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BIBLIOTECA LQES DE QUÍMICA SUPRAMOLECULAR Química Supramolecular A Química Molecular é a mais fiel expressão da ligação covalente. A Química Supramolecular, a seu lado, é a "química além da molécula", cujo desafio é ter o controle das ligações não-covalentes intermoleculares. Assim, ela está relacionada com entidades químicas de complexidade mais elevada que as próprias moléculas - espécies supramoleculares e conjuntos ligados entre si e organizados por meio de interações ligantes intermoleculares. Trata-se de um campo altamente interdisciplinar da ciência e tecnologia, constituindo-se, muitas vezes, na ponte entre a Química, a Biologia e a Física. A Química Supramolecular incorpora todo o poder criativo da Química. A Química, dada sua essência, sua habilidade em criar e a beleza de seus objetos é, a um só tempo, uma arte e uma ciência. De fato, a Química molda novos mundos, que não existiriam antes que as mãos do químico os tivessem modelado, da mesma maneira que as mãos do escultor transforma seu trabalho em arte. (Tradução livre do texto da contracapa do livro de Jean-Marie Lehn, Supramolecular Chemistry (1995), feita por Oswaldo Luiz Alves). O material apresentado na BIBLIOTECA LQES DE QUÍMICA SUPRAMOLECULAR SUPRAMOLECULAR foi compilado e editado pelo Prof. Oswaldo Luiz Alves, Coordenador Científico do LQES - Laboratório de Química do Estado Sólido, do Instituto de Química da UNICAMP. É constituída de textos, bibliografia especializada e, futuramente, de websites. Com relação à Bibliografia, trata-se da Versão 2.0, que contém, para algumas obras, informações adicionais. Conteúdos e/ou resenhas das obras serão periodicamente incorporados, à medida em que as informações forem obtidas e/ou autorizadas. Para consulta, basta clicar no ano. Os números que aparecem entre parênteses referem-se ao número de páginas que os diferentes Autores dedicaram ao tópico focalizado.
Autobiografia - Jean-Marie Lehn - Uma Autobiografia, Prêmio Nobel de Química de 1987, publicado em Le Prix Nobel 1987.
G. Pifat-Mrzljak (Editor), "Supramolecular Structure and Function", World Scientific Pub Co., New York, 1988. P. Friedrich, "Supramolecular Enzyme Organization: Quaternary Structure J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davis and D.D. MacNicol (Editors), "Inclusion Compounds: Structural Aspects of Inclusion Compounds Formed by Inorganic and Organometallic Host Lattices", Academic Press, London, UK, volume 1, 1984, 420 pages. Contents: H.M. Powell: Introduction (28); T. Iwamoto: The Hofmann-type and related inclusion compounds (30); J. Lipkowski: Inclusion compounds formed by Werner MX2A4 coordination compounds (46); J. Hanotier and P. Radzitzky: Inclusion compounds of diisothiocyanatotetrakis(a-arylalkylamine) nickel (II) complexes (30); G.A. Jeffrey: Hydrate inclusion compounds (55); R.M. Barrer: Zeolite complexes (57); R. Schöllhorn: Intercalation compounds (101); H.R. Allcock: Cyclophospahazene inclusion compounds (23); J.L. Atwood: Liquid clathrates (28). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davis and D.D. Mac Nicol (Editors), "Inclusion Compounds: Structural Aspects of Inclusion Compounds Formed by Organic Host Lattices", Academic Press, London, UK, volume 2, 1984, 499 pages. Contents: D.D. MacNicol: Structure and design of inclusion compounds:the clathrates of hydroquinone, phenol, Dianin's compound and related systems (46); K. Takemoto and N. Sonoda: Inclusion compounds of urea, thiourea and selenourea (21); M. Farina: Inclusion compounds of perhydrotriphenylene (27); A. Collet: Inclusion compounds of cyclotriveraltrylene and related hosts (25); D.D. Mac Nicol: Structure and design of inclusion compounds: the hexa-hosts and symmetry considerations (45); W.D. Ollis and J.F. Stoddart: The trianthranilides: a new class of organic hosts (37); E. Giglio; Inclusion compounds of deoxycholeic acid (23); W. Saenger: Structural aspects of cyclodextrins and their inclusion complexes (29); I. Goldberg: Complexes of crown ethers with molecular guests (77); B. Dietrich: Cryptate complexes (66); J.E.D. Davies, P. Finocchiaro and F.H. Herbstein: Inclusion compounds formed by other host lattices (48). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davis and D.D. Mac Nicol (Editors), "Inclusion Compounds: Physical Properties and Applications", Academic Press, London, UK, volume 3, 1984, 669 pages. Chapters: N.G. Parsonage and L.A.K. Staveley: Thermodynamic studies of clathrates and inclusion compounds (36); J.E.D. Davis: Spectroscopic studies of inclusion compounds (31); D.W. Davidson and J.A. Ripmeester: NMR, NQR and dielectric properties of clathrates (56); G.D. Andreeti : Crystallographic studies of inclusion compounds (17); A. Guarino : Host lattice-guest molecule energy transfer processes (25); D. Sybilska and E. Smolková-Keulemansová: Application of inclusion phenomena in chromatography (68); A. Sopková and M. Singliar: The sorptive abilities of tetracyanocomplexes (11); N.O. Smith: Isotopic fractionation using inclusion compounds (05); R. Arad-Yellin, B.S. Green, M. Knossow and G. Tsoucaris: Enantiomeric selectivity of host lattices (33); M. Farina: Inclusion polymerization (33); J. Szejtli: Industrial applications of cyclodextrin (58); R.J. Bergeron: Cycloamylose-substrate binding (54); I. Tabushi: Reactions of inclusion complexes formed by cyclodextrins and their derivatives (27); R. Breslow: Enzyme models related to inclusion compounds (29); L.N. Johnson: Enzyme-substrate interactions (60); D.W. McBride Jr., R.M. Izatt, J.D. Lamb and J.J. Christensen: Cation transport in liquid membranes mediated by macrocyclic crown ether cryptand compounds (59). G. Biggio (Editor), "Receptors as Supramolecular Entities", Pergamon Press, New York, 1983, 476 pages. G. Herak and J.N. Pifat, "Supramolecular Structure and Function", Plenum
B. Chu (Editor), "Selected Papers on Quasielastic Light Scattering by Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Fluid Systems", (Spie Milestone Series, Vol 12), SPIE, USA, 1990.
F. Diederich, "Cyclophanes", (Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry),: H.-J. Schneider and H. Durr (Editors), "Frontiers in Supramolecular Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry", VCH Pub., Wenheim, 1991. J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davis and D.D. Mac Nicol (Editors),"Inclusion Compounds: Key Organic Host Systems", Academic Press, London, UK, volume 4, 1991, 369 pages. Contents: H. Gies: Clathrasils and zeosils: inclusion compounds with silica host frameworks (36); J.A. Ripmeester and C.I. Ratcliffe: Solid state NMR studies of inclusion compounds (53); N. Herron: Catalytic aspects of inclusion in zeolites (14); J.M. Thomas and C.R. Theocharis: The structural chemistry and reactivity of organic guests in layered aluminosilicate hosts (32); G. Alberti and U. Costantino: Intercalates of zirconium phosphates and phosphonates (41); T. Iwamoto: Inclusion compounds of multi-dimensional cyanometal complex hosts (36); Yu.A. Dyadin, I.V. Bondaryuk and F.V. Zhurko: Clathrate hydrates at high pressures (63); D.H. Busch and N.A. Stephenson: The transition metal cyclidenes: a broad family of complexes well suited to inclusion chemistry (35); K. Harata: Recent advances in the X-ray analysis of cyclodextrin complexes (34); J.C. Lockhart: Chemical sensors (20). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davis and D.D. Mac Nicol (Editors), "Inclusion Compounds: Inorganic and Physical Aspects of Inclusion", Academic Press, London, UK, volume 5, 1991, 508 pages. Contents: R. Bishop and I.G. Dance: Design, synthesis and structure of alicyclic diol hosts (23); C.D. Gutsche: Calixarene chemistry: an overview (36); G.D. Andreetti, F. Ugozzoli, R. Ungaro and A. Pochini: Inclusion of ions and neutral molecules in calixarenes (61); F. Toda: Inclusion by acetylenic alcohols and some other novel host compounds (61); E. Weber: Scissor-type hosts: molecular design and inclusion behaviour (74); F. Ebmeyer and F. Vögtle: New hosts for the moleculat recognition and encapsulation of guest compounds (19); G.W. Gokel: Lariant ethers (41); T.W. Bell and S.K. Sahni: Bridged pyridine hosts (65); H.E. Katz: Recent advances in multidentate anion complexation (14); I. Goldberg: Structural aspects of organic clathrates in relation to molecular recognition (41); Y. Murakami, J. Kikuchi and Y. Hisaeda: Catalytic applications of cyclophanes (30).
J.E.D. Davies (Editor), "Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Supramolecular Systems", (Topics in Inclusion Science, Vol 4), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992. V. Balzani and L. De Cola (Editors), "Supramolecular Chemistry: Proceedings of the 11 NATO Science Forum Taormina", (Sicily, Italy, December 15-18, 1992), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992. T. Bein (Editor), "Supramolecular Architecture: Synthetic Control in Thin Films and Solids", (ACS Symposium Series, No 499), American Chemical Society, Division of Inorganic Chemistry), ACS, Washington, 1992. Contents: Supramolecular Architecture: Tailoring Structure and Function of Assemblies. Designing Ordered Molecular Arrays in Two and Three Dimensions. Synthesis and Deposition of Electron Donors, Acceptors, and Insulators as Components of Zirconium Diphosphonate. Multilayer Films Synthesis and Properties of Novel Low-Dimensional Ruthenium Materials: Self-Assembled Multilayers and Mixed Inorganic-Organic Polymers. Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Transitional-Metal Complexes. Biomimetic Thin-Film Synthesis Nanoscale Surface-Modification Techniques Using the Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Design and Chemical Reactivity of Low-Dimensional Solids: Some Soft Chemistry Routes to New Solids Iron Oxychloride as a Precursor to Lamellar Iron Phosphonates by Soft Chemistry Pillared Layered Materials. Organoclay Assemblies and Their Properties as Triphase Catalysts Thermal Analysis of Porphyrin-Clay Complexes. Synthesis and Study of Asymmetrically Layered Zirconium Phosphonates. Polyether and Polyimine Derivatives of Layered Zirconium Phosphates as Supramolecules. Crystalline Inorganic Hosts as Media for the Synthesis of Conductive Polymers. Intercalation and Polymerization of Aniline in Layered Protonic Conductors. Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids. Electrodeposition of Nanoscale Artificially Layered Ceramic. Crystal Engineering of Novel Materials Composed of Infinite Two- and Three-Dimensional Frameworks. Zeolite Inclusion Chemistry: Clusters, Quantum Dots, and Polymers. Three-Dimensional Periodic Packaging: Sodalite, a Model System. Topotactic Kinetics in Zeolite Nanoreaction Chambers. Self-Assembling Electron-Transport. Chains in Zeolites: Molecular Bilayer. Rectifiers and Photodiodes Synthesis of NaX Zeolites with Metallophthalocyanines. Synthesis via Superlattice Reactants: Low-Temperature Acces to Metastable Amorphous Intermediates and Crystalline Products. Solid-State Metathesis Routes to Layered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides and Refractory Materials. Encapsulation of Organic Molecules and Enzymes in Sol-Gel Glasses: a Review of Novel Photoactive, Optical, Sensing, and Bioactive Materials. Sol-Gel Preparation of Optically Clear Supported Thin-Film Glasses Embodying Laser Dyes: Novel Fast Method. NATO, "Structure and Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Colloids and B. Dietrich, P. Viout and J.-M. Lehn, "Macrocyclic Chemistry: Aspects of
C.D. Gutsche, "Calixarenes", (Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry), Springer Verlag, New York, 1993. E. Weber, "Supramolecular Chemistry I: Directed Synthesis and Molecular Recognition", (Topics in Current Chemistry, Vol 165), Springer Verlag, New York, 1993. Contents: F.H. Kohnke, J. Mathias, J.F. Stoddart: Substrate-Directed Synthesis: The Rapid Assembly of Novel Macropolycyclic Structures via Stereoregular Diels-Alder Oligomerizations. S.C. Zimmerman: Rigid Molecular Tweezers as Hosts for the Complexation of Neutral Guests. A. Collet, J.-P. Dutasta, B. Lozach, J. Canceill: Cyclotriveratrylenes and Cryptophanes: Their Synthesis and Applications to Host-Guest Chemistry and to the Design of New Materials. J.-C. Chambron, Ch.D. Dietrich-Buchecker, S. Misumi: From Classical Chirality to Topologically Chiral Catenands and Knots. S. Misumi: Recognitory Coloration of Cations with Chromoacerands. D.A. Tomalia, H.D. Durst: Genealogically Directed Synthesis: Starburst/Cascade Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Structures. F. Vogtle, "Supramolecular Chemistry: An Introduction", John Wiley, New Contents: Supramolecular, Bioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry.
D.J. Cram and J.M. Cram (Editors), "Container Molecules and Their Guests", (Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry), Springer Verlag, New York, 1994. J.-H. Fuhrhop and J.Koning, "Membranes and Molecular Assemblies: The G. Wipff (Editor), "Computational Approaches in Supramolecular Chemistry", (NATO Asi Series. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol 426), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1994. G.R. Fleischaker, S. Colonna and P.L. Luisi (Editors), "Self-Production of Supramolecular Structures: From Synthetic Structures to Models of Minimal Living Systems" (NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physics), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1994. Contents: Introduction; P.L. Luisi. Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. Historical overview to the quest of self-reproduction and artificial life; S. Hoffmann. On defining life; F.J. Varela. A few precautionary words concerning terminology; G.R. Fleischaker. Template Chemistry. Molecular replication: From minimal to complex systems; D. Sievers, T. Achilles, J. Burmeister, S. Jordan, A. Terfort, G. von Kiedrowski. Self-replication and reproduction: From molecules to protocells; E. Szathmary. Extrabiotic replication and self-assembly; J. Rebek, Jr. The prebiotic synthesis and replication of RNA oligomers: the transition from prebiotic molecules to the RNA world; J.P. Ferris. Template-directed synthesis of oligomers: Kinetics vs thermodynamic control; J.T. Goodwin, P. Replication. Chirality and the first self-replicating molecules; A.W. Schwartz, M.J. Van Vliet. Are peptides possible support for self-amplification of sequence information? A. Brack. The RNA World. Minimonsters: Evolutionary by-products of in vitro RNA amplification; R.R. Breaker, G.F. Joyce. Models for the autocatalytic replication of RNA; L. Giver, S. Lato, A. Ellington. RNA species that multiply indefinitely with RNA polymerase; C.K. Biebricher. Chemical oscillations and nonlinear chemical kinetics; P.V. Coveney. The Cell View and Cell Models. The chemical implementation of autopoiesis; P.L. Luisi. Molecular recognition in micelles; J.S. Nowick, J.S. Chen, T. Cao, G. Noronha. Self-reproducing vesicles; P. Walde. Sources and syntheses of prebiotic amphiphiles; D.W. Deamer. Ancient paralogous duplications and the search for Archean cells; V. Garcia-Meza, A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A. Lazcano. Posters. Self-replication of oligonucleotides in reverse micelles; C. Bohler, W. Bannwarth, P.L. Luisi. Liposomes from lipidonucleotides and from lipidopeptides; S. Bonaccio, C. Cescato, P. Walde, P.L. Luisi. Dendritic luminescent and redox-active supermolecules made of transition metal complexes; S. Campagna, G. Denti, S. Serroni, A. Juris, M. Venturi, V. Balzani. Layer-by-layer adsorption: the solid/liquid-interface as a template for the controlled growth of well defined nanostructures of polyelectrolytes, proteins, DNA and polynucleotides; G. Decher, J.-D. Hong, K. Lowack, Y. Lvov, J. Schmitt. Molecular recognition of amino acids by RNA; P. Burgstaller, D. Faulhammer, M. Famulok. Towards nature's structural guidelines: Conclusions on the unsolved structures of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases; D.L. Gerloff. A self-catalyzed (autopoietic) synthesis of an anionic surfactant: Experimental evidence and theoretical modeling; M. Fresta, M. Maestro, F. Mavelli. Competition, reciprocity, and mutation at the molecular level: Irradiation of a synthetic replicator generates a superior species; V. Rotello, Q. Feng, J.-I. Hong, J. Rebek, Jr. Giant vesicles; R. Wick, P. Walde, P.L. Luisi. Index.
Jean-Marie Lehn, "Supramolecular Chemistry - Concepts and Perspectives", VCH, Weinhein, 1995, 271 pages. Contents: From molecular to supramolecular chemistry (10); Molecular recognition (19); Anion coordination chemistry and recognition of anionicsubstrates (14); Coreceptor molecules and multiple recognition (14); Supramolecular reactivity and catalysis (11); Transport processes and carrier design (10); From supermolecules to supramolecular assemblies (5); Molecular and supramolecular devices (89); Self-process-programedsupramolecular systems (56); Perspectives (5); Bibliography and notes (52); Appendix (2). NATO, "Supramolecular Stereochemistry", (NATO ASI Series. Series C, Contents: Preface. Introduction. Section I: Plenary Contributions. Macromolecular Stereochemistry: The Differing Roles of a Helix Reversal in Dilute Solution, in a Liquid Crystal, and in a Polymer Blend; M.M. Green. From Molecular to Supramolecular Chirality; J.H. Van Esch, et al. Template Induced Control of Stereochemistry for the Synthesis of Polymers; G. Wulff. Dendrimers - Nanoscopic Supermolecules According to Dendritic Rules and Principles; D.A. Tomalia. Construction of DNA Polyhedra and Knots Through Symmetry Minimization; N.C. Seeman, et al. Molecular Recognition by Catenated Structures; D.B. Amabilino, J.F. Stoddart. Novel Protein Topologies; K. Mislow, Chengzhi Liang. A New Molecular Encoding Systems; S.A. Benner, et al. Recognition of B vs. Z-Form DNA Using Nickel and Cobalt Complexes; C.J. Burrows, et al. Principles of Antibody Catalysis; D. Hilvert. Mechanistic Studies on the Formation of BZIP.DNA Interfaces; D.N. Paolella, et al. Chiral Discrimination in Crystalline Enantiomer Systems: Facts, Interpretations, and Speculations; A. Collet, et al. J.-M. Lehn, "Supramolecular Chemistry: Concepts and Perspectives: A Contents: From Molecular to Supramolecular Chemistry. Anion Coordination Chemistry and the Recognition of Anionic Substrates. Coreceptor Molecules and Multiple Recognition. Supramolecular Reactivity and Catalysis. Transport Processes and Carrier Design. From Supermolecules to Polymolecular Assemblies. Molecular and Supramolecular Devices. Self-Processes. Programmed (Supra) Molecular Systems. From Structure to Information, The Challenge of Instructed Chemistry. J.-P. Behr (Editor), "The Lock-And-Key Principle: The State of the Art-100 Years", (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol 1), John Wiley, New York, 1995. 336 pages. Contents: Emil Fischer's Lock-and-Key Hypothesis After 100 Years-Towards a Supracellular Chemistry (F. Cramer). Molecular Recognition in Biology: Models for Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interactions (D. Lancet, et al.). New Biocatalysts via Chemical Modification (I. Bell & D. Hilvert). Oligonucleotides: Superspecific Ligands for Targeting Nucleic Acids and Proteins and Development of Molecular Devices (V. Vlassov). Macrocycles and Antibodies as Catalysts (D. Smithrud & S. Benkovic). Lock-and-Key Processes at Crystalline Interfaces: Relevance to the Spontaneous Generation of Chirality (I. Weissbuch, et al.). A Model of the Origin of Life and Perspectives in Supramolecular Engineering (H. Kuhn & J. Waser). Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry From the Lock-and-Key Image to the Information Paradigm (J.-M. Lehn). L. Fabbrizz and A. Poggi (Editors), "Transition Metals in Supramolecular Chemistry", (NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol 448), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995. Contents: Preface. Supramolecular chemistry and photophysics. Energy conversion and information-processing devices based on transition metal complexes; V. Balzani, A. Credi, F. Scandola. Transition metal redox active ligand systems for recognising cationic and anionic guest species; P.D. Beer. Ligand design for enhanced molecular organization - selectivity and specific sequencing in multiple receptor ligands, and orderly molecular entanglements; D.H. Busch. Metal-ions: a self-assembly motif in supramolecular oligomers; E.C. Constable. Biomedical targeting: a role for supramolecular chemistry; K.A. Miller, E.A. Deutsch, S.R. Cooper. Redox chemistry of metal ion complexes: preparation of new materials; L. Echegoyen, E. Perez-Cordero. pH and redox switches based on metal centres; G. de Santis, M. di Casa, L. Fabbrizzi, M. Licchelli, C. Mangano, P. Pallavicini, A.Perotti, A. Poggi, D. Sacchi, A. Taglietti. Schiff base macrocycles and metallo-biosite modelling; D.E. Fenton. Self-assembly of mono and dinuclear metal complexes; oxidation catalysis and metalloenzyme modelling; B.L. Feringa, O.-J. Gelling, M.T. Rispens, M. Lubben. Artificial porphyrins containing cyclopropane units functioning as electron shuttles; C. Floriani. Homo and heterobinuclear metal complexes with bis-macrocyclic ligands; Th.A. Kaden. Ferrocene as a building block for supramolecular systems; A.E. Kaifer. Macrocyclic polyamine complexes beyond metalloenzyme models; E. Kimura, M. Shionoya. Towards molecular wires and switches: exploiting coordination chemistry for nonlinear optics and molecular electronics; J.A. McCleverty. Molecular interactions between metalloproteins involved in electron transfer processes: tetrahaeme cytochrome c3 flavodoxin. 1H NMR and molecular modelling studies; P. Nuno Palma, J. le Gall, J.A. Wampler, J.J.G. Moura. Supramolecular models of metalloproteins; P.A. Gosling, R.J.M. Klein-Gebbink, A.P.H.J. Schenning, M.C. Feiters, R.J.M. Nolte. The role of macrocyclic receptors in the organization of metal centres; A. Bencini, A. Bianchi, P. Paoletti, E. Garcia-Espana. Metallomacrocycles and clefts, receptors for neutral molecules and anions; D.M. Rudlevich, W.T.S. Huck, F.C.J.M. Van Veggel, D.N. Reinhoudt. Chiral recognition by functionalized cyclodextrin metal complexes; G. Maccarrone, E. Rizzarelli, G. Vecchio. Transition metal-directed threading and knotting processes; J.-C. Chambron, C.-O. Dietrich Buchecker, V. Heitz, J.-F. Nierengarten, J.-P. Sauvage. Expanded porphyrins. Receptors for cationic, anionic and neutral substrates; J.L. Sessler, A.K. Burrell, H. Furuta, G.W. Hammi, B.L. Iverson, V. Kral, D.J. Magda, T.D. Mody, K. Shreder, D. Smith, S.J. Weghorn. Following the self-assembly process in solution; A.F. Williams, C. Piguet, R.F. Carina. Author Index. Subject Index.
L. Echegoyen, A.E. Kaifer (Editors), "Physical Supramolecular Chemistry", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 485.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. O. Kahn (Editor), "Magnetism: A Supramolecular Function", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 484), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. G. Herak and J.N. Pifat (Editors), "Supramolecular Stereochemistry", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 473), NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Supramolecular Stereochemistry Supramolecular Structure and Function, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. G. Wipff (Editor), "Computational Approaches in Supramolecular Chemistry", (NATO Asi Series. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 426), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. A.D. Hamilton (Editor), "Supramolecular Control of Structure and Reactivity" (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol 3), John Wiley, New York, 1996, 350 pages. Contents: Metal Template Control of Self-Assembly in Supramolecular Chemistry (J. Fredericks & A. Hamilton). A Survey of Supramolecular Chemistry (1993-1994) (U. Maitra). Control of Reactivity in Aggregates of Amphiphilic Molecules (P. Scrimin). Models of Hemoprotein Active Sites (M. Momenteau). Recent developments in the Design of Self-Replicating Systems (E. Wintner & J. Rebek). Synthetic Control of DNA Triplex Structure Through Chemical Modifications (K. Ganesh, et al.). Indexes. G.R. Desiraju (Editor), "The Crystal As a Supramolecular Entity", (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, Vol. 2), John Wiley & Son Ltd., New York, 1996, 326 pages. Contents: Thoughts on Crystals as Supermolecules (J. Dunitz). Crystal Engineering and Molecular Recognition-Twin Facets of Supramolecular Chemistry (G. Desiraju & C. Sharma). Molecular Shape as a Design Criterion in Crystal Engineering (R. Davis, et al.). Molecular Engineering of Crystals by Electrostatic Templating (P. Fagan & M. Ward). Supramolecular Inorganic Chemistry (I. Dance). The Protein as a Supermolecule: The Architecture of a 8 Barrel (J. Glusker). Index. G. Tsoucaris, J.L. Atwood and J. Lipkowski (Editors), "Crystallography of Supramolecular Compounds", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol 480), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. Contents: Preface; G. Tsoucaris, et al. 1. An Introduction to the Crystallography of Supramolecular Compounds; J.L. Atwood. 2. Association of Helical Peptides and Ion Channels; I.L. Karle. 3. On Molecular Recognition in Fullerene Chemistry; H.B. Buergi. 4. Long Range Order in Organized Monolayers; D. Mobius. 5. Applications of the Cambridge Structural Database in the Study of Non-covalent Interactions; F.H. Allen. 6. Solvent and Dynamic Effects on the structure of Alkali Cation Complexes of the t-butyl-calyx[4]arene Anion: MD and FEP Computer Investigations on the Na+ / Cs+ Binding Affinity; A. Varnek, et al. 7. Solid State NMR in Inclusion Compounds; J.A. Ripmeester, C.I. Ratcliffe. 8. The Single Crystal as a Super Molecule; C. Pascard. 9. New Layered and Pillared-Type Compounds, their Intercalation Chemistry and Applications; G. Alberti, et al. 10. Molecular Tectonics; X. Delaigue, et al. 11. Symmetry in Spheroalcanes, Fullerenes, Tubules and Other Column-Like Aggregates; A. Rassat. 12. Stability, Solvent Patterns and Molecular Recognition in Cyclodextrins; G. Tsoucaris. 13. Constitution and Stability of Clathrate Hydrates; Yu.A. Dyadin. 14. Cyclodextrins and Fragments of Starch and Cellulose: Crystal Structures, Self-Assembly and Hydrogen Bonding; W. Saenger, et al. 15. Clathration and Solvation of Molecules; J. Lipkowski. 16. Inclusion Compounds: Relating Structure to Kinetics and Thermodynamics; L.R. Nassimbeni. 17. The Self- Assembly of Guanosine Derivatives and Folic Acid; G. Gottarelli, et al. 18. Recognition at Crystal Interfaces. Self Organization and Transfer of Structural Information from 2-D Monolayers to 3-D Single Crystals; M. Lahav. 19. Synthetic Receptors: A Modular Approach to Large Structures; I. Higler, et al. 20. Structural Models of Biological Significance from Supramolecular Systems; J.L. Atwood. 21. How DNA is Recognized by Proteins; W. Saenger. 22. Catalytic Antibodies: An Intriguing Host-Guest System; B.S. Green. 23. Supramolecular Organization of Keratinized Tissue; J.-L. Leveque. 24. Molecular Recognition: The Lipocalins; E. Eliopoulos. 25. Supramolecular Photochemical Reactions of Organic Molecules Adsorbed on Porous Crystalline Zeolites; N.J. Turbo. 26. Topics in Supramolecular Chemistry; J.-M. Lehn. Appendix. Tutorials on Molecular Modelling. 1. Introduction to Conformational Analysis with the Macromodel Software; A. Varnek, G. Wipff. 2. Display of Dynamic Structures from Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Aqueous/Non-aqueous Solutions. Comparison with X-Ray Structures; A. Varnek, et al. 3. The Cambridge Structural Database; F. Allen, O. Johnson. 4. Harmony: the Supramolecular Database Management System; M. Bailly, et al. 5. Molecular Graphics Approaches in Structure Prediction and Determination; E. Eliopoulos, I.M. Mavridis. 6. Tutorial Available on a PC Floppy Disk: Display of Supramolecular Structures; E. Eliopoulos, I.M. Mavridis. Index. J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), "COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY". G.W. Gokel (ed.) Molecular Recognition: Receptors for cationic guests, Pergamon, New York, volume 1, 1996, 831 pages. Chapters: G.W. Gokel and O. Murillo: Podands (35); J.S. Bradshaw, R.M. Izatt, A.V. Bordunov, C.Y. Zhu and J.K. Hathaway: Crown ethers (62); G.W. Gokel and O.F. Schall: Lariat ethers (56); B. Dietrich: Cryptands (60); E. Maverick and D.J. Cram: Spherands: hosts preorganized for binding cations (32); J. Telford and K.N. Raymond: Siderophores (22); M. Dobler: Natural cation-binding agents (48); R.D. Rogers and C.B. Bauer: Structural chemistry of metal-crown ether and polyethylene glycol complexes excluding groups 1 and 2 (42); C. Detellier: Complexation mechanisms (20); B.A. Moyer: Complexation and transport (40); D. Landini, A. Maia, M. Penso: Anion activation (48); J.S. Brodbelt: Complexation and the gas phase (12); M.J. Wagner and J.L. Dye: Alkalides and electrides (34); G.W. Gokel and A. Abel: Complexation of organic cations (26); M.A. Mckervey, M.J. Schwing-Weill and F. Arnaud-Neu: Cation binding by calixarenes (68); J.C. Lockhart: Chemical sensors (30); T. Hayashita: Chromoionophores based on crown ethers and related strctures (36); S. Shinkai: Switchable guest-binding receptor molecules (30); A.E. Kaifer and S. Mendoza: Redox-switchable receptors (32); S.J. Loeb: Second-sphere coordination (22); H.G. Richey Jr.: Macrocyclic complexes of organometallics (22); C.L. Raston: Complexation of fullerenes (12). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), Chapters: E. Weber and F. Vögtle: Introduction and historical perspective (28); J. Breitenbach, J. Boosfeld and F. Vögtle: Some general synthetic strategies towards macrocyclic systems (40); H.J. Schneider and A.K. Mohammad-Ali: Receptors for organic guest molecules: general principles (34); A. Pochini and R. Ungaro: Calixarenes and Related Hosts (40); K. Odashima and K. Koga: Cyclophanes and related synthetic hosts for recognition and discrimination of nonpolar structures in aqueous solutions and at membrane surfaces (52); D.A. Dougherty: Cyclophanes hosts: binding of lipophilic and cationic guests (16); F. Vögtle, C. Seel and P.M. Windscheif: Cyclophane hosts: endoacidic, endobasic and endolipophilic large cavities (56); C.A. Hunter: Cyclophane hosts for quinone guests (12); Y. Aoyama: Cyclophane hosts: binding of polyols and related guests (30); B.J. Whitlock and H.W. Whitlock: The role of the cavity in the design of high-efficiency hosts (16); A. Collet: Cryptophanes (42); E. Maverick and D.J. Cram: Carcerands and hemicarcerands: hosts that imprison molecular guests (52); Y. Murakami and O. Hayashida: Large water-soluble cavities (20); D.A. Bell and E.V. Anslyn: Hydrogen-bonding receptors: open-chain catalytic systems (38); W.L. Mock: Cucurbituril (18); W. Verboom and D.N. Reinhoudt: Simultaneous binding of cations and neutral molecules (24); C. Seel and J. De Mendoza: From chloride katapinates to trinucleotide complexes: developments in molecular recognition of anionic species (34); M.T. Reetz: Simultaneous binding of cations and anions (10). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY. J. Szejtli and T. Osa (eds.) Cyclodextrins, Pergamon, New York, volume 3, 1996, 669 pages. Chapters: J. Szejtli: Historical background (5); J. Szejtli: Chemistry, physical and biological properties of cyclodextrins (36); G. Schmid: Preparation and industrial production of cyclodextrins (16); L. Jicsinszky, H. Hashimoto, É. Fenyvesi and E. Ueno: Cyclodextrin derivatives (132); J. Szejtli: Inclusion of guests molecules, selectivity and molecular recognition by cyclodextrins (16); K.A. Connors: Measurements of cyclodextrin complex stability constants (38); L. Szente: Preparation of cyclodextrin complexes (10); L. Szente: Analytical methods for cyclodextrins, cyclodextrin derivates and cyclodextrin complexes (26); K. Harata: Crystallographic studies (26); É. Fenyvesi, L. Szente, N.R. Russell and M. McNamara: Specific guest types (62); T. Osa and I. Suzuki: Reactivityof included guests (34); M. Komiyama: Cyclodextrins as enzyme models (22); R. Bar: Applications of cyclodextrins in biotechonology (18); T. Nagai and H. Ueda: Aspects of drug formulation with cyclodextrins (10); K. Uekama and T. Irie: Pharmaceutical use of cyclodextrins in various drug formulations (32); H. Hashimoto: Cyclodextrins in foods, cosmetics and toiletries (20); L. Szente and J. Szejtli: Cyclodextrins in pesticides (12); J. Snopek, E.S. Keulemansová, T. Cserháti, A.M. Stalcup and K.H. Gahm: Cyclodextrins in analytical separation methods (58); A. Harada and B. Zsadon: Separation, Removal or enrichment of components on a preparative scale (14); W.L. Hinze, F. Dai, R.P. Frankewich, K.N. Thimaiah and S. Szejtli: Cyclodextrins as reagents in analytical chemistry and diagnostics (16); J. Szejtli: Use of cyclodextrins in chemical products and processes (12); G. Schmid: Enzymology of cyclodextrins (12). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), "COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY". Y. Murakami (ed.) Supramolecular reactivity and transport: bioorganic systems, Pergamon, New York, volume 4, 1996, 585 pages. Chapters: C. Brückner, L. Yun Xie and D. Dolphin: Historical perspectives and general introduction (42); K.D. Janda, C.G. Shelvlin and C.H.L. Lo: Catalytic antibodies: chemical and biological approaches (30); D.S. Johnson and D.L. Boger: DNA binding agents (104); C. Giovannageli, J.S. Sun and C. Hélène: Nucleic acids: supramolecular structures and rational design of sequence-specific ligands (16); T. Sasaki and M. Lieberman: Protein mimetics (50); G. Tuchscherer and M. Mutter: Template-assembled synthetic proteins (14); A.P. Davis, R.P. Bonar-Law and J.K.M. Sanders: Receptors based on cholic acid (30); T. Tanaka, M. Hirama, S. Imajo and M. Ishiguro: Supramolecular neocarzinostatin complex (24); J.L. Sessler, B. Wang, S.L. Springs and C.T. Brown: Electron and energy-transfer reactions in noncovalently linked supramolecular model systems (36); H. Ogoshi and T. Mizutani: Biomimetic reactions catalyzed by metalloporphyrins (50); A.M. Ridder and R.M. Kellogg: Models for zinc-containing enzymes (28); Y. Murakami, J. Kikuchi, Y. Hisaeda and T. Ohno: Artificial enzymes and vitamin B6 and B12 activity (58); J.A. Jongejan and J.A. Duine: Supramolecular aspects of enzyme enantioselectivity (30); D.H. Kim: Supramolecular aspects of enzymes (24); H. Kondo: Towards design of artificial enzymes and receptors through site-directed mutagenesis of proteins (22). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), Chapters: J.P. Collman: Functional analogues of the oxygen binding and activating heme proteins (32); R.J.P. Williams: Metalloprotein structure and function (32); E.C. Theil and G.S. Waldo: Ferritin and iron biomineralization (26); C.T. Chen: Coordination polymers (50); K.S. Suslick and S. Van Deusen-Jeffries: Biomimetic shape-selective oxidations (30); J.T. Sage and P.M. Champion: Small substrate recognition in heme proteins (48); F.S. Millett and B. Durham: Protein-protein recognition in long-distance electron transfer (30); K. Aoki: Metal binding effects on nucleic acid structures (46); J.K. Barton and C.M. Dupureur: Site-specific nucleic acid recognition (22); T.D. Tullius: Footprinting of nucleic acids by iron-based reagents (28). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), Chapters: G.R. Desiraju: Review of general principles (22); T.C.W. Mak and B.R.F. Bracke: Hydroquinone clathrates and diamondoid host lattices (38); F.H. Herbstein: 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid (trimesic acid) and some analogues (24); R. Bishop: Helical host lattices formed by alicyclic diols (32); M. Gdaniec, B.T. Ibragimov and S.A. Talipov: Gossypol (30); M. Miyata and K. Sada: Deoxycholic acid and related hosts (30); M.D. Hollingsworth and K.D.M. Harris: Urea, thiourea and selenourea (62); R. Gerdil: Tri-o-thymotide and related hosts (42); A. Collet: Cyclotriveratrylene and related hosts (24); P. Dastidar and I. Goldberg: Hydrocarbon hosts: biaryls, polyarils, allenes, spiranes and cyclophanes (46); T.C.W. Mak and H.N.C. Wong: Tetraphenylene and related hosts (20); M. Farina, G. Di Silvestro and P. Sozzani: Perhydrotriphenylene: A D3 symmetric host (28); T. Kobayashi, S. Isoda and K. Kubono: Cyclophosphazenes: structures and molecular selectivities (22); D.D. Macnicol and G.A. Downing: Symmetric in the evolution of host design (44); F. Toda: Diol, bisphenol and diamide host compounds (52); K. Tanaka and F. Toda: Onium salt hosts (18); E. Weber: Shape and symmetric in the design of new hosts (58); P. Finocchiaro and S. Failla: Other potentially important hosts (50); T. Iwamoto: Supramolecular chemistry in cyanometallate systems (48); J. Lipkowski: Werner clathrates (24); M.P. Byrn, C.J. Curtis, Y. Hsiou, S.I. Khan, P.A. Sawin, A. Terzis and C.E. Strouse: Porphyrin-based lattice clathrates (18); R. Robson: Infinite frameworks (24); G.A. Jeffrey: Hydrate inclusion compounds (32); Y.A. Dyadin and V.R. Belosludov: Stoichiometry and thermodynamics of clathrate hydrates (36); M.R. Caira and L. Nassimbeni: Phase transformations in inclusion compounds, kinetics and thermodynamics of enclathration (26); H. Gies and B. Marler: Crystalline microporous silicas as host-guest systems (34); I. Weissbuch, R. Popovitz-Biro, S. Weinbach, M. Lahav and L. Leiserowitz: Self-organization in two and three-dimensions (28). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), Chapters: G. Alberti and U. Costantino: Layered solids and their intercalation chemistry (24); F. Okino and H. Touhara: Graphite and fullerene intercalation compounds (42); J. Rouxel: Layered metal chalcogenides and their intercalation chemistry (30); A. Clearfield and U. Costantino: Layered metal phosphates and their intercalation chemistry (44); G. Alberti: Layered metal phosphonates and covalently pillared diphosphonates (38); T.E. Mallouk, H.N. Kim, P.J. Ollivier and S.W. Keller: Ultrathin films based on layered materials (30); J.R. Butruille and T.J. Pinnavaia: Alumina pillared clays (32); F. Trifirò and A. Vaccari: Hydrotalcite-like anionic clays (layered double hydroxides) (42); C. Bellitto and P. Day: Layered perovskite halides (22); A.J. Jacobson: Colloidal dispersion of compounds with layer and chain structures (22); R.A. Schoonheydt: Photochemistry and electron transfer in layered hosts (18); M. Casciola: Ionic conductivity in layered materials (24); D.E.W. Vaughan: Molecular sieve zeolites: a historical perspective (14); L.B. McCusker: Structural aspects of molecular sieves (32); H. Kessler: Synthesis of molecular sieves (40); S.L. Burkett and M.E. Davis: Synthetic mechanisms and strategies for zeolite synthesis (20); E.F. Vansant: Adsorption in porous materials (22); i: Molecular dymanics and diffusion in microporous materials (42); G. Schulz-Ekloff: Metal clusters in zeolites (30); T. Bein: Inclusion chemistry of organometallics in zeolites (42); I: Molecular shape-selective conversion of hydrocarbons on zeolites (28); D.E. De Vos, P.L. Buskens, D.L. Vanoppen, P.P. Knops-Gerrits and P.A. Jacobs: Oxidation catalysis with zeolites and related molecular sieves (24); W.F. Hölderich: Organic reactions in zeolites (22); V. Ramamurthy and M.A. Garcia-Garibay: Zeolites as supramolecular hosts for photochemical transformations (28); P. Behrens and G.D. Stucky: Novel materials based on zeolites (52). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), "COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY". J.E.D. Davies and J.A. Ripmeester (eds.) Physical methods in supramolecular chemistry, Pergamon, New York, volume 8, 1996, 641 pages. Chapters: Z. Dauter and K.S. Wilson: Diffraction techniques (32); J.E.D. Davies: Vibrational spectroscopy (88); G.P. Johari: Dielectric methods for studying supramolecular cl;athrate structures (58); M.A. White: Thermal analysis and calorimetry methods (46); E.A.C. Lucken, F. Grandjean and G.J. Long: NQR and Mössbauer spectroscopy (52); H. Lao and C. Detellier: Microporosimetry (30); D.D. Klug and J.S. Tse: High-pressure methods (16); J.A. Ripmeester and C.I. Ratcliffe: Solid-state NMR spectroscopy (58); G. Kaupp: Supermicroscopy: AFM, SNOM and SXM (46); H. Tsukube, H. Furuta, A. Odani, Y. Takeda, Y. Kudo, Y. Inoue, Y. Liu, H. Sakamoto and K. Kimura: Determination of stability constants (58); S. Petrucci, E.M. Eyring and G. Konya: Kinetics of complexation (16); A.E. Kaifer: Electrochemical techniques (38); L.J. Johnston and B.D. Wagner: Electronic absorption and luminescence (30); J.S. Brodbelt and D.V. Dearden: Mass spectroscopy (26); J.S. Tse: Molecular modelling and related computational techniques (24). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY. J.P. Sauvage and M.W. Hosseini (eds.) Templating, self-assembly and self-organization, Pergamon, New York, volume 9, 1996, 649 pages. Chapters: D.H. Busch, A.L. Vance and A.G. Kolchinksii: Molecular template effect: historical view, principles and perspectives (42); J.C. Chambron, C. Dietrich-Buchecker and J.P. Sauvage: Transition metals as assembling and templating species: synthesis of vatenanes and molecular knots (42); D.B. Amabilino, F.M. Raymo and J.F. Stoddart: Donor-acceptor template-directed synthesis of catenanes and rotaxanes (46); J.K.M. Sanders: Templated chemistry of porphyrin oligomers (34); P.N.W. Baxter: Metal ion directed assembly of complex molecular architectures and nanostructures (48); E.C. Constable: Polynuclear transition metal helicates (40); M. Fujita: Self-assembled macrocycles, cages and cetenanes containing transition metals in their backbones (30); U. drechsler and M. Hanack: Towards semiconducting polynuclear bridged complexes incorporating phthalocyanines (30); A. Reichert, H. Ringsdorf, P. Schuhmacher, W. Baumeister and T. Scheybani: Molecular architecture and function based on molecular recognition and self-organization (38); T. Kunitake: Synthetic bilayer membranes: molecular design and molecular organization (56); J.H. Fuhrhop: Synkinetic micellar and vesicular fibers made of amphiphilic lipids and porphyrins (44); D.H. Lee and M.R. Ghadiri: Control of peptide architecture via self-assembly and self-organization processes (32); G. Gottarelli, G.P. Spada and A. Garbesi: Self-assembled columnar mesophases based on guanine-related molecules (24); G. Decher: Layered nanoarchitectures via directed assembly of anionic and cationic molecules (22); S. Mann: Self-assembly in biomineralization and biomimetic materials chemistry (36); J.R. Fredericks and D. Hamilton: Hydrogen bonding control of molecular self-assembly: recent advances in design, synthesis and analysis (30); E.E. Simanek, X. Li, I.S. Choi and G.M. Whitesides: Cyanuric acid and melamine: a platform for the construction of soluble aggregates and crystalline materials (28). J.L. Atwood, J.E.D. Davies, D.D. MacNicol and F. Vögtle (eds.), COMPREHENSIVE SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY. D.N. Reinhoudt (ed.) Supramolecular Chapters: R.M. Izatt, J.S. Bradshaw, R.L. Bruening, B.J. Tarbet and M.L. Bruening: Selective separation using supported devices (12); F. De Jong and H.C. Visser: Carrier-mediated transport through liquid membranes (40); T.M. Fyles and W.F. Van Straaten-Nijenhuis: Ion channel models (26); J.D. Lamb and R.G. Smith: Application of macrocyclic ligands to high-performance ion analysis (34); A. Collet: Optical resolution (38); L. Echegoyen and R.C. Lawson: Isotope separations (20); F.C.J.M. Van Veggel: Mass sensors (13); Z. Brzózka: Potentiometric sensors (26); T. Osa and J.I. Anzai: Ionic devices (12); M. Pietraszkiewicz: Luminescent probes (42); M.C. Feiters: Supramolecular catalysis (94); B. Dietrich: Anion activation by crown ethers and cryptands (28); F. Montanari, S. Quici and S. Banfi: Phase-transfer catalysis (28); D.D. Macnicol and S.J. Rowan: Supramolecular storage of reagents (12); E. Kimura and T. Koike: Metalloenzyme models that answer mysteries surrounding the intrinsic properties of Zn(II) (16); K.H. Frömming: Delivery of drugs from drug products (42); D. Parker: Imaging and targeting (50); R.E. Powers, W.L. Fuller and K.N. Raymond: Stereognostic coordination chemistry (20); M. Miyata: Inclusion polymerization (26); E. Dalcanale: Macrocyclic liquid crystals (80); J. Simon and T. Toupance: Intrinsic molecular semiconductors: electronics and iono-electronics finalities (22); K.S. Akerfeldt, P.K. Kienker, J.D. Lear, W.F. Degrado: Structure and conduction mechanisms of minimalist ion channels (28); V. Balzani and F. Scandola: Photochemical and photophysical devices (28); J. Smid: Polymer electrolytes (30); G.R. Newkome and C.M. Moorefield: Dendrimers (56); M. Blanchard-Desce, S.R. Marder and M. Barzoukas: Supramolecular chemistry for quadratic nonlinear optics (32).
A. Bianchi (Editor), K.B.-James (Contributor), E.G.-Espana (Contributor), "Supramolecular Chemistry of Anions", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997, 461 pages. Contents: Physical Factors in Anion Separations (B. Moyer & P. Bonnesen). Historical View on the Development of Anion Coordination Chemistry (B. Dietrich & M. Hosseini). Natural Anion Receptors: Anion Recognition by Proteins (S. Mangani & M. Ferraroni). Artificial Anion Hosts: Concepts for Structure and Guest Binding (F. Schmidtchen). Structural and Topological Aspects of Anion Coordination (J. Atwood & J. Steed). Thermodynamics of Anion Complexation (A. Bianchi & E. Garcia-Espana). Electrochemical Aspects of Anion Chemistry (A. Carbo). Photochemistry and Photophysics of Supramolecular Systems Containing Anions (L. Moggi & M. Manfrin). Anion Binding Receptors: Theoretical Studies (J. Wiorkiewicz-Kuczera & K. Bowman-James). Application Aspects Involving the Supramolecular Chemistry of Anions (J. Sessler, et al.). Supramolecular Catalysis of Phosphoryl Anion Transfer Processes (M. Hosseini). Index.
C.D. Gutsche, "Calixarenes Revisited", (Monographs in Supramolecular G. Tsoucaris (Editor), "Current Challenges on Large Supramolecular J. Veciana, C. Rovira and D.B. Amabilino (Editors), "Supramolecular Engineering of Synthetic Metallic Materials : Conductors and Magnets", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 518), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998. A. Bianchi (Editor) and K.B. James (Contributor), E. G.-Espana (Contributor), "Supramolecular Chemistry of Anions", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997, 461 pages. Contents: Preface. List of Contributors. Some Current Challenges in Crystal Engineering; A. Nangia, et al. Structural and Crystallographic Aspects of Supramolecular Engineering. Structure-Property Relations, Polymorphism and Crystal Growth; J. Bernstein. The Computer Prediction of the Assembling of Organic Molecules into Crystals: A Perspective; A. Gavezzotti, G. Filippini. Molecular Networks: An Approach to Coordination Polymers; C. Kaes, M.W. Hosseini. The Prediction and Production of Polar Molecular Materials: From Markov's Theory to Crystal Growth; J. Hulliger, et al. NMR Spectroscopy and the Development of Structural Models for Crystalline Supramolecular Solids -Applications to p-tert-butylcalix[4]arenes; J.A. Ripmeester. Crystal Engineering of Purely Organic Molecular Magnets: What Can ab initio Computations Tell Us? J.J. Novoa, et al. Hysteresis and Memory Effect in Supramolecular Chemistry; O. Kahn, et al. Tunable Nitroxide Free Radical Ligands: From Zero- to Two-Dimensional Metal-Radical Networks; P. Rey, D. Luneau. Examples of Supramolecular Coordination Compounds and Their Supramolecular Functions; S. Decurtins, et al. Manganoporphyrin TCNE Electron Transfer Complexes - Structure Function Correlations; J.S. Miller, E.J. Brandon. Dithiadiazolyl Radicals as Molecular Bricks for High Tc Organic Magnets; G. Antorrena, et al. Host-Guest Interactions for Tuning the Magnetic Coupling in Metal Ion Clusters; G.L. Abbati, et al. Exotic Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties of Nitronyl Nitroxide Cation Radical Salts. Collapse of Spin-Gap Ground State in Distorted Antiferromagnetic Kagome Lattices; K. Awaga, et al. Conductivity, Chirality and Conductivity in Layer Molecular Magnets; P. Day. Molecular Conductors and Magnets: Structure-Property Relationships; M. Kurmoo, et al. Hybrid Materials Formed by Two Molecular Networks. Magnetic Conductors, Magnetic Multilayers and Magnetic Films; M. Clemente-Leon, et al. Interplay of Conductivity and Magnetism BETS-Derived Compounds. (BETS: bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene); P. Cassoux, H. Kobayashi. The Flexibility of Molecular Components as a Tool in the Construction of Conducting and Magnetic Systems; M. Fourmigue, B. Domercq. Hydrogen Bonding and Transport Properties of Molecular Conductors; E. Canadell. Insight into the Behavior of M(TCNQ)n (n equals; 1, 2) Crystalline Solids and Films: X-Ray, Magnetic and Conducting Properties; H. Zhao, et al. Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) Derivatives as Versatile Building Blocks: From Metals to Spin Ladders; C. Rovira. Novel Hyper Electron-Accepting Molecules for Development of Organic Materials; F. Wudl, et al. Low-Dimensional Organic Superconductors BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]X, where X equals; Br0.5Cl0.5, Br0.7Cl0.3 and Br0.9I0.1; R.P. Shibaeva, et al. Tetrathiafulvalenes: Building Blocks in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry; J. Becher, et al. A New Range of Functionalised Tetrathiafulvalenes and Their Cation Radical Salts: Synthetic and Solid State Studies; M.R. Bryce, et al. New Tetrathiafulvalenes for Advanced Materials; A. Gorgues, et al. Metal Phosphonate Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Magnetic Monolayers and Organic/Inorganic Dual Network Assemblies; G.E. Fanucci, et al. Supramolecular Engineering of Conducting Thin Films by Covalently Hinging Electroactive Molecular Surfactants; T. Bjornholm, et al. Subject Index. G. Tsoucaris (Editor), "Current Challenges on Large Supramolecular Assemblies", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 519.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998. Contents: Preface xiii. Quantum crystallography: features and applications. J Karle, L. Huang and L. Massa. Large molecular assemblies held together by non-covalent bonds. J.L. Atwood, L.R. MacGillivroy, K.N. Rose, L.J Barbour, K.T. Holman and G.W. Orr. Synthetic supramolecular chemistry. S.J. Cantrill, M.C.T Fyfe, F.M. Raymo and J.F Stoddart. Beyond supramolecular chemistry: supramolecular and ubersupramolecular aspects of chemical structure and reactivity: static and oscillating electric and magnetic fields, coherence, and cooperativity. Nicholas J. Turro. Non-covalent synthesis and characterization of large supramolecular assemblies. D.N. Reinhoudt, P. Timmerman and F.C.J.M. Van Veggel. Self-assembling structures based on hydrogen bonding subunits.Abdullah Zafar and Andrew D. Hamilton. Hydrogen bonds in organized monolayers. D. Mobius, O. Felix and M.W. Hosseini. Supramolecular architectures on liquid surfaces. from 2-D assemblies to 3-D crystals. I. Weissbuch, R. Popovitz-Biro, I. Kurmenko, H Rappaport, M. Berfeld, S. Guo, L. Leiserowitz and M. Lahav. Supramolecular synthesis of organic and metal-organic laminates with affinity for aromatic guests: hydrophobic clay mimics. Kumar Biradha, Dorothy Dennis, Verna A. MacKinnon, Corey Seward and Michael J. Zaworotko. "Crystal engineering" with two-dimensional hydrogen bonding networks. J.A. Swift A.M Pivovar, A.M Reynolds, C.C. Evans, V.A. Russell, W. Li and MD. Ward. Recognition of convex fullerene molecules by concave complexing agents. Structure and reactivity. H.B. Burgi. The structure of solvates in the solid state-model systems for heteromolecular association? Janusz Liokowski, Konstantin Udachin, Yurq Simonov and Dymitry Soldatov. The role of charge assisted C-H+---O- and C-H+---F- hydrogen bonds in organometallic crystals. D. Braga and F. Grepioni Weak hydrogen bonds in supramolecular synthesis. Ashwini Nangia and Gautam R. Desiraju. Molecular tectonics: an approach to organic networks. Mir Wais Hosseini. MD simulations on ions and ionophores at a liquid-liquid interface: from adsorption to recognition. F. Berny, N Muzet, k Schurhammer, L. Troxler and G. Wipff. Self-organization in molecular crystals, liquids and solutions: computer studies. A. Gavezzotti and G. Filippini. Gas hydrates as self-assembled templated lattices. Towards. time-resolved studies of clathrate hydrate formation. John A. Ripmeester, Igor L. Moudrakovski and Christopher J. Ratchffe. Study by electrospray mass spectrometry of large dendritic supramolecular complexes. Emmanuelle Leize, Cecile Moucheron, Annick Dupont- Gervais, Andree Kirsch and Alain Van Dorsselaer. Advanced crystallographic methods: experimental electron densities and the study of excited state structure. Philip Coppens. Time resolved x-ray diffraction in solids and liquids. V. Tomov, P. Chen and P.M. Rentzepis. Single molecule force spectroscopy with individual proteins. Julio M Fernandez, Mathias Gautel, Mathias Rief and Hermann E. Gaub. Crystal solving procedures applied to peptides, foldamers and channel forming adamantyl/peptide hybrid macrocycles. Isabella L. Karle Tetracycline repressor acts as a molecular switch regulated by tetracycline binding. W Hinrichs, P. Orth, C Kisker, D. Schnappinger, W. Hillen and W. Saenger. Esterolytic catalytic antibodies. Bernard S. Green and Marcel Knossow. Weak hydrogen bonding in cyclodextrin complex stabilisation. Th. Steiner and W Saenger. Cyclodextrins: towards large assemblies for efficient slow. release devices. G. Tsoucaris and N. Rysanek. Influence of the guest on the packing of dimeric B-cyclodextrin. Complexes. I.M Mavridis. Semiconductor nanocrystal colloids. A.P. Alivisatos. Perspectives in supramolecular chemistry: from molecular. recognition towards self-organization. Jean-Marie Lehn. Index. V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998, 324 pages. Contents: Preface iii. Contributors vii. 1. Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Electron Transfer Within DNA Duplexes. Thomas L. Netzei. 2. Coordination Complexes and Nucleic acids, Perspectives on Electron Transfer Binding Mode, and Cooperativity. Eimer Tuite. 3. Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Metal-Organic Dyads. Kirk S. Schanze and Keith A. Waiters. 4. Photochemistry and Photophysics of Liquid Crystalline polymers. David Creed. 5. Photochemical Solid-to-Solid Reactions. Amy B. Keating and Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay. 6. Chemical and Photophysical Processes of Transients Derived from Multiphoton Excitation: Upper Excited States and Excited Radicals. W. Grant McGimpsey. 7. Environmental Photochemistry with Semiconductor Nanoparticles. Prashant V. Kamat and K. Vinodgopal. Index. S. David and R.G. Beau (Translator), "The Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry of Carbohydrates: Chemical Introduction to the Glycosciences", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. Contents: 1. Configuration of monosaccharides. 2. Conformation of monosaccharides and their derivatives. 3. Alkyl and aryl glycosides and glycosamines. 4. Nomenclature. 5. Reactions of hydroxyl groups. 6. Reactions of carbonyl groups and hemiacetals. 7. Changes of configuration, unsaturated and branched-chain sugars. 8. Sugars in chiral synthesis. 9. Oligosaccharides: configuration and analysis. 10. Chemical transformations and synthesis of oligosaccharides. 11. Associations with anions, cations, and inorganic molecules. 12. Sialic acids and sialylated oligosaccharides. 13. Glycoconjugates. 14. Structure of some crystallized sugar-protein complexes. 15. Antigens and antibodies. Lectins. 16. ABH and related blood group antigens. 17. Important recognition events involving oligosaccharides in the living world. 18. Oligosaccharides as ligands to DNA. Index.
V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Organic Molecular P.D. Beer, P.A. Gale and D.K. Smith, "Supramolecular Chemistry" (Oxford C.J. Easton, and S.F. Lincoln, "Modified Cyclodextrins: Scaffolds and I. Haiduc and F.T. Edelmann, "Supramolecular Organometallic Chemistry", Contents: Basic Concepts and Principles. Molecular Recognition and Host-Guest Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Dative Bonds (Electron-Pair Donor-Acceptor or Lewis Acid-Base Interactions). Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Secondary Bonds. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Hydrogen Bond Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Ionic Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through pi-Interactions. H.D. Forsterling and H. Kuhn, "Principles of Physical Chemistry: Understanding Atoms, Molecules and Supramolecular Machines", John Wiley, New York, 1999, 998 pages. Wave-Particle Duality. Basic Features of Bonding. Schroedinger Equation and Variation Principle. Chemical Bonding and Pauli Principle. The Periodic Table and Simple Molecules. Bonding Described by Hybrid and Molecular Orbitals. Molecules with -Electron Systems. Absorption and Emission of Light. Nuclei: Particle and Wave Properties. Intermolecular Forces and Aggregates. Thermal Motion of Molecules. Energy and Distribution in Molecular Assemblies. Internal Energy U, Heat Q and Work W. Principle of Entropy Increase. Entropy S, and Heat Q. Criteria for Chemical Reactions. Chemical Equilbrium . Reactions in Aqueous Solutions and in Biosystems. Chemical Reactions in Electrochemical Cells. Real Systems. Kinetics of Chemical Reactions. Organised Molecular Assemblies. Supramolecular Machines. Origin of Life. A.E. Kaifer, M.G. Kaifer, "Supramolecular Electrochemistry", Wiley-VCH, Contents: Fundamentals of Electrochemical Theory. Overview of Electrochemical Techniques. Potential Step Methods. Voltammetric Techniques. Ultramicroelectrodes. Digital Simulations. Overview of Supramolecular Systems. The Concept of Redox-Switching. Redox-Switching Cation Binding Ligands. Redox-Switching Anion Binding Ligands. Redox-Switching Molecular Receptors. Electroactive Intertwined Structures. Molecular Wires, Helicates, Stacks, Ladders and Grids. Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers. Self-Assembled Monolayers. Dendrimers. Other Electroactive Assemblies. Future Directions. J.-H. Fuhrhop and C. Endisch, "Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry of Natural Products and Their Model Compounds", Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999. V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Multimetallic and Macromolecular Inorganic Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, 4), Marcel Dekker, 1999. Contents: Preface iii. Contributors vii. Contents of Previous Volumes IX. 1. Metal-Organic Conducting Polymers: 1. Photoactive Switching in Molecular Wires, Wayne E. Jones Jr. Leone Hermans and Biwang Jiang. 2. Luminescence Behavior of Polynuclear Metal Complexes of Copper (I), Silver (I), and Gold (I), Vivan W.-W. Yam and Kenneth K.-W. Lo. 3. Electron Transfer Within Synthetic Polypeptides and De Novo Designed Proteins , Michael Y. Ogawa. 4. Tridentate Bridging Ligands in the Construction of Stereochemically Defined Supramolecular Complexes, Sumner W. Jones, Michael R. Jordan. and Karen J. Brewer. 5. Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Metallo-1,2-enedithiolates, Robert S. Pilato and Kelly A. Van Houten. 6. Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry of Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins, Shinsuke Takagi and Hanio Inoue. Index. D.N. Reinhoudt (Editor), "Supramolecular Materials and Technologies", John Wiley, New York, 1999, 320 pages. Contents: Self-Assembling Systems on Scales from Nanometers to Millimeters: Design and Discovery (L. Issacs, et al.). Dendritic Architectures (M. van Genderen & E. Meijer). Supramolecular Structures with Macromolecules (U. Beginn & M. Moller). Chemosensors: Synthetic Receptors in Analytical Sensing Applications (A. Czarnik & J. Yoon). Selective Ion Recognition with Durable Sensors (R. Lugtenberg & D. Reinhoudt). Ion Separations in Membrane and Solid Phase Extraction Systems (R. Izatt, et al.). Porphyrin - and Expanded Porphyrin - based Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents (T. Mody & J. Sessler). Indexes. R. Ungaro and E. Dalcanale (Editors), "Supramolecular Science: Where It Is and Where It Is Going", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 527.), Kluwer, 1999. Contents: Preface. Organizing Committee. List of Participants and Observers. Molecular-level Devices; V. Balzani, et al. Transition Metal-containing Catenanes and Rotaxanes: Control of Electronic and Molecular Motions, J.-C. Chambron, et al. Electrochemical Transformations of Methanofullerenes, L. Echegoyen, et al. Parallel Processing in Aqueous Solution, S. Faulkner, et al. Calixarenes and Resorcinarenes in Molecular Recognition and Supramolecular Devices, A. Arduini, et al. Simulations of Liquid-liquid Interfaces: A Key Border in Supramolecular Chemistry, F. Berny, et al. Synthetic Receptors for Anionic and Neutral Substrates, A.P. Davis. Computational Studies of the Molecular Recognition of Halide Anions by Calix[4]aromatics, A. McDonald, et al. Saccharides: From Sensing Targets toward Combinatorial Libraries and Chiral Commandants, S. Shinkai, M. Takeuchi. Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrogen-bonded Assemblies: Toward the Generation of Binding Site Diversity, D.N. Reinhoudt. Protein Surface Recognition by Synthetic Receptors, Qing Lin, et al. A New Automated Method for Modeling Non-covalent Macromolecular Interactions, P.N. Palma, et al. Rigid Angstrom Clefts in Lipid Membranes on Solid Surfaces, L. Ruhlmann, et al. Low Molecular Weight Gelators for Organic Solvents: From Serendipity toward Design, J. van Esch, et al. Supramolecular Dendrimer Chemistry: Molecular Recognition within the Dendritic Environment; D.K. Smith, et al. Supramolecular Catalysis in Transition, J.K.M. Sanders. Supramolecular Chemistry/Science: Some Conjectures and Perspectives, J.-M. Lehn. Author Index. Subject Index. S. Manne and G.G. Warr (Editors), "Supramolecular Structure in Confined Geometries", (ACS Symposium Series, No 736), American Chemical Society, Washington, 1999. Contents: Preface. Surfactant Confinement: 1. Supramolecular Structure of Surfactants Confined to Interfaces, Srinivas Manne, Gregory G. Warr. 2. Interfacial Effects of Dilute Solutions and Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Phases of Nonionic Surfactants, Gerhard H. Findenegg, Christian Braun, Peter Lang, Roland Steitz. 3. Structural Transitions in Colloidal Suspensions in Confined Films, Darsh Wasan, Alex Nikolov. 4. Lamellar Droplet Capillary Condensed from a Bicontinuous Microemulsion, L. Moreau-Biensan, P. Barois, P. Richetti. 5. Near Surface Small Angle Scattering as a Means of Probing the Effects of Fluid Flow on Surfactant Aggregates Near a Solid Surface, Paul D. Butler. 6. Phase Diagram of Positively Charged Catanionic Surfactant Aggregates: The Myristic Acid-Cetyltrimethylammonium Hydroxide-Water System, M. Dubois, J.-C. Dedieu, B. Deme Th. Gulik-Krzywicki, Th. Zemb. Polymer Confinement: 7. On the Microscopic Nature of Stick-Slip Behavior in Lubricating Films, Peter Harrowell 8. Optical Probes of the Glass Transition in Thin Polymer Films, John R. Dutcher, Kari Dalnoki-Veress, James A. Forrest, 9. Manipulating Copolymers with Confinement and Interfacial Interactions, O.K.C. Tsui, L. Rockford E. Huang, T.P. Russell. 10. NMR Solvent Relaxation Studies on Concentrated Particulate Dispersions, Terence Cosgrove, Kevin S. Jack, Nicholas Green, Timothy M. Obey, Matthew Wood. 11. Confinement of Polysoaps in Nonionic Surfactant Lyotropic Bilayers, Y. Yang, R. Prud'homme, P. Richetti, C.M. Marques. 12. Biomimetic Surface Engineering: Synthesis and Surface-Induced Assembly of Novel Oligosaccharide Surfactant Polymers, Yongxing Qiu, Nolan B. Holland, Mark Ruegsegger, Roger E. Marchant. Confinement of Biomolecules: 13. Single-Molecule Hydrodynamics of Tethered and Released DNA Molecules, R.G. Larson, T.T. Perkins, D.E. Smith, S. Chu. 14. Unfolding Forces of Titin and Fibronectin Directly Measured by Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy, Matthias Rief, Hermann E. Gaub. 15. Study of the Fusion Process between Solid and Soft-Supported Phospholipid Bilayers with the Surface Forces Apparatus, Markus Seitz, Chad K. Park, Joyce Y. Wong, Jacob N. Israelachvilli. 16. Protein Transport, Aggregation, and Deposition in Membrane Pores, R. Chan, V. Chen. 17. Improved Photochemical Selectivity of Vitamin D(3) Isomers via Confinement in Novel Sol-Gel Derived Alumina, Forrest S. Schultz, Marc A. Anderson. Indexes. Author Index. Subject Index. J.-P. Sauvage (Editor), "Transition Metals in Supramolecular Chemistry", (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, V. 5 John Wiley, New York, 1999, 212 pages. Contents: Ligand and Metal Control of Self-Assembly in Supramolecular Chemistry (R. Saalfrank & B. Demleitner). Bistability in Iron (II) Spin-Crossover Systems: A Supramolecular Function (J. Real). Fluorescent Sensors for and with Transition Metals (L. Fabbrizzi, et al.). The Chirality of Polynuclear Transition Metal Complexes (C. Provent & A. Williams). Design and Serendipity in the Synthesis of Polymetallic Complexes of the 3d-Metals (R. Winpenny). Rotaxanes: From Random to Transition Metal-Templated Threading of Rings at the Molecular Level (J.-C. Chambron). Metallomesogens--Supramolecular Organization of Metal Complexes in Fluid Phases (S. Collinson & D. Bruce). Self-Assembly of Interlocked Structures with Cucurbituril, Metal Ions and Metal Complexes (K. Kim). Indexes. I. Haiduc, F.T. Edelmann, "Supramolecular Organometallic Chemistry", VCH Publishing, New York, 1999. Contents: Basic Concepts and Principles. Molecular Recognition and Host-Guest Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Dative Bonds. (Electron-Pair Donor-Acceptor or Lewis Acid-Base Interactions). Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Secondary Bonds. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Hydrogen Bond Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through Ionic Interactions. Supramolecular Self-Assembly Through pi-Interactions. M. Pons (Editor) "NMR in Supramolecular Chemistry", (NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 526.), NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Applications of NMR, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999. Contents: Foreword. List of Participants. Probing Self-Assembly by NMR; S.J. Cantrill, et al. Study of Conformational Behavior of CMP(O)-Cavitands by NMR Spectroscopy and X-Ray Analysis in Relation to the Extraction Properties; H. Boerrigter, et al. NMR Studies of Molecular Recognition by Metalloporphyrins; N. Bampos, et al. Reversible Dimerization of Tetraureas Derived from Calix[4]arenes; V. Bohmer, et al. Self-Assembling Peptide Nanotubes; J.R. Granja, M.R. Ghadiri. Symmetry: Friend or Foe? M. Pons, et al. Quenching Spin Diffusion in Transferred Overhauser Studies and Detection of Octupolar Order in Gaseous Xenon-131; M. Deschamps, G. Bodenhausen. Applications of NMR Spectroscopy to the Study of the Bound Conformation of O- and C-Glycosides to Lectins and Enzymes; J. Jimenez-Barbero. Application of NMR to Conformational Studies of an HIV Peptide Bound to a Neutralizing Antibody; A. Zvi, J. Anglister. Paramagnetic NMR Effects of Lanthanide Ions as Structural Reporters of Supramolecular Complexes; C.F.G.C. Geraldes. Characterization of Reaction Complex Structures of ATP-Utilizing Enzymes by High Resolution NMR; B.D. Nageswara Rao. Spin Relaxation Methods for Characterizing Picosecond-Nanosecond and Microsecond-Millisecond Motions in Proteins; A.G. Palmer III, C. Bracken. Structural Diversity of the Osmoregulated Periplasmic Glucans of Gram-Negative Bacteria by a Combined Genetics and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Approach; G. Lippens, J.-P. Bohin. NMR Studies of the 269 Residue Serine Protease PB92 from Bacillus alcalophilus; Y. Karimi-Nejad, et al. Intermolecular Interactions of Proteins Involved in the Control of Gene Expression; G. Wagner, et al. NMR-Based Modeling of Protein-Protein Complexes and Interaction of Peptides and Proteins with Anisotropic Solvents; H. Kessler, G. Gemmecker. Protein Surface Recognition; X. Salvatella, et al. NMR Studies of Protein-Ligand and Protein-Protein Interactions Involving Proteins of Therapeutic Interest; J. Feeney. NMR Diffusion Measurements in Chemical and Biological Supramolecular Systems; Y. Cohen, et al. Determination of Calixarene Conformations by means of NMR Techniques; A. Casnati, et al. Structure, Molecular Dynamics, and Host-Guest Interactions of a Water-Soluble Calix[4]arene; J.H. Antony, A. Dolle. Cation Complexation and Sterochemistry of Macrocycles Studied by 13C NMR Relaxation-Time Measurements; C. Erk. A Comparative Study on Liquid State CSA Methods; G. Batta, et al. Hydrogen Bonding and Cooperativity Effects on the Assembly of Carbohydrates; M. Lopez de la Paz, et al. Influence of Substituents on the Edge-to-Face Aromatic Interaction: Halogens; G. Chessari, et al. Subject Index.
M. Lal, P.J. Lillford, V.M. Naik and V. Prakash (Editors), "Supramolecular and Colloidal Structures in Biomaterials and Biosubstrates", Imperial College Press, London, 2000, 492 pages. F. Vogtle, K.N. Houk, H. Kessler and J-M. Lehn (Editors), "Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry", (Topics in Current Chemistry, 210), Springer Verlag, New York, 2000. A. Ciferri (Editor), "Supramolecular Polymers", Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000, L.F. Lindoy and I.M. Atkinson, "Self-Assembly in Supramolecular Systems", H.-J. Schneider and A.K. Yatsimirsky, "Principles and Methods in Chapter I: Foreword. Preface. Basic Concepts of Host-Guest Complexation with Examples from Ionophore Chemistry. General principles of molecular recognition, complex formation and host design .Thermodynamics of multi-site host-guest complexation. Macrocycles, clefts, and open chain host structures. Ionophores for cations: chelate, macrocyclic and cryptate effects. Complexation selectivity, the hole-size concept and its limitations. Enthalpy and entropy contributions and compensations; heat capacity changes. Preorganization Ionophores for anions. Macrocycles with secondary binding sites. Lariat ethers. Ditopic receptors. Co-complexation. Second-sphere coordination. Conformational coupling between binding sites: cooperativity, allosteric effects and induced fit. Exercises and answers. References. Chapter II. Non-Covalent Interactions and Organic. Host-Guest Complexes. Quantification of non-covalent forces. Ion pairs. Hydrogen bonds. Cation and pi;electron and related interactions. Van der Waals interactions, dispersive forces, stacking, charge transfer complexes and related interactions. C-H and pi; and related interactions. Stacking or face-to-face complexes. Charge transfer complexes. Hydrophobic (lipophilic) interactions. Exercises and answers.References. Chapter III. Medium Effects. General considerations. Solvent effects. Salt effects. Exercises and answers. References. Chapter IV. Energetics of Supramolecular Complexes: Experimental Methods. Study of chemical equilibria. General and practical considerations with 1:1 equilibria. Direct determinations with slowly equilibrating complexes. Spectrometric and other titrations. Self-association. Preliminary checks. Measuring self-association constants. Complexes with stoichiometries other than 1:1. Methods for stoichiometry determination .Titration curves for stoichiometries higher than 1:1. Computer programs for equilibrium constant calculation. Electrochemical methods. Potentiometry. Potentiometric titration with a glass electrode Potentiometry with ion-selective electrodes. Potentiometry with metal--metal ion electrodes. Macroscopic and microscopic protonation. constants and acid-base behavior of macrocycles. Polarography and cyclic voltammetry. Conductometry. Spectroscopic methods. UV-visible and infrared spectroscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy. Chiroptical methods. Nuclear magnetic resonance. NMR shift titrations and experimental considerations. Evaluation of association constants and complexation-induced shifts (CIS). Affinities from NMR relaxation measurements. Mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry study of solution equilibria. Mass spectrometry study of gas phase equilibria. Solubility and separation-based methods. Solubility changes. Extraction. Chromatography and electrophoresis. Calorimetry. Kinetic methods. Direct measurements of affinities and surface plasmon resonance. Miscellaneous techniques and comparison of methods. Exercises and answers. References. Chapter V. Structural Methods. Indirect approaches (competition experiments, structure-activity correlations). Diffraction techniques. Supermicroscopy (STM, AFM, CFM, SNOM). NMR methods. NMR shielding (CIS values) for the evaluation of complex structure. NOE measurements for conformational analysis of supramolecular complexes. Solid state NMR-spectroscopy. Chiroptical methods for structure elucidation.Vibrational spectroscopy. Computer aided molecular modeling. Recognition between molecular surfaces. Applications to supramolecular complexes. Exercises and answers. References. Chapter VI. Dynamics of Supramolecular Systems. NMR methods. Fluorescence methods. Other techniques. References. Chapter VII. Surfactant-Based Supramolecular Systems and Dendrimers. Monolayers. Micelles and bilayers. Dendrimers. References. Chapter VIII. Shape Recognition and Solid State Inclusion. Complexes. Carcerands and cavitands. Clathrates and solid state inclusion. Complexes. Molecular imprinting. References. Chapter IX. Selected Applications. Chiral discrimination.Self-organization processes and applications. Template association and supramolecular synthesis. New materials and biomolecules. Self-replication and autocatalysis. Supramolecular catalysis.Host-guest systems. Micellar catalysis. Analytical applications. Optical devices. Electrochemical devices. Molecular switches and supramolecular photochemistry. Membrane transport Exercises and answers. References. Appendices. J.W. Steed and J.L. Atwood, "Supramolecular Chemistry", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2000, 772 p. Contents: Historical Development of Supramolecular Chemistry. Concepts. The Supramolecular Chemistry of Life. Cation Binding Hosts. Anion Binding Hosts. Binding of Neural Molecules. Self-Assembly. Liquid Crystals and Liquid Clathrates. Theoretical Treatments and Databases. Applications. Glossary. G.W. Gokel (Editor), "Advances in Supramolecular Chemistry: 2000" (Advances in Supramolecular Chemistry, Volume 6), JAI Press, New York, 2000. Contents: Preface (G.W. Gokel). Cryptophanes: receptors for tetrahedral molecules (A. Collett et al.). Inclusion polymerization in steroidal canal complexes (K. Takemoto,M. Miyata). Functionalized Tetraazamacrocycles: ligands with many aspects (T.A. Kaden). Calixarenes as the third supramolecular host (S. Shinkai). Fluorescent chemosensors for metal and non-metal ions in aqueous solutions based on the chef paradigm (A.W. Czarnik). Index. P. Luigi Luisi and P. Walde (Editors), "Giant Vesicles" (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry, V. 6), John Wiley, New York, 2000. Contents: Contributors. Preface. 1. Introduction: Why Giant Vesicles? Pier Luigi Luis. Giant Vesicles: a Historical Introduction, Danilo D. Lasic. 2. Preparation Methods: Liposome Electroformation, Miglena I. Angelova. Formation of Giant Vesicles from Different Kinds of Lipids Using the Electroformation Method, Aline Fischer, Pier Luigi Luisi Thomas Oberholzer, Peter Walde. Observation of a Variety of Giant Vesicles under an Optical Microscope, Ken-ichirou Akashi, Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr., Hidetake Miyata, Hiroyasu Itoh. 3. Basic Theoretical Aspects: Bending Elasticity of Fluid Membranes, Wolfgang Helfrich. Giant Vesicles: a Theoretical Perspective, Udo Seifert. Free Energy of a Fluctuating Vesicle. Influence of the Fluctuations on the Laplace Law, Isak Bivas. 4. Physical Properties: Use of Micropipet Manipulation Techniques to Measure the Properties of Giant Lipid Vesicles, David Needham, Doncho Zhelev. Fluctuating Vesicle Shapes, Hans-Gunther Dobereiner. Oblate-Prolate Transition of Ellipsoidal Magnetoliposomes: Experiments showing na Anisotropic Spontaneous Curvature, Olivier Sandre, Christine Menager, Jerome Prost, Valerie Cabuil, Jean-Claude Bacri, Andrejs Cebers. Micromanipulation of Tubular Vesicles, Liyu Xu, Hans-Gunther Dobereiner. Electromechanical Properties of Model Membranes and Giant Vesicle Deformations, Philippe Meleard, Claire Gerbeaud Tanja Pott, Marin D. Mitov. Mechanical Properties of Lipid Bilayers Containing Grafted Lipids Isak Bivas, Victoria Vitkova, Marin D. Mitov, Mathias Winterhalter Rossitsa G. Alargova, Philippe Meleard Pierre Bothorel. Motion of Particles Attached to Giant Vesicles: Falling Ball Viscosimetry and Elasticity Measurements on Lipid Membranes, Rumiana Dimova, Christian Dietrich, Bernard Pouligny. Control of Fusion Between Giant Vesicles, Sek Wen Hui, Meghan Perkins, Parthapratim Chandaroy. Membrane Roughness and Dispersive Phase as Effects of Higher-order Bending in Fluid Membranes, Beate Klosgen, Wolfgang Helfrich. Swelling and Separation of DOPC Multilayer Systems, Johannes Thimmel, Beate Klosgen, Wolfgang Helfrich, Gert Rapp. Dynamic Aspects of Fatty Acid Vesicles: pH-induced Vesicle-Micelle Transition and Dilution-induced Formation of Giant Vesicles, Ayako Goto, Akihiro Suzuki, Hisashi Yoshioka, Rensuke Goto, Toyoko Imae, Keiji Yamazaki, Peter Walde. 5. Chemical and Biological Aspects: Giant Liposomes as Model Biomembranes for Roles of Lipids in Cellular Signalling, Paavo K.J. Kinnunen, Juha M. Holopainen, Miglena I. Angelova. Microinjection of Macromolecules in Giant Vesicles Prepared by Electroformation, Thomas Oberholzer, Aline Fischer. Enzymatic Reactions in Giant Vesicles, Peter Walde. Giant Phospholipid Vesicles Entrapping Giant DNA, Shin-ichirou Nomura, Kenichi Yoshikawa. Cell Deformation Mechanisms Studied with Actin-containing Giant Vesicles, a Cell-mimicking System, Hidetake Miyata, Kazuo Ohki, Gerard Marriott, Shuji Nishiyama, Ken-ichirou Akashi, Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr. Light-Induced Shape Transitions of Giant Vesicles, Peter G. Petrov, Hans-Gunther Dobereiner. Changes in the Morphology of Giant Vesicles Under Various Physico-chemical Stresses, Marie-Alice Guedeau-Boudeville, Anne-Laure Bernard, Jean-Claude Bradley, Alok Singh, Ludovic Jullien. Magnification of Shape Fluctuations of Active Giant Unilamellar Vesicles, Jean-Baptiste Manneville, Patricia Bassereau, Daniel Levy Jacques Prost. Entrapment of Proteins in Soybean Phosphatidylcholine Vesicles, Masanao Imai, Kazuhito Nagayama, Hikaru Tanaka, Nobukazu Osaki, Toshifusa Doi. Study on Stress-mediated Behavior and Preparation of Giant Vesicles, Toshinori Shimanouchi, Hiroshi Umakoshi, Ryoichi Kuboi. Molecular Organization on Giant Unilamellar Vesicles, Susanne Gangl, Susanne Stark, Peter Mayrhofer, Dominik Runzler, Caroline Thurner, Arno Lukas, Bernd Mayer Gottfried Kohler. Membrane Properties of Archaeal Phospholipids: Effect of Macrocyclization, Olivier Dannenmuller, Yoichi Nakatani, Guy Ourisson, Kenji Arakawa, Tadashi Eguchi, Katsumi Kakinuma, Sylvie Blanc, Anne-Marie Albrecht. Cumulative Author Index. Cumulative Title Index. Index. F. Vogtle, K.N. Houk, H. Kessler and J-M. Lehn "Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry", (Topics in Current Chemistry, 210), (Editors), Springer Verlag, New York, 2000. V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Organic, Physical, and Materials Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, 6), Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000. V. Ramamurthy, K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Solid State and Surface Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000. M. Lal, P.J. Lillford, V.M. Naik and V. Prakash (Editors), "Supramolecular and Colloidal Structures in Biomaterials and Biosubstrates", Imperial College
H.B. Baudin, "Electron and Energy Transfer in Supramolecular Complexes T. Kunitake, "Supramolecular Chemistry of Biomimetic Systems", John Wiley W. Jones and C. Rao, "Supramolecular Organization & Materials Design", V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Optical Sensors and Switches", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001. G. Pifat-Mrzljak (Editor), "Supramolecular Structure and Function 7", Contents: 1. Aspect of the Evolution of Biophysics: Polyelectrolytes and the Weizman; H. Eisenberg. 2. Analytical Centrifugation: Looking at Aggregation in Free Solution; P.J.G. Butler. 3. Mass Spectrometry of Peptides and Proteins- Principles and Features of Electrospray/Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS); K. Strupat, W. Metelmann. 4. Adsorption Kinetics of Low Density Lipoprotein onto a Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Gradient Surface; V. Hlady. 5. Fluorescence Spectroscopic Studies on Structure and Function of Lipolytic Enzymes; A. Hermetter, et al. 6. Infrared Spectroscopy of Lipoproteins; X. Coto, J.L.R. Arrondo. 7. New Approaches in Spin Labeling and Spin Trapping. Part One: ESR Studies of Local Chemical Environment; V.V. Khramtsov. 8. New Approaches in Spin Labeling and Spin Trapping. Part Two: NMR Detects Free Radicals; V.V. Khramtsov, et al. 9. Free Radical Intermediates of Drugs and Xenobiotics; L.J. Berliner, H. Fujii. 10. In vivo Detection of Nitric Oxide: Combining EPR and NMR; L.J. Berliner, H. Fujii. 11. On Biological Information; M. Eigen. 12. Accuracy versus Efficacy in Biological Processes; M. Radman. 13. Towards a Memory-Based Interpretation of Proteome Data; J. Murvai, et al. 14. Modelling DNA Structure from Sequence; K. Vlahovicek, S. Pongor. 15. Nonlinear Dynamics in the Binary DNA/RNA Coding Problem; M. Martinis. 16. High Density DNA and Protein Arrays, Generation and Applications; D.J. Cahill. 17. Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity in the Brain; K. Krnjevic. Subject Index. J. Simon and P. Bassoul, "Design of Molecular Materials: Supramolecular Contents: Preface. Introduction: Systemic Chemistry. Molecular Assemblies. A Few Notions of Symmetry. Supramolecular Engineering: Symmetry Aspects. Symmetry and Physicochemical Properties: The Curie Principle. Interactions and Organization in Molecular Media. Molecular Semiconductors: Properties and Applications. Molecular Dielectrics. Industrial Applications of Molecular Materials. Appendix 1: Main Symmetry Point Groups: Notation and Symbols. Appendix 2: Tables of Characters of the Main Point Symmetry Groups. Appendix 3: Group-Subgroup Relationships for the Crystallographic and Infinite Groups. Appendix 4: Two-Dimensional (Monocolor) Space Groups. Appendix 5: Isohedral Tilings. Appendix 6: Isohedral Tilings Derived from the Topological Class. Appendix 7: Isohedral Tilings Corresponding to a Given Site Symmetry. Appendix 8: Piezoelectrical and Nonlinear Optical Tensor Coefficients. Appendix 9: Irreducible Representations of the Group Kh. Appendix 10: The Main Dyes and Pigments. Index. H.S. Nalwa (Editor), "Supramolecular Photosensitive and Electroactive Materials", Academic Press, New York, 2001, 970 pages. Contents: Phthalocyanines: Synthesis, Supramolecular Organization, and Physical Properties. Sandwich-Type Phthalocyaninato and Porphyrinato Metal Complexes. Electronic Properties of Molecular Organic Semiconductor Thin Films. Polydiacetylenes. Structural and Optical Properties of Conjugated Molecules in Perhydrotriphenylene (PHTP) and in Other Channel-Forming Inclusion Compounds. Charge Transfer Properties of Photosynthetic and Respiratory Proteins. Optical and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nitride. Polyimides for Microelectronics and Tribology Applications. Anomalous Charge Transport and Polarization in Semiconductors Oxides and Porous Film. Electrodes. Electroactive and Photoactive Dendrimers. Electrical Properties of Organic Monolayer Films. H. Dodziuk, "Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry", Kluwer Academic Contents: Preface. 1: Supramolecular Chemistry - What is this? 2: Molecular and Chiral Recognition. Self-Organization, Self-Assembly and Preorganization. 2.1. Molecular and Chiral Recognition. 2.2. Self-Assembly and Self-Organization. 2.3. The Role of Preorganization in the Synthesis of Topological Molecules. Template Reactions. 2.4. `One-Pot' Reactions. Covalent Self-Assembly Based on Preorganization. 3: Inclusion Complexes: Host-Guest Chemistry. 3.1. Early Development of Host-Guest Chemistry. Pedersen's Works on Crown Ethers. 3.2. Nomenclature. 3.3. The Structure of Inclusion Complexes. 3.4. Dynamic Character of Inclusion Complexes. 3.5. The Complexes Involving Induced Fit and Without It: Endo-hedral Fullerene, Hemicarcerand and Soft Rebek's Tennis Ball-Like Hosts. 4: Mesoscopic Structures as an Intermediate Stage Between Molecules (Micro Scale) on the One Hand and Biological Cells (Macro Scale) on the Other. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. Medium Sized Molecular Aggregates. 5: Between Classical Organic Chemistry and Biology Understanding and Mimicking Nature. 5.1. Introduction. 5.2. The Role of Self-Organization and Self-Association in the Living Nature. 5.3. Modeling Processes in Living Organisms. 6: On the Border Between Chemistry and Technology - Nanotechnology and Other Industrial Applications of Supramolecular Systems. 6.1. Introduction. 6.2. Between Chemistry and Solid State Physics - Crystal Engineering. Obtaining Crystals With Desired. Properties. 6.3. Nanotechnology and Other Industrial Applications of Supramolecular Systems. 6.4. Supramolecular Catalysis. 6.5. Concluding Remarks. 7: The Most Interesting Macrocyclic Ligands which Are Hosts for Inclusion Complexes. 7.1. Crown Ethers and Coronands, Cryptates and Cryptands. 7.2. Calixarenes [1], Hemispherands, and Spherands. 7.3. Carcerands, Hemicarcerands and Novel `Molecular Flasks' Enabling Preparation and Stabilization of Short-lived Species. 7.4. Cyclodextrins, and Their Complexes. 7.4. Endohedral Fullerene Complexes, Nanotubes and Other Fullerene-based Supramolecular Systems. 7.6. Dendrimers. 7.7. Cyclophanes and Steroids That May Form Inclusion Complexes. 7.8. Anion Binding Receptors and Receptors with Multiple Binding Sites. 8: Other Exciting Supramolecular Systems. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. Making Use of the Preorganization Phenomenon: Topological Molecules. 8.3. Multiple Hydrogen-bonded Systems. 8.4. Organic Zeolite. 8.5. Metal directed Self-assembly of Complex Supramolecular Architecture: Chains, Racks, Ladders, Grids, Macrocycles, Cages, Nanotubes and Self-Intertwining Strans (Helicates). 9: The Prospects of Future Development of Supramolecular Chemistry. Index.
T. Kunitake, "Supramolecular Chemistry of Biomimetic Systems", C. Bladon, "Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Therapeutic Aspects of T. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, H. Tada and K. Sugiura (Editors), "Chemistry of Nanomolecular Systems", Springer, 2002, 198 pages. S.M. Khopkar, "Analytical Chemistry of Macrocyclic and Supramolecular N. Yui (Editor), "Supramolecular Design for Biological Applications", CRC Press, 2002, 424 pages. Contents: General Introduction, Yui/Kishida/Yamaoka/Ohya. Basic Strategy for Supermolecular Architectures. Hydrophobic Effects, Akiyoshi. Hydrogen Bonds, Ohya. Electrostatic Interaction, Maruyama. Physical Adsorption for Supermolecular Design, Serizawa. Gel and Interpenetrating Polymer Networks, Miyata. Interlocked Molecules, Yui/Ikeda. Biological Application of Supramolecular Architectures. Biodegradable Polymers, Yui/Ooya. Stimuli-Responsive Polymers and Gels, Miyata. Modulated Drug Delivery, Qui/Park. Drug Targeted with Polymeric Micelle Drug Carriers, Yokoyama. Gene Delivery, Yamaoka. Sensing and Diagnosis, Maeda. Organic/Inorganic Supramolecular Assembly, Kishida. Biometric Function, Ariga. Supramoleculars Surfaces, Ishihara. Supramoleculars Approaches for Cellular Modulation, Fujimoto. Future Aspects - Supramolecular Architectures Towards Biological Applications, Kimizula. H. Kuhn, "Organised Monolayers: Components of Artificial Supramolecular
C. Reichardt, "Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 653 pages. J.G. Vos, R.J. Forster and T.E. Keyes, "Interfacial Supramolecular G.R. Desiraju, "Crystal Design: Structure and Function" (Perspectives in V. Ramamurthy and Kirk S. Schanze (Editors), "Photochemistry of Organic Molecules in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media" (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, 9), Marcel Dekker, 2003, 408 pages. V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Semiconductor Photochemistry and Photophysics", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, 10), Marcel Dekker, 2003, 384 pages. K.E. Geckeler (Editor), "Advanced Macromolecular and Supramolecular Materials and Processes", Plenum, 2003, 326 pages. K. Hunger (Editor), "Industrial Dyes: Chemistry, Properties, Applications", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 648 pages. J.A. McCleverty and T.J. Meyer, "Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II: 10 - Volume Set", Elsevier Science, 2003, 8400 pages. C.D. Hubbard, "Advances in Inorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Reaction
J.L. Atwood and J.W. Steed (Editors), "Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry", Marcel Dekker, 2004, 1600 pages. A.G. Griesbeck and J. Mattay (Editors), "Synthetic Organic Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), Marcel Dekker, 2004, 629 pages. Yoshihisa, V. Ramamurthy and Y. Inoue (Editors), "Chiral Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), Marcel Dekker, 2004, 685 pages. M. Alajarin,, A.E. Aliev, A.D. Burrows, K.D.M. Harris, A. Pastor, J.W . Steed, D.R. Turner (Contributors) and D.M.P. Mingos (Editors), "Supramolecular Assembly Via Hydrogen Bonds", vol. I, (Structure and Bonding), Springer, 2004, 176 pages. D. Lee and M.L. Webb (Editors), "Pharmaceutical Analysis", (Sheffield Analytical Chemistry), CRC Press, 2004, 320 pages. C. Schmuck, H.Wennemers and R. Breslow, "Highlights in Bioorganic P. Yang (Editor), "Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials", World Scientific Pub. Co. Inc, 96 pages. J. Leszczynski, "Computational Materials Science", (Theoretical and J.L. Atwood, and J.W. Steed (Editors), "Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry", Marcel Dekker, 2004, 600 pages. F. Toda and R. Bishop (Editors), "Separations and Reactions in Organic Supramolecular Chemistry: Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry", (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry), John Wiley & Sons, 2004, 250 pages. D.M.P. Mingos (Editor), "Supramolecular Assembly via Hydrogen Bonds", vol. II, Springer, 180 pages.
K.D. Karlin (Editor), "Progress in Inorganic Chemistry", vol. 43, P. Cragg, "A Practical Guide to Supramolecular Chemistry", John Wiley & Sons, John Wiley & Sons, 2005, 256 pages. S.M. Khopkar, "Analytical Chemistry of Macrocyclic And Supramolecular F. Wuerthner (Editor), "Supramolecular Dye Chemistry", (Topics in Current Chemistry), Springer, 2005, 330 pages. M.D. Archer and C.D. Haley (Editors), "The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change", Cambridge University Press, 2005, 340 pages. W. Henderson and J.S. McIndoe, "Mass Spectrometry of Inorganic and K. Ariga and T. Kunitake, "Supramolecular Chemistry - Fundamentals and K.E. Geckeler (Editor), "Advanced Macromolecular and Supramolecular Materials and Processes", Plenum, 2005, 326 pages. A.G. Kutateladze (Editor), "Computational Methods in Photochemistry", (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry), CRC Press, 2005, 517 pages. K. Ariga and T. Kunitake, "Supramolecular Chemistry - Fundamentals and H. Kuhn, "Organised Monolayers: Components of Artificial Supramolecular G.W. Gribble and J. Joule (Editors), "Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry", Vol. 16, Elsevier Science, 2005, 464 pages. P. Cragg, "A Practical Guide to Supramolecular Chemistry", John Wiley & Sons, 2005, 256 pages. A. Ciferri (Editor), "Supramolecular Polymers", CRC Press, 2005, 761 pages.
C. Schalley, "Analytical Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry", Wiley-VCH, |
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