Science and Technology (Handai Nanophotonics), Elsevier Science, 2007, 444 pages. H. Linke and A. Mansson (Editors), "Controlled Nanoscale Motion: Nobel Symposium 131" (Lecture Notes in Physics), Springer, 2007, 431 pages. G.T. Staikov (Editor), "Electrocrystallization in Nanotechnology", Wiley-VCH, 2007, 279 pages. K. Scharnberg and S. Kruchinin (Editors), "Electron Correlation in New Materials and Nanosystems" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2007, 437 pages . S.E. Morgan, K.O. Havelka and R.Y. Lochhead, "Cosmetic Nanotechnology: Polymers and Colloids in Personal Care" (ACS Symposium Series), American Chemical Society Publications, 2007, 246 pages. N. Toyota, M. Lang and J. Müller, "Low-Dimensional Molecular Metals" (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences), Springer, 2007, 302 pages. A.D. Maynard and D.Y.H. Pui (Editors), "Nanoparticles and Occupational Health" (Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 9), Springer, 2007, 187 pages. T.Heinzel, "Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures", Wiley-VCH, 2007, 412 pages. D. Thassu, M. Deleers and Y. Pathak (Editors), "Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems" (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences), Informa Healthcare, 2007, 376 pages. E. Gazit, "Plenty of Room for Biology at the Bottom: An Introduction to Bionanotechnology", Imperial College Press, 2007, 220 pages. J. Banks, D. Hanny, M.A. Pachano and L.G. Thompson, "RFID Applied", Wiley, 528 pages. NSTA, "Nanoscale Science", NSTA Press, 2007, 160 pages. P.J. Burke (Editor), "Nanotubes and Nanowires" (Selected Topics in Electronics and Systems), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 120 pages. E. Vedmedenko, "Competing Interactions and Pattern Formation in Nanoworld", Wiley-VCH, 215 pages. C.S.S.R. Kumar (Editor), "Nanomaterials for Biosensors" (Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences), Wiley-VCH, 2007, 430 pages. C.S.S.R. Kumar (Editor), "Nanomaterials for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy", Wiley-VCH, 2007, 757 pages. V.K. Varadan (Editor), "Nanosensors, Microsensors, and Biosensors and Systems 2007", Society of Photo Optical, 2007, (?) pages. A. Gaszo, S. Greßler and F. Schiemer (Editors), "Nano: Chancen und Risiken aktueller Technologien", Springer, 2007, 246 pages. G.E. Fry"ell (Editor), "Environmental Applications of Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Sorbents And Sensors", Imperial College Press, 2007, 520 pages. F. Langa and J.-F. Nierengarten (Editors), "Fullerenes: Principles and Applications" (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007, 300 pages. E.lS. Papazoglou, "BioNanotechnology" (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering), Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2007, 139 pages. G. Ali Mansoori, T.F. George, L. Assoufid and G. Zhang (Editors), "Molecular Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: From Diamondoids to Nanoscale Materials and Applications" (Topics in Applied Physics), Springer, 2007, 428 pages. Z. Zhang, "Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer" (McGraw-Hill Nanoscience and Technology), McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007, 479 pages. C.N.R. Rao, P.J. Thomas and G.U. Kulkarni, "Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Properties and Applications" (Springer Series in Materials Science), Springer, 2007, 182 pages. E. Thomas and Ph.D. Twardowski, "Introduction to Nanocomposite Materials: Properties, Processing, Characterization", Destech Publications, 2007, 320 pages. A.B. Morgan and C.A. Wilkie (Editors), "Flame Retardant Polymer Nanocomposites", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 421 pages. C.S.S.R. Kumar (Editor), "Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences" (10 Volume Set), Wiley-VCH, 2007, 4600 pages. T.M.S. Chang, "Artificial Cells: Biotechnology, Nanomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Blood Substitutes, Bioencapsulation, Cell/Stem Cell Therapy" (Regenerative Medicine, Medicine, Artificial Cells and Nanomedicine), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 484 pages. S.A. Maier, "Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications", Springer, 2007, 248 pages. W.A. Goddard III, D.W. Brenner, S.E. Lyshevski and G.J. Iafrate (Editors), "Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Second Edition (The Electrical Engineering Handbook Series), CRC, 2007, 1056 pages. D. Zhao, S.Qiu, Yi Tang and C.Yu (Editors), "Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials", Volume 165: Proceedings of the 5th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS 2006), Shanghai (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis), Elsevier Science, 2007, 956 pages. L.I. Trakhtenberg, S.H. Lin and O.J. Ilegbusi (Editors), "Physico-Chemical Phenomena in Thin Films and at Solid Surfaces", Volume 34 (Thin Films and Nanostructures), Academic Press, 2007, 804 pages. B. Bhushan (Editor), "Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology", Springer, 2007, 1916 pages. "Nanotechnologies Ethics and Politics" (Ethics Series), United Nations Educational, 2007, 244 pages. S.E. Lyshevski (Editor), "Nano and Molecular Electronics Handbook" (Nano and Microscience, Engineering, Technology, and Medicines Series), CRC, 2007, 912 pages. V.E. Borisenko, V.S. Gurin and S.V. Gaponenko (Editors), "Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2007" (Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomeeting 2007), World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 600 pages. V.K. Varadan (Editor), "Nanosensors, Microsensors, and Biosensors and Systems 2007" (Proceedings of SPIE), Society of Photo Optical, 2007, (?) pages. F. Langa and J-F Nierengarten (Editors), "Fullerenes: Principles and Applications" (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007, 300 pages. G.W. Hanson, "Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics", Prentice Hall, 2007, 400 pages. M. Meyyappan, "Introduction to Nanotechnology for Science and Engineers", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007, 416 pages. Peppas, "Nanotechnology in Therapeutics" (Horizon Bioscience), Taylor & Francis, 2007, 350 pages. S. Hall, A.N. Nazarov and V.S. Lysenko (Editors), "Nanoscaled Semiconductor on Insulator Structures and Devices" (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics), Springer, 2007, (?) pages. A.nis Zribi and J. Fortin (Editors), "Functional Thin Films and Nanostructures for Sensors: Synthesis, Physics and Applications" (Integrated Microanalytical Systems), Springer, 2007, 220 pages. H. Grebel, "Photonics with Nanoscale Structures", Springer, 2007, 300 pages. W.S. Bainbridge, "Nanoconvergence: The Unity of Nanoscience, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science", Prentice Hall PTR, 2007, 272 pages. S. Karabulut, Y. Imamoglu and V. Dragutan (Editors), "Metathesis Chemistry: From Nanostructure Design to Synthesis of Advanced Materials" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2007, 504 pages. C. Koch, I. Ovid'ko, S. Seal and S. Veprek, "Structural Nanocrystalline Materials: Fundamentals and Applications", Cambridge University Press, 2007, 350 pages. F.A. Buot, "Quantum Transport Physics in Mesoscopic Systems and Nanodevices: Foundation of Computational Nonequilibrium Physics in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 600 pages. V. Labhasetwar and D.L. Leslie-Pelecky (Editors), "Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 264 pages. S.A. Campbell, "Fabrication Engineering at the Micro and Nanoscale" (The O"ford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering), Oxford University Press, 2007, 672 pages. F. Allhoff, P. Lin, J. Moor and J. Weckert (Editors), "Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 416 pages. S. Zhang and N. Ali (Editors), "Nanocomposite Thin Films and Coatings: Processing, Properties and Performance", Imperial College Press, 2007, 500 pages. A.V. Zvelindovsky (Editor), "Nanostructured Soft Matter: Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives" (NanoScience and Technology), Springer, 2007, 634 pages. T.-Yi Ho, Y-W Chang and Sao-Jie Chen, "Full-Chip Nanometer Routing Techniques" (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing), Springer, 2007, 150 pages. A. van den Berg and H. Andersson, "Lab-on-Chips for Cellomics: Micro and Nanotechnologies for Life Science", Springer, 2007, 363 pages. M. Steinfeldt, A. von Gleich, U. Petschow and R. Haum, "Nanotechnologies, Hazards and Resource Efficiency: A three-tiered approach to assessing the implications of nanotechnology and influencing its development", Springer, 2007, 272 pages. M.V. Diudea and C.L. Nagy, "Periodic Nanostructures" (Developments in Fullerene Science), Springer, 2007, 250 pages. A.M. Gatti, and S. Montanari, "Nanopathologies: The Health Impact of Nanoparticles", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 200 pages. A. Lamprecht, "Nanotherapeutics: Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 250 pages. A. Andreev (Editor), "Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Band Structure, Optical Properties And Applications", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, (?) pages. A.G. Davies and J.M.T. Thompson (Editors), "Advances in Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials and Assembly" (Royal Society Series on Advances in Science), Imperial College Press, 2007, 350 pages. Lide Zhang and Xiaosheng Fang Changhui Ye, "Controlled Growth of Nanomaterials", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, (?) pages. E. Papp and C. Micu, "Low-Dimensional Nanoscale Systems on Discrete Spaces", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 276 pages. N.A. Monteiro-Riviere and C. Lang Tran (Editors), "Nanotoxicology: Characterization, Dosing and Health Effects", Informa Healthcare, 2007, 432 pages. S. Voldman (Editor), "Electrostatic Discharge Phenomena in Nanostructure Technology" (Electrical and Computer Engineering), CRC, 300 pages. M.S. Islam and M. Thornton (Editors), "Introduction to Nanoscale Devices" (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems), Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2007, (?) pages. K. Ostrikova and S. Xu, "Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication: From Plasma Sources to Nanoassembly", Wiley-VCH, 250 pages. D.L. Andrews and Z. Gaburro (Editors), "Frontiers in Surface Nanophotonics: Principles and Applications" (Springer Series in Optical Sciences), Springer, 2007, 186 pages. B. Azzerboni, G. Asti, L. Pareti and M. Ghidini (Editors), "Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording" (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics), Springer, 2007, 320 pages. I. Flatow, "Present at the Future: From Evolution to Nanotechnology", Candid and Controversial Conversations on Science and Nature, Collins, 2007, (?) pages. A. Noy (Editor), "Handbook of Molecular Force Spectroscopy", Springer, 2007, (?) pages. O.G. Schmidt (Editor), "Lateral Alignment of Epitaxial Quantum Dots" (NanoScience and Technology), Springer, 2007, 724 pages. M. Reza Mozafari (Editor), "Nanomaterials and Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications", Springer, 2007, 235 pages. R. Hester and R. Harrison (Editors), "Nanotechnology:: Consequences for Human Health & the Environment" (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007, 381 pages. S. Seal (Editor), "Functional Nanostructures: Processing, Characterization, and Applications" (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Springer, 2007, 592 pages. E.V. Dirote (Editor), "New Developments in Nanotechnology Research", Nova Science Publishers, 2007, (?) pages. C.N.R. Rao, A. Müller and A.K. Cheetham (Editors), "Nanomaterials Chemistry: Recent Developments and New Directions", Wiley-VCH, 2007, 420 pages. M.E. Mitchell and N. Cameron (Editors), "Nanoscale: Issues and Perspectives for the Nano Century", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 488 pages. S.E. Lyshevski, "Molecular Electronics, Circuits, and Processing Platforms" (Nano- and Microscience, Engineering, Technology and Medicine), CRC, 2007, (?) pages. T.J. Webster (Editor), "Nanotechnology for the Development of Hard and Soft Tissues", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 300 pages. B. Rogers, S. Pennathur and J. Adams, "Nanotechnology: Understanding Small Systems" (Mechanical Engineering), CRC, 2007, 328 pages. D. Tolfree and M.J. Jackson (Editors), "Commercializing Micro-Nanotechnology Products", CRC, 2007, 296 pages. H.S. Nalwa and T. Webster (Editors), "Cancer Nanotechnology", American Scientific Publishers, 2007, 500 pages. V. Kumar (Editor), "Nanosilicon", Elsevier Science, 2007, 388 pages. R.M. Mathur, "Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings", Wiley-American Ceramic Society, 2007, 250 pages. P. Holister, "Nanotechnology and the Future of Energy", John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2007, 352 pages. B.A. Korgel and M.J. Yacaman, "Fundamentals of Nanotechnology", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007, 704 pages. S. Fiorito, "Carbon Nanotubes: Angels or Demons?", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 200 pages. C. Durkan, "Current at the Nanoscale: An Introduction to Nanoelectronics", Imperial College Press, 2007, 250 pages. E.R. Leite (Editor), "Handbook of Nanostructured Materials for Alternative Energy Devices", Springer, 2007, 600 pages. C. Bréchignac, P. Houdy and M. Lahmani (Editors), "Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry", Springer, 2007, 740 pages. V. Cristini, M. Ferrari and P. Decuzzi (Editors), "Nanoparticulate Delivery to Cancerous Lesions: Advances in Mathematical Modeling" (Fundamental Biomedical Technologies), Springer; 2007, 200 pages. T. Liu, "Nanoscale Inorganic Macroions in Solution" (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Springer, 2007, 350 pages. K. Kalantar-zadeh, W. Wlodarski and B. Fry, "Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors", Springer, 2007, 500 pages. S.N. Karmakar, S.K. Maiti and C. Jayeeta (Editors), "Physics of Zero- and One-Dimensional Nanoscopic Systems" (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences), Springer, 2007, 340 pages. I. Majoros and J. Jr. Baker (Editors), "Dendrimer-based Nanomedicine", World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007, 320 pages. Nan Yao (Editor), "Focused Ion Beam Systems: Basics and Applications", Cambridge University Press, 2007, 456 pages. S. Hardt and F.Schönfeld (Editors), "Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis Systems" (MEMS Reference Shelf), Springer, 2007, 550 pages. C. Wei, "Nanomedicine - An Issue of Medical Clinics" (The Clinics: Internal Medicine), Saunders, 2007, 240 pages. O. Shoseyov and I. Levy (Editors), "NanoBioTechnology: BioInspired Devices and Materials of the Future", Humana Press, 2007, 500 pages. M. Hosokawa, K. Nogi, M. Naito and T. Yokoyama (Editors), "Nanoparticle Technology Handbook", Elsevier Science, 2007, 900 pages. P. Knauth and J. 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Malshe (Editor), "Fabrication, Packaging and Integration of MEMS and Related Microsystems", Springer, 2007, (?) pages. L. Merhari (Editor), "Hybrid Nanocomposites for Nanotechnology: Electronic, Optical, Magnetic and Bio/Medical Applications)", Springer, 2007, 1030 pages. J. Hutchison and A. Kirkland (Editors), "Nanocharacterisation" (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007, 231 pages. F. Allhoff and P. Lin (Editors), "Nanoethics: Emerging Debates", Springer, 2007, (?) pages. J.E. Morris and D. Mallik (Editors), "Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics Packaging", Springer, 2007, 600 pages. G. Silva (Editor), "Nanotechnology for Biology and Medicine", Springer, 2007, 400 pages. O. Solgaard, "Photonic Microsystems: Micro and Nanotechnology applied to Optical Devices and Systems" (MEMS Reference Shelf), Springer, 2007, 600 pages. Z.M. Wang (Editor), "Self-Assembled Quantum Dots" (Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology), Springer, 2007, (?). K.F. Bohringer, "Self-Assembly from Nano to Milli Scales" (MEMS Reference Shelf), Springer, 2007, 500 pages. F. Lombardi and J. Huang, "Design and Test of Digital Circuits by Quantum-dot Cellular Automata", Artech House Publishers, 2007, (?) pages. J. Mongillo, "Nanotechnology 101" (Science 101), Greenwood Press, 2007, (?) pages. E.I. Yuryea, "Quantum Chemistry and Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy Data of Natural and Synthetic Nanotechnological Materials With Nd-Metal Atoms Participations", Nova Science Pub. Inc., 2007, (?) pages. V. Gavrilenko, "The Optics of Nanomaterials", World Scientific Publishing, 2007, 350 pages. S. Bandyopadhyay and M. Cahay, "Introduction to Spintronics", CRC, 2007, 500 pages. R.A.L. Jones, "Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life", Oxford University Press, 2007, 238 pages. B.T. Wong and P.M. Meng, "Thermal Transport for Applications in Nanomachining" (Microtechnology and Mems), Springer-Verlag, 2007, (?) pages. R. Rigler and H. Vogel (Editors), "Single Molecules and Nanotechnology" (Springer Series in Biophysics), Springer, 2007, (?) pages. D.V. Nicolau, "Nanodevices Based on Protein Molecular Motors: An Engineering Approach" (Fundamental Biomedical Technologies), Springer, 2007, 250 pages. C.W. Shong,, S.C. Haur and A.T.Z. Wee, "Science at the Nanoscale: An Introductory Textbook", World Scientific Publishing, 2007, (?) pages. J.W. Bulte and M. Modo (Editors), "Nanoparticles in Biomedical Imaging: Emerging Technologies and Applications" (Fundamental Biomedical Technologies), Springer, 2007, 412 pages. S.K. Das, S.U. Choi, W.Yu and T. Pradeep, "Nanofluids: Science and Technology", Wiley-Interscience, 2007, 394 pages. C.J. Chen, "Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy" (Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials), Oxford University Press, 2007, (?) pages. M. Köhler and W.Fritzsche, "Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques", Wiley-VCH, 2007, 317 pages. P. Brown and K. Stevens (Editors), "Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles", CRC, 2007, (?) pages. V. Erokhin, M.K. Ram and Ö.Yavuz (Editors), "The New Frontiers of Organic and Composite Nanotechnology", Elsevier Science, 2007, (?) pages. A. Frangi, C. Cercignani, S. Mukherjee and N. Aluru, "Advances In Multiphysics Simulation And Experimental Testing of Mems", World Scientific, 2007, 500 pages. A.A. Tseng, "Nanofabrication - Fundamentals and Applications", World Scientific, 2007, 700 pages. L. Zhang, X. Fang and C. Ye, "Controlled Growth of Nanomaterials", World Scientific, 2007, 480 pages. A.M. Gatti and S. Montanari, "Nanopathology -The Health Impact of Nanoparticles", World Scientific, 2007, 312 pages. A.G. Davies and J.M.T. Thompson, "Advances in Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials and Assembly", World Scientific, 2007, 328 pages. C. Durkan, "Current at the Nanoscale - An Introduction to Nanoelectronics", World Scientific, 2007, 250 pages.
C. Binns, "Wiley Survival Guide to Nanotechnology", John Wiley, 2007, 300 pages. D. Bennett-Woods, "Nanotechnology: Ethics and Society" (Perspectives in Nanotechnology), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. M.J. Zehetbauer and Y.T. Zhu (Editors), "Bulk Nanostructured Materials", Wiley-VCH, 2008, 750 pages. K.H. Heller, "The University Textbook of Nanotechnology" (2 Vols.), Dominant Publishers & Distributors, 2008, (?) pages. C. Contescu, "Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Second Edition (Online version), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. T.J. Frey, "Nanotechnology: The Future" (Perspectives in Nanotechnology), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. M. Ohtsu, K. Kobayashi, T. Kawazoe, T. Yatsui and M. Naruse (Editors), "Principles of Nanophotonics" (Optics and Optoelectronics), Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008, (?) pages. A. Bjarklev, "Photonic Crystal Fibers: Science and Applications" (Optical and Fiber Communications Reports), Springer, 2008, 250 pages. A.A. Tseng and W. Trybula (Editors), "Emerging Lithographic Technologies for Nanopatterning", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. G.L. Hornyak, H.F. Tibbals and J. Dutta, "Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. C. Laurencin and L. Nair, "Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering: The Scaffold", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. G.L. Hornyak, "Nanotechnology: Education and Workforce Development (Nanotechnology Series), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. J.A. Shatkin, "Nanotechnology: Health and Environmental Risks" (Perspectives in Nanotechnology), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. P.M. Boucher, "Nanotechnology: Legal Aspects" (Perspectives in Nanotechnology), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. J. Vacca, "Nanotechnology: Materials, Systems, and Processes at the Nano-Scale", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008, 576 pages. M.T. Burke, "Nanotechnology: The Business" (Perspectives in Nanotechnology), CRC, 2008, (?) pages. Z.M. Wang (Editor), "One-Dimensional Nanostructures" (Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology), Springer, 2008, (?) pages. N. Ghoniem and D. Walgraef, "Instabilities and Self-Organization in Materials" (Monographs on the Physics & Chemistry of Materials), Oxford University Press, 2008, 1088 pages. RAND, "The Societal Impacts of Nanotechnology", RAND Corporation, 2008, (?) pages. D. Shaw and B. Liu (Editors), "Handbook of Micro And Nanoparticle Science And Technology", Springer-Verlag, 2008, 2400 pages. M. Madou, "Solid State Physics in Microfabrication and Nanotechnology", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. C. Harrats, "Multiphase Polymer - Based Materials: An Atlas of Phase Morphology at the Nano and Micro Scale", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. S.M. Lane and T. Huser, "Nano-Biophotonics Applications in Advanced Cellular and Molecular Imaging" (Biophotonic Science and Engineering), CRC, 2008, 400 pages. M. Madou, "Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology", Third Edition, CRC, 2008, 736 pages. D. Shi, M. Schulz, Z. Ren, Z. Lin Wang and K. Kang, "Nanomaterials and Biomedical Applications", Springer-Verlag, 2008, (?) pages. R. Gupta and E. Kennel, "Polymer Nanocomposites Handbook", CRC, 2008, 350 pages. K. Sellers, "Nanotechnology and the Environment", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. W. Sigmund, H. El-Shall, D.O. Shah and B.M. Moudgil, "Particulate Systems in Nano and Biotechnologies", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. D. Li (Editor), "Encyclopedia of Microfluidics And Nanofluidics", Springer, Spriger, 2008, 1800 pages. L. Nagahara, N. Tao and T. Thundat, "Introduction to Nanosensors" (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Springer, 2008, 450 pages, G. Schmid (Editor), "Nanotechnology", Wiley-VCH, 2008, 500 pages. A.M. Genaidy and W. Karwowski (Editors), "Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety", CRC, 2008, 656 pages. D.Vollath and D.V. Szabo, "Nanomaterials: An Introduction to Synthesis, Characterization and Processing", John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008, 200 pages. J. Golden (Editor), "Nanobiotechnology", CRC, 2008, 400 pages. M. Charlton and G. Parker (Editors), "Photonic Crystals: Nanostructures for Controlling Light" (Optics and Optoelectronics), Taylor & Francis, 2008, 350 pages. V.P. Shmerko, S.N. Yanushkevich and Sergey E. Lyshevski, "Computer Arithmetics for Nanoelectronics", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. I. Malsch, "Nanotechnology and Human Health", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. M.Y.A. Raja and S. Qazi and M.Ilyas, "Nanotechnology for Telecommunications", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. M. Meyyappan and M.K. Sunkara, "Inorganic Nanowires: Applications, Properties, and Characterization", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. V.M. Starov, "Nano-Science: Colloidal Background", CRC, 2008, (?) pages. A. Lamprecht, "Nanotherapeutics - Drug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience", World Scientific, 2008, 250 pages. F. Rahman, "Nanostructures in Electronics and Photonics", World Scientific, 2008, 400 pages.
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