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Este material foi compilado e editado por Oswaldo Luiz Alves , Coordenador Científico do LQES - Laboratório de Química do Estado Sólido, do Instituto de Química da UNICAMP. Os números que aparecem entre parênteses correspondem ao número de páginas que os diferentes Autores dedicam ao tópico focalizado.
David Segal, "Chemical synthesis of advanced ceramic materials", Chemistry of Solid State Materials 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/New York/Port Chester/Melbourne/ Sydney, 1989 (Paperback Ed. 1991), 182 p. Chapters: Introduction: the variety of ceramic system (16); Conventional routes to ceramics (6); Ceramic fabrication (10); Sol-gel processing of colloids (25); Sol-gel processing of metal-organic compounds (31); Non-aqueous liquid-phase reactions (10); Polymer pyrolysis (15); Hydrothermal synthesis of ceramic powders (10); Gas-phase reactions (19) Miscellaneous synthetic routes to ceramic materials (5); Appendix: Determination of particle size (8); References (24). J.M. Honig & C.N.R. Rao, Editors, "Preparation and Characterization of Materials", Academic Press, New York/London etc., 1981, 609 p. Chapters: I. Crystal growth and other preparation techniques. F. Rosenberger: Fluid dynamic effects in vapor crystal growth ampoules (25); J.M. Longo & H.S. Horowitz: Solid state synthesis of complex oxides (18); A.K. Jain & D.K. Sood: Metastable alloys by ion implantation and high power laser treatment (27); B.K. Das: Developments in preparation of soft ferrites (26). II. Selected characterization techniques. N.S. Satya Murthy, B.A. Dasannacharya & R. Chakravarthy: Neutron scattering techniques (28); R.W. Carpenter: Analytical electron microscopy and materials science (28); C.N.R. Rao & M.S. Hedge: Surface characterization by eletron spectroscopic techniques: recent advances (23); M. Multani: The finite solid state lattice (30). III. Ferroics. E.C. Subbarao, V.C.S. Prasas & K. Veerbhadra Rao: Ferroelectrics for dielectric and electrooptical applications (31); R.E. Newnham & L.E. Cross: Ferroic crystals, ceramic and composites (18). IV. Layered materials and surface treatment. G.V. Subba Rao & C.S. Sunandanal: Layered dichalcogenides and intercalated materials (14); A. Clearfield: Preparation, characterization, and properties of synthetic layered inorganic ion exchangers (31); H. Herman & H. Bhat: Plasma spray deposition of materials (21). V. Metal oxides and other electronic materials. J.M. Honig: Honig: Growth and electrical characterization of metal oxides (27); S.V. Subramanyam: One-dimensional conductors (23); P.S. Gopalakrishnan: Infrared detector material - Hg1-xCdxTe and Pb1-xSnxTe (25); A.P.B. Sinha, C.D. George, S. Sinha & A. Mitra: Photovoltaic materials (29). VI. Amorphous materials including glasses. C.A. Angell: Amorphous solids: types characteristics and challenges (28); T.R. Anantharaman: Characterization of metallic glassses (19); K.J. Rao: Role of ions in inorganic glasses (17); D. Chakravorty: Heterophase glasses and glass metal particulate systems (21); J.B. MacChesney: Case history of the development of optical fibers (25). VII. High temperature ceramics. R.J. Bratton: Structural ceramics for heat engines (19); J. Mukerji: High temperature materials and silicon nitride (18). N. Tsuda, K. Nasu, A. Yanase, & K. Siratori, "Electronic conduction in oxides", (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 94), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg etc., 1991, 323 p. Chapters: Introduction (4); Introduction to electronic states in oxides and an overview of transport properties (38); Theories for many-problems in strongly coupled electronphonon systems (62); Representative conducting oxides (182); References (29). Duncam W. Bruce & Dermot O'Hare, Editors, "Inorganic Materials", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester etc., 1992, 543 p. Chapters: P. Cassoux & L. Valade: Molecular inorganic superconductors (58); O. Kahn, Yu Pei & Y. Journaux: Molecular inorganic magnetic materials (56); S.R. Marder: Metal-containing materials for nonlinear optics (50); D. OHare: Inorganic intercalation compounds (71); S. Man: Biogenic inorganic materials (58); R.W. McCabe: Clay chemistry (57); G.E. Kellogg & J.G. Gaudiello: polymeric coordination complexes: Bridging molecular metals and conductive polymers (52): D.W. Bruce: Metal-containing liquid crystals (86); P.OBrien: Precursors for electronic materials (45). C.N.R. Rao, Editor, "Chemistry of Advanced Materials", A "Chemistry for the 21st Century" monograph. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford etc., 1993, 388 p. Chapters: Introduction (6); C.P. Ballard & A.J. Fanelli: Sol-gel route for materials synthesis (17); A.G. Merzhanov: Combustion: New manifestations of an ancient process (21); J. Gopalakrishnan: Synthesis of oxide materials (14); M. Langlet & J.C. Joubert: The pyrosol process or the pyrolysis of an ultrasonically generated aerosol (25); R.R. Neurgaonkar, W.F.Hall, J.R. Oliver & W.K. Cory: Ferroelectric tungsten bronze oxides: a case study of optoelectronic materials (25); G.E. Fish: Rapidly solidified magnetic materials (42); C.N.R. Rao: Superconducting materials (19); J. Mukerji: Nitride ceramics (28); K.R.C. Gisser, A.B. Ellis, J.H. Perepezko, W. Moberly & J.D. Busch: Principles of the shape memory effect in nicket-titamium (19); D. Chakravorty & A.K. Giri: Nanomaterials (19); R. Ramasesha: Extended molecular electronic materials (29); S. Sengupta, J. Kumar, A. Jain & S. Tripathy: Functionalized polymeric materials for electronic and optics (27); D. Bloor: Molecular electronics: status and prospects (11); S.A. Shivashankar: Diamond thin films (14); K.I. Zamaraev & V.L. Kuznetsov: Catalysts and adsorbents (30); R.J. Sullivan & R.E. Newnham: Composite thermistors (17); K.J. Rao & M.C.R. Shastry: Amorphus materials (13). A.H. Kitai, Editor, "Solid State Luminiscence. Theory, materials and devices", Chapman & Hall, London etc., 1993; 386 p. Chapters: A.H. Kitai: Principles of luminiscence (19); G. Blasse: Luminiscent centres in isulators (31); U.W. Pohl & H.E. Gumlich: Luminiscence spectroscopy (44); G.W. Burdick & M.C. Downer: One-photon rare earth optical transitions: recent theoretical development (35); G.O. Müller: Thin film electroluminiscene (25); Surjit S. Chadha: Powder electroluminiscence (69); R. Mach: Thin film electroluminiscence devices (34); S.P. DenBaars: Light emitting diodes: materials growth and properties (29); Brian W. Sanders: Atomic layer epitaxy of phosphor thin films (20); T.E. Peters, R.G. Pappalardo & R.B. Hunt, Jr.: Lamp phosphors (36); G. Blasse: Phosphors for ther applications (24). P.A. Cox, "Transition Metal Oxides. An Introduction to their Electronic Structure and Properties", Oxford University Press (Clarendon Press), Oxford, 1992, 284 p. Chapters: Introduction (35); Models of electronic structure (75); Insulating oxides (57); Defects and semiconduction (47); Metallic oxides (73). Bruce Chalmers, "The Structure and Properties of Solids. An Introduction to Materials Science", Heyden & Sons Ltd., London, 1982, ~ 150 p. Chapters: Atoms and electrons (9); Insulators (11); Conductors (14); Semiconductors (5); Magnetic properties (10); Optical properties (18); Thermal properties (14); Strength of solids: elastic behavior (13); Strength of solids: plasticity (13); Strengthening mechanisms (10); How long will it last (6); Some chemical problems (13); The future (4); Bibliography (2). William D. Callister, Jr., "Materials Science and Engineering. An Introduction", John Wiley & Sons, New York/Chichester etc., 2nd Ed. 1991, 791 p. Chapters: Introduction (6); Atomic structure and interatomic bonding (23); The structure of crystalline solids (41); Imperfections in solids (23); Diffusion (18); Mechanical properties of metals (43); Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms (34); Failure (57); Phase diagrams (55); Phase transformations in metals: development of microstructure and alteration of mechanical properties (37); Thermal processing of metal alloys (24); Metal alloys (30); Structure and properties of ceramics (38); Applications and processing of ceramics (28); Polymer structures (29); Characteristics, applications, and processing of polymers (41); Composites (34); Corrosion and degradation of materials (44); Electrical properties (53); Thermal properties (17); Magnetic properties (32); Optical properties (22). Charles Newey & Graham Weaver, Editors, "Materials Principles and Practice", Materials in Action Series, The Open University; Butterworths, London etc., 1990, 405 p. Chapters: Products, properties, properties and principles (45); The nature of materials (42); An atomic view of solids (57); Temperature as an agent of change (75); Controlling the mix (60); Mechanical properties for processing (50); Chemical properties for processing and use (44). Nicholas Braithwaite & Graham Weaver, Editors, "Electronic Materials", Materials in Action Series, The Open University; Butterworths, London etc., 1990, 336 p. Contents: Goals and gambits (30); Materials for circuits (42); Something about magnets (37); Transducers (37); Memory microtechnology (72); Displays (38); Warm superconductors - so what? (23). George Weidmann, Peter Lewis & Nick Reid, Editors, "Structural Materials", Materials in Action Series, The Open University; Butterworths, London etc., 1990, 430 p. Chapters: Materials and mechanics (25); Nonferrous metals (60); Iron and steel (69); Ceramics and glasses (46); Polymeric materials (58); Fibres and fibre assemblies (35); Composite materials (45); Cement, concrete and reinforced concrete (36); Selection of materials: a case study (18). A.J. Moulson & J.M. Herbet, "Electroceramics. Materials Properties Applications", Chapman & Hall, London/New York/Tokyo/Melbourne/Madras, 1990, 1992 (paperback edition), 464 p. Chapters: Introduction (4); Elementary solid state science (81); The fabrication of ceramics (31); Ceramic conductors (65); Dielectrics and insulators (83); Piezoelectric ceramics (53); Pyroelectric materials (20); Electro-optic ceramics (32); Magnetic ceramics (81). W. Bolton, "Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials", Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex, U.K., 1992, 238 p. Contents: Atomic structure (23); Electric fields (27); Dielectrics (18); Magnetic fields (46); Magnetic materials (20); Electron ballistics (18); Electrial conductivity (34); Junctions between materials (46). Ben G. Streetman, "Solid State Electronic Devices", Prentice-Hall International, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., USA, 3rd Ed., 1990, 462 p. Contents: Crystal properties and growth of semiconductors (27); Atoms and electrons (23); Energy bands and charge carriers in semiconductors (45); Excess carriers in semiconductors (34); Junctions (71); p-n Junction diodes (31); Bipolar junction transistors (56); Field-effect transistors (43); Integrated circuits (46); Lasers (22); p-n-p-n Switching devices (13); Negative conductance microwave devices (21). Richard Dalven, "Introduction to Applied Solid State Physics. Topics in the Applications of Semiconductors, Superconductors, Ferromagnetism, and the Nonlinear Properties of Solids", Plenum Press, New York/London, 2nd Edition, 1990, 410 p. Chapters: Review of semiconductor physics (24); The semiconductor p-n junction (53); Semiconductor p-n junction (30); Physics of metal-semiconductor and metal-insulator-semiconductor junctions (18); Metal-semiconductor and metal-insulator-semiconductor devices (12); Other semiconductor devices (35); Detectors and generators of electromagnetic radiation (40). L. V. Interrante, L. A. Caspar and A. B. Ellis, " Materials Chemistry - An emerging discipline", American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., , 1995, 552 p. Contents: The Societal and Educational Context : Government, Academic, and Industrial Issues (34); Educational Issues (42); Selected Research Topics (438). A. B. Ellis, M. J. Geselbracht, B.J. Johnson, G.C. Lisensky and W.R. Robinson, "Teaching General Chemistry - A materials science companion", American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1993, 366 p. Contents: An introduction to materials sicence (14); Atoms and electrons (27); Stoichiometry (28); Common crystalline structures (4); Defects in s of solids (32); Electronic structure of crystalline solids (51); Chemical equilibrium : acid-base and redox analogies in solids (40); Application of thermodinamics : phase changes (45); synthesis of materials (22); Laboratory experiments (10). C. N.R. Rao, "Chemical Approaches to the Synthesis of Inorganic Materials", John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi, India, 1994, 102 p. Contents : Introduction (4); Common reactions employed in synthesis (10); Ceramic procedures (3); Precursor method (10); Combustion synthesis (10); Topochemical reactions(6); Intercaltion chemistry (10); Sol-gel synthesis (1); Ion exchenge methods (3); Use of alkali media (2); Electrochemical methods (3); Nebulized spray pyrolisis (3); Arc and skull methods (2); Reaction at high pressures (10); Intergrowth structures (5); Superconducting cuprates (7); Metal borides, carbides and nitrides (4); Metal fluorides (4); Metal silicides, phosphides, sulfides and related material (3); Nanomaterials (5). M.T. Weller, "Inorganic Materials Chemistry", Oxford Science Publication, Oxford, 1994, 91 p. Contents: Basic crystallography (14); Application and interpretation of powder X-ray diffraction data (11); Transition metal oxides (12); Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of inorganic materials (11); Non- stoichiometry (11); Zeolites, intercalation in layer materials and solid electrolytes (11); Some recent developments in inorganic materials chemistry (7). |
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