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Esta bibliografia selecionada trata de literatura destinada aos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, relacionados à cadeia de conhecimento de Vidros e Cerâmicas. Não obstante tratar-se de escolha pessoal, procurou-se contemplar, de maneira abrangente, as diferentes tendências. Os números que figuram entre parênteses, correspondem ao número de páginas que foram contempladas, pelos diferentes Autores, no tratamento de cada tópico. Neste material bibliográfico buscou-se selecionar não só textos básicos e avançados, como também, bibliografia relacionada. O trabalho de compilação e edição deste material foi realizado pelo Prof. Oswaldo Luiz Alves, Coordenador Científico do LQES.
J. E. Shelby, "Introduction to Glass Science and Technology", The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 1997, 244 p. Chapters: Introduction (5); Principles of glass formation (18); Glass melting (22); Immiscibility/phase separation (20); Structure of glasses (36); Viscosity of glass forming melts (24); Density and thermal expansion (23); Transport properties (23); Mechanical properties (12); Optical properties (29); Glass technology (11). R. H. Doremus, "Glass Science", John Wiley & Sons., New York, NY, 1994, 339 p. Chapters: Introduction (12); Glass formation (11); Structure (22); Phase separation (24); Crystallization (26); Viscosity (13); Glass transition (8); Molecular solution and difusion in glass (49); Fracture (21); Fatigue in glass (11); Surfaces (13); Reaction with glass (16); Chemical durability : reactions of water with glass (25); Ion exchange and potentials of glass electrodes (21); Electrical conductivity and ionic diffusion (27); Dielectric and mechanical loss (14); Optical absorption in glass (14). Arun K. Varshneya, "Fundamentals of Inorganic Glasses", Academic Press, London, 1994, 570 p. Chapters: Introduction (11); Fundamentals of the glassy state (12); Glass formation principles (32); Glass microstructure: phase separation and liquid immiscibility (25); Glass composition and structures (55); Composition-structure-property relationship principles (5); Density and molar volume (11); Elastic properties and microhardeness of glass (21); The viscosity of glass (27); Thermal expansion of glass (13); Heat capacity (7); Thermal conductivity and heat transfer in glass (7); Glass transition range behavior (73); Permeation, diffusion and ionic conduction in glass (37); Dielectric properties (13); Electronic condution (28); Chemical durability (11); Strenght and toughness (54); Optical properties (61); Fundamentals of inorganic glassmaking (43); Appendix (13). A. Paul,"Chemistry of Glasses", Chapman and Hall Ltd, London, 1982, 293 p. Chapters : Glasses formation (15); Phase transformation in glass (35); Physical properties (56); Chemical durability of glass (39); Oxidation-reduction equilibrium in glass (25); Acid-base concepts in glass (30); Coloured glasses (73); Polimeric nature of glass melt (14). J. Zarzycki (ed.), in "Materials Science and Technology - A Compreensive Treatise", R. W. Cahan, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer (eds.), Vol. 9 - Glasses and Amorphous Materials, VCH Publishers Inc., New York, NY, 1991, 797 p. Chapters: M. Cable : Classical glass technology (82); J. Zarzycki : Methods of obtaining glasses and amorphous materials (23); G.W. Scherer: Glass formation and relaxation (49); P.H. Gaskell: Models for the structure of amorphous solids (96); H. Rawson: Oxide glasses (43); R. A. Weeks: Optical and magnetic properties of ion implanted glasses (39) ; S.R. Elliot: Chalcogenide glasses (71); J. Lucas : Halide glasses (31); R.W. Cahan: Mettalic glasses (48); S. Otani and A. Oya : Glass-like carbons (21); E. Rooler and H. Sillescu : Organic glasses and polymers (41); M. Weber : Optical properties of glasses (42); R. Brückner : Mechanical properties of glasses (37); M. D. Ingran : Electrical properties of glasses (32); J.B. MacChesney and D.J. Di Giovanni: Material Technology of optical fibers (21). H. Bach and N. Neuroth (eds.), "The Properties of Optical Glass", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 409 p. Chapters: A. J. Makker III and N. Neuroth: Overview Optical glass : An engineered material (11); M. .K. Th. Chement, J.S. Hayden, Y.T. Hayden, H-J. Hoffmann, F.-T. Lentes and N. Neuroth ; Optical quality (13); K. Nathermann, N. Neuroth, P.J. Scheller : Mechanical properties (21); U. Fotheringham : Thermal properties of glass (27); W. Heimerl and A. Peters : Chemical durability of optical glass (15); K.H. Fiedler: Processing (Grinding and polishing) (17); J.S. Hayden, E. Hillmann, H-J. Hoffmann, U. Kolberg, D. Krashkevich, M.J. Liepman, S.R. Loehr, P.Nab, N. Neuroth, B. Speit: Selected applications (115). H.G. Pfaender, "Schott Guide to Glass", Chapman and Hall, London, UK, 1996, 207 p. Chapters: The history of glass (15); Glass, the material (18); The glassmelt (15); Flat glass (33); Hollowware and glass tubing (105); Environmental protection in the glass melting process (5); Appendix (2). C. L. Babcock, "Silicate Glass Technology Methods", John Wiley & Sons., New York, NY, 1977, 326 p. Part I: Principles of glass technology. Chapters: Structures of minerals and glasses (15); The nature of silicate glasses (13); Sample preparation and property measurements (9); Property-composition-structure relations (25); Part II: Electromagnetic properties. Chapters: Dieletric properties (22); Refractive index and dispersion (28); Stress-optical effects in glass (15); Magnetic properties (8); Spectral absorption (28); Color formation in glass (13); Electrolytic conduction (18). Part III: Mechanical properties. Chapters: Definitions and nomenclature (6); Elastic behavior (19); Viscosity (15); Relaxation phenomena (17); Surface tension (9). Part IV: Thermal properties. Chapters: Heat transfer (11); Thermal expansion (11). Part V: Glassmaking processes. Chapters: Glass melting (8); glass forming (7); Annealing and tempering (7). M. B. Volf, "Technical Approach to Glass", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, 392 p. Chapters: Silica glass (24); Binary alkali-silica glasses as raw materials for "water glass" (10); Hard alkali-lime-silica technical glasses (14); Soft instrument glasses (11); Thermometer glasses (10); Foamed glasses (4); Glass as a lubrificant in the extrusion of metals (2); Borate and borosilicate glasses (8); Glasses resistant to metal vapours (6); Glasses as a fertilizer (5); Neutral glasses (37); Thermally durable borosilicate glasses with an expasion of 3,3.10-6 K-1 (Pyrex, Simax) (105); Opal glasses resistant to thermal shock (5); Vycor and microporous glasses (23); Sealing glasses (55); Fibre glass (33). O. V. Mazurin and E.A. Porai-Koshits (editors), "Phase separation in glass", North-Holland, Amsterdan, 1984, 370 p. Chapters: Historical review (14); Theory of immiscibility (52); Methods of studying metastable phase separation (36); Immiscibility diagrams of oxide glass-forming systems (40); Tie-lines (20); The structure of phase-separated glass (38); Kinetics of phase separation (42); Properties of phase-separated glasses (48); Practical use of metastable liquid-liquid immiscibility (42). Z. Strnad, "Glass-ceramic materials", Elsevier, amsterdam, 1986, 268 p. Chapters: Characteristics of glass-ceramic materials (20); Basic types of phase transformations in glass-forming systems (47); Bulk crystallization in simple system (38); Procedures for the preparation of glass-ceramic materials (27); Methods of study (25); The properties of glass-ceramic materials (19); Survey of manufactured glass-ceramic materials, their properties and use (68). P.W. McMillan, "Glass-ceramic", Academic Press, London, 1979 (2ed.), 285 p. Chapters: Introduction (6); Crystallization and devitrification (54); Nucleating agents and glass types for controlled crystallization (36); The glass-ceramic process (90); Applications of glass-ceramics (12); The research and development potential of glass-ceramics (8). T.S. Izumitani, "Optical glass", American Institute of Physics, New York, 1986, 197 p. Chapters: What is glass? (14); Compositions and physical properties of optical glass (42); How optical glasses produced? Manufacturing methods and progress in manufacturing methods (34); Cold working of optical glasses (58); New glasses (44). |
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