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Na área de Eletrônica Molecular objetiva-se encontrar moléculas individuais, capazes de realizar funções em circuitos eletrônicos, funções estas até então realizadas pelos chamados dispositivos semicondutores. As moléculas individuais têm dimensão centenas de vezes menor que os conhecidos dispositivos eletrônicos, concebidos via tecnologia de semicondutores. Pelo fato de ser a área ocupada por cada elemento do circuito eletrônico o que realmente interessa, os dispositivos eletrônicos construídos fazendo-se uso de moléculas poderão, conseqüentemente, vir a ter dimensões centenas de vezes menores que as de seus similares baseados em semicondutores. Acrescente-se ainda que moléculas individuais, exatamente iguais, são facilmente "fabricadas" aos bilhões, e mesmo aos trilhões. A dramática redução do tamanho, aliada à verdadeira enormidade dos números, quando da "fabricação", fazem com que, em princípio, sejam estes os grandes benefícios auferidos pela Eletrônica Molecular. Resumindo-se: é autorizada a afirmação de que os dispositivos eletrônico-moleculares são, no limite, aqueles que mais se assemelham aos componentes eletrônicos - sejam eles de circuitos ou de computadores. Se componentes individuais - que se acoplam entre si -: fios, interruptores, conexões, retificadores, etc., podem ser produzidos, nada impede que se pense que o mesmo não possa se dar em dimensão molecular (nanoescala), na forma de dispositivos eletrônicos. As bases para que isto aconteça já estão lançadas! Oswaldo Luiz Alves, Novembro de 2005
M. Borissov, "Molecular Electronics", 4th Intl School on Condensed Matter Physics: Varna, Bulgaria September 18-27, 1986, World Scientific Pub Co., Singapore, 1987. F.L. Carter, "Molecular Electronic Devices II", Marcel Dekker, New York 1987. Non Identified Author, "Molecular Electronics: Beyond the Silicon Chip", Emerging Technologies, No. 9, Technical Insights, 2nd edition, 1987. I.A. Aksay and G.L. McVay, "Atomic & Molecular Processing of Electronic and Ceramic Materials: Preparation, Characterization, and Properties", Materials Research Society Conference, Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 1988. Forrest L. Carter, Ronald E. Siatkowski and Hank Wohltjen (Editors), "Molecular Electronic Devices", Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Molecular Electronic Devices, Arlington, Virginia, 6-8 October, North-Holland, New York, 1989.
F.T. Hong (Editor), "Molecular Electronics: Biosensors and Biocomputers", Plenum Pub. Corp., New York, 1990, 454 pages. NATO, "Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics and Molecular Electronics", NATO Advances Science Institutes), Kluwer Academic Publishers., Dordrecht, 1990, 607 pages.
P. Day, D.C. Bradley and D. Bloor (Editor), "Molecular Chemistry for Electronics", Proceedings of a Royal Society Discussion Meeting Held on 8 and 9 March, 1989, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. D.K. Ferry, J.R. Barker and C. Jacoboni (Editors), "Granular Nanoelectronics", NATO ASI Series B, Physics, Vol. 251, Plenum Pub. Corp., New York, 1991, 590 pages. NATO, "Lower-Dimensional Systems and Molecular Electronics", NATO ASI Series. Series B, Physics, Vol. 248, by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lower-Dimensional Systems and Molecular Electronics, Plenum Pub. Corp., New York, 1991, 742 pages. A. Cook, "Biocomputers: The Next Generation from Japan", Van Nostrand Reinhold; Amsterdam, 1991. D.B. Poker, "Ion Beam Modification of Materials 90", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Knoxville, September 9-14, 1990, North-Holland, 1991.
S.P. Stoylov and B.R. Jennings (Editors), "Colloid and Molecular Electro-Optics 1991", Proceedings of the Vith International Electro-Optics Symposium, 19-26 September 1991, Varna, Bulgaria, Inst of Physics Pub, Bristol, 1992, 280 pages. A. Aviram (Editor), "AIP Conference on Molecular Electronics", St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 1991 Aip Conference Proceedings, 262, Springer Verlag, New York, 1992, 334 pages. G.J. Ashwell (Editor), "Molecular Electronics", John Wiley & Sons, New York,1992, 372 pages. Non Identified Author, "Nanostructures Based on Molecular Materials", VCH Publishing, New York, 1992, 373 pages.
P. Fuoss, J. Tsao, D.W. Kisker and A. Zangwill, "Common Themes and Mechanisms of Epitaxial Growth", Symposium Held April 13-15, 1993, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. (Materials Research Society Society), Material Research Society, Warrendale, 1993, 348 pages. K. Sienicki (Editor), "Molecular Electronics and Molecular Electronic Devices", CRC Press, 1993, 288 pages. M.B. Panish and H. Temkin, "Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Growth and Properties of Phosphorus Containing III-V Heterostructures", Springer Series in Materials Science, Springer Verlag, New York, 1993, 428 pages. L. Banyai and S.W. Koch (Contributor), "Semiconductor Quantum Dots", World Scientific Series on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Vol. 2, 244 pages, World Scientific Pub. Co, Singapore, 1993, 244 pages. C.R.K. Marrian (Editor), "Technology of Proximal Probe Lithography", Spie Institutes for Advanced Optical Technologies, Vol 10, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, USA, 1993. Ch. Ziegler, W. Gopel and G. Zerbi (Editors), "Molecular Electronics: Proceedings of Symposium H on Molecular Electronics: Doping and Recognition in Nanostructured Materials", North-Holland, New York, 1993, 202 pages. C. Taliani, Z.V. Vardeny and Y. Maruyama (Editors), "Synthetic Metals for Non-Linear Optics and Electronics", Proceedings of Symposium E on Synthetic Metals for Non-Linear Optics and Electronics, North-Holland, New York, 1993. C.N.R. Rao (Editor), "Chemistry of Advanced Materials: A Chemistry for the 21st Century", International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Blackwell Science Inc., New York, 1993, 388 pages.
A.A. Cho (Editor), "Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Key Papers in Applied Physics, Springer Verlag, New York, 1994, 570 pages. NATO, "Nanolithography: A Borderland Between STM, EB, IB, and X-Ray Lithographies", NATO ASI Series. Series E: Applied Sciences, Vol 264, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, 215 pages. C.W. Tu, L.A. Kolodziejski and V.R. McCrary (Editors), "Compound Semiconductor Epitaxy", Symposium Held April 4-7, 1994, San Francisco, California, (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings), Material Research Society, 1994, 612 pages. J. Zyss (Editor), "Molecular Nonlinear Optics", Academic Press, San Diego, 1994, 478 pages. R.R. Birge (Editor), "Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics", Division of Biochemical Technology of the American Chemical Society, American Chemica Society, NewYork, 1994, 608 pages.
R.F.C. Farrow (Editor), "Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Applications to Key Materials", Materials Science and Process Technology Series, Noyes Publications, New York, 1995, 772 pages. M.C. Petty, M.R. Bryce and D. Bloor (Editors), "An Introduction to Molecular Electronics", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995, 400 pages. S. Roth, "One-Dimensional Metals: Physics and Materials Science", John Wiley & Sons., New York, 1995, 247 pages.
K.L. Kajimura and S. Kuroda, "Materials and Measurements in Molecular Electronics", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Materials and Measurements in Molecular Electronics (International Symposium on Materials and Measurements in Molecular Electronics), Springer Verlag, New York, 1996, 269 pages. E.F. Schubert (Editor), "Delta-Doping of Semiconductors", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996. C. Nicolini and S. Vakula (Editors), "Molecular Manufacturing", Electronics and Biotechnology Advanced Forum Series, Vol. 2, Plenum Pub. Corp., New York, 1996, 225 pages. J. Novak and A. Schlachetzki (Editors), "Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices", NATO ASI Series. Partnership Sub-Series 3, High Technology, Vol. 11., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, 323 pages. G. Mahler, V. May and M. Schreiber (Editors), "Molecular Electronics: Properties, Dynamics, and Applications", Marcel Dekker, San Diego, 1996, 396 pages.
C. Joachim and S.Roth (Editors), "Atomic and Molecular Wires", NATO ASI Series. Series E, Applied Sciences, Vol 341, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997, 232 pages. M.A. Herman and H. Sitter (Contributors), "Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Fundamentals and Current Status", Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol 7, Springer Verlag, New York, 1997. J. Jortner and M.A. Ratner, "Molecular Electronics: A Chemistry for the 21st Century", Iupac Chemistry for the 21st Century Series, Blackwell Science Inc.New York, 1997, 464 pages. F.A. Ponce, T.D. Moustakas and I. Akasaki (Editors), "III-V Nitrides", Symposium Held December 2-6, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A, Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol 449, Material Research Society, Warrendale, 1997, 1251 pages. J.S. Ford, G.J. Davies and W.T. Tsamg (Editors), "Chemical Beam Epitaxy and Related Techniques", John Wiley & Son Ltd., New York, 1997, 460 pages.
K. Honda (Editor), "Functionality of Molecular System: From Molecular Systems to Molecular Devices", Springer-Verlag, 1998, 245 pages. M. Grattarola and G. Massobrio, "Bioelectronics Handbook: MOSFETs, Biosensors, and Neurons", McGraw Hill, New York, 1998, 416 pages. C.A. Nicolini (Editor), "Biophysics of Electron Transfer and Molecular Bioelectronics", Electronics and Biotechnology Advanced Forum Series, Vol. 3, Plenum Pub Corp., New York, 1998. M. Grattarola and G. Massobrio, "Bioelectronics Handbook: MOSFETs, Biosensors, and Neurons", McGraw Hill, New York, 1998 , 416 pages. C.A. Nicolini (Editor), "Biophysics of Electron Transfer and Molecular Bioelectronics", Electronics and Biotechnology Advanced Forum Series, Vol. 3, Plenum Pub Corp., New York, 1998. A. Aviram and M.A. Ratner (Editors), "Molecular Electronics: Science and Technology", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 852, Engineering Foundation, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1998, 372 pages. G. Isenberg (Editor), "Modern Optics, Electronics, and High Precision Techniques in Cell Biology" , Principles and Practice, Springer Verlag, New York, 1998, 261 pages. J. Zyss and F. Garnier, "Materials, Physics and Devices for Molecular Electronics and Photonics", Elsevier Science, Amsterdan, 1998, 532 pages. P. Kordos and J. Novak (Editors), "Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices-Head 97", NATO ASI Series. Partnership Sub-Series 3, High Technology, Vol. 48, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998, 336 pages.
J.C. Ellenbogen, "Architectures for Molecular Electronic Computers" (Unknown Binding), Mitre, 1999, 58 pages. T.H. Dunning (Editor), "Advances in Molecular Electronic Structure Theory", JAI Press, 1999. M. Cahay, S. Bandyopadhyay and D.J. Lockwood (Editors), "Advanced Luminescent Materials and Quantum Confinement", Proceedings of the International Symposium of Electrochemical Society, 1999. K. Honda (Editor), "Functionality of Molecular System: From Molecular Systems to Molecular Devices", Springer Verlag, New York, 1999. P.I. Lazarev (Editor), "Molecular Electronics: Materials and Methods", Topics in Molecular Organization and Engineering, V. 7, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999, 337 pages.
J. Cheng and L. Kricka, "Biochip Technology", Taylor & Francis Group, 2000, 350 pages. S.T. Pantelides, M.A. Reed and J.S. Murday (Editors), "Molecular Electronics", Symposium Held November 29 - December 2, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 582, Material Research Society, Warrendale, 2000, 109 pages. S.C. Moss, E.H. Chason, B.H. Cooper, J.M.E. Harper, T. Diaz de La Rubia and M.V.R. Murty (Editors), "Fundamental Mechanisms of Low-Energy-Beam-Modified Surface Growth and Processing", Symposium Held November 29 - December 2, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A (Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 585), Materials Research Society, 2000, 324 pages.
H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring and S. Roth (Editors), "Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures", XV International Interschool/Euroconference Kirchberg, Tirol, Austria, 3-10 March 2001 (AIP Conference/International Kirchberg Winterschools), American Institute of Physics, 2001, 633 pages. J.-P. Sauvage (Editor), "Molecular Machines & Motors" (Structure and Bonding), Springer, 2001, 306 pages. M.A. Duncan, "Advances in Metal and Semiconductor Clusters", V. 5 (Advances in Metal and Semiconductor Clusters), Elsevier, 2001, 416 pages. Lhadi Merhari (Editor), "Nonlithographic and Lithographic Methods of Nanofabrication-From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Photonics to Molecular Electronics" (Society Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 636), Materials Research Society, 2001, 370 pages. R. Farchioni and G. Grosso (Editors), "Organic Electronic Materials: Conjugated Polymers and Low Molecular Weight Organic Solids", Springer Series in Materials Science, 41, Springer Verlag, New York, 2001, 448 pages. V. Ramamurthy and K.S. Schanze (Editors), "Optical Sensors and Switches", Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, 519 pages. L. Merhari (Editor), "Nonlithographic and Lithographic Methods of Nanofabrication From Ultralarge-Scale Integration to Photonics to Molecular Electronics", Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2001. W.R. Salaneck, K. Seki and A. Kahn (Editors), "Conjugated Polymer & Molecular Interfaces", Marcel Dekker, San Diego, 2001, 888 pages.
T. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, H. Tada and K. Sugiura (Editors), "Chemistry of Nanomolecular Systems", Springer, 2002, 198 pages. J. Pekola, B. Ruggiero and P. Silvestrini (Editors), "International Workshop on Superconducting Nano-Electronics Devices", Plenum, 2002, 250 pages. D. Brenner, S. Lyshevski, G. Iafrate and W.A. Goddard III (Editors), "Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology", CRC Press, 2002, 824 pages. A. Aviram, M.A. Ratner and V. Mujica (Editors), "Molecular Electronics II", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, United Engineering Foundation (U.S.), Hawaii), Molecular Electronics 2000 (Kailua-Kona), Vol. 960, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 2002, 249 pages. C.S. Calude, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa (Editors), "Multiset Processing: Mathematical, Computer Science, and Molecular Computing Points of View", (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Spriger, 2002, 359 pages. Authors (?), "What makes a good molecular-scale computer device?" ([Research paper] / Carnegie Mellon University. School of Computer Science), School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002, 13 pages. W.A. Goddard (Editor), "Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology" , Electrical Engineering Handbook Series), CRC Press, Baton Rouge, 2002, 848 pages. T. Chakraborty, F. Peeters and U. Sivan (Editors), "Nano-Physics & Bio-Electronics: A New Odyssey", Elsevier Science Health Science Div., Amsterdam, 2002, 354 pages.
T. Tsakalakos, I.A. Ovid'ko and A.K. Vasudevan (Editors), "Nanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications", (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2003, 708 pages. V.A. Sadovnichii, H. Walther, V.A Sadovnichy and H. Walther (Editors), "The Physics of Communication", Proceedings of the XXII Solvay Conference on Physics Delphi Lamia, Greece 24 - 29 November 2001, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003, 688 pages. A.O. Tarakanov, V.A. Skormin and S.P. Sokolova, "Immunocomputing: Principles and Applications", Springer, 2003, 232 pages. R. Waser, "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology: Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 1002 pages. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis and H.-B. Schüttler (Editors), "Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XV", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop, Athens, GA, USA (Springer Proceedings in Physics), Springer, 2003, 224 pages. L. Barsanti, V. Evangelista, P. Gualtieri, V. Passarelli and S. Vestri (Editors), "Molecular Electronics: Bio-sensors and Bio-computers" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2003, 560 pages. V. Balzani, M. Venturi and A. Credi, "Molecular Devices and Machines: A Journey into the Nanoworld", Wiley-VCH, 2003, 511 pages. N.K. Kaneto, S. Masaki, and M. Iwamoto (Editor), M. Iwamoto and S. Mashiko, "Nanotechnology and Nano-Interface Controlled Electronic Devices", International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Nice Devices, 2002, Elsevier Science, 2003, 536 pages. M. Lieberman, "Molecules as Components of Electronic Devices" (ACS Symposium Series, 844), American Chemical Society, 2003, 281 pages.
A.M. Ionescu and K. Banerjee (Editors), "Emerging Nanoelectronics: Life With and After CMOS", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, (?) pages. R.A., Jr. Freitas and R.C. Merkle, "Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines", Landes Bioscience, 2004, 341 pages. S.N. Yanushkevich, V.P. Shmerko and S.E. Lyshevsk, "Logic Design of Nanoics" (Nano-and Microscience, Engineering, Technology, and Medicine Series)", CRC Press. 2004, 459 pages. D.R. Gamota (Editor), "Printed Organic and Molecular Electronics", Springer, 2004, 720 pages. S.K. Shukla and R.I. Bahar (Editors), "Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation", Springer, 2004, 358 pages. A.S. Alexandrov, J. Demsar and I.K. Yanson (Editors), "Molecular Nanowires and Other Quantum Objects" (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2004, 428 pages. (?), "Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems: Complexity and Statistical Fluctuations: a Maximum-Entropy Viewpoint", (Mesoscopic Physics and Nanotechnology), Oxford University Press, 2004, 401 pages. C. Delerue and M. Lannoo, "Nanostructures: Theory and Modelling", (NanoScience and Technology), Springer, 2004, 304 pages. S. Roth and D. Carroll, "One-Dimensional Metals: Conjugated Polymers, Organic Crystals, Carbon Nanotubes", John Wiley and Sons, 2004, 264 pages. Q. Lin, R.A. Pearson and J.C. Hedrick (Editors), "Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanolectronics", (ACS Symposium Series), American Chemical Society, 2004, 335 pages. L. Ouahab and E. Yagubskii (Editors), "Organic Conductors, Superconductors and Magnets: From Synthesis to Molecular Electronics", (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Springer, 2004, 340 pages. A. Picconatto, J.C. Ellenbogen and R. Shashidhar (Editors), "Molecular Electronics III", (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences), New York Academy of Sciences, 2004, 332 pages. D.R. Gamota, P. Brazis, K. Kalyanasundaram and J. Zhang (Editors), "Printed Organic and Molecular Electronics", Springer, 2004, 720 pages. K. Goser, "Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems: From Transistors to Molecular and Quantum Devices", Springer, 2004, 284 pages. J.M. Tour, "Molecular Electronics: Commercial Insights, Chemistry, Devices, C.M.S. Torres (Editor), "Alternative Lithography: Unleashing the Potentials of Nanotechnology", (Nanostructure Science and Technology), Plenum, 2003, 425 pages.
TH. Adachi, T. Mukoyama and J. Kawai (Editors), "Hartree-Fock-Slater Method for Materials Science: The DV-X Alpha Method for Design and Characterization of Materials" (Springer Series in Materials Science), Springer; 2005, 242 pages. G. Cuniberti and G. Fagas (Editors), "Introducing Molecular Electronics" (V Lecture Notes in Physics), Springer, 2005, 450 pages. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis and H.-B. Schüttler (Editors), "Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVII", Proceedings of the Seventeenth Workshop, Athens, GA, USA (Springer Proceedings in Physics), Springer, 2005, 250 pages. S. Oda and D. Ferry (Editors), "Silicon Nanoelectronics", CRC Press, 2005, 313 pages. A. Tramer, C. Jungen and F. Lahmani, "Energy Dissipation in Molecular Systems", Springer, 2005, 202 pages. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis and H.-B. Schüttler (Editors), "Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVI", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop", Athens, GA, USA, February 24-28, 2003 (Springer Proceedings in Physics) Springer, 2005, 258 pages. R.E. Raab and O.L. De Lange, "Multipole Theory in Electromagnetism: Classical, Quantum, And Symmetry Aspects, With Applications" (International Series of Monographs on Physics), Oxford University Press, 2005, 235 pages.
M.C. Petty, "Molecular Electronics", John Wiley and Sons, 2006, 408 pages. |
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