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Robert E. Newnham, "Structure-Properties Relations", Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/ New York, 1975, 234 p. Chapters: Symmetry and crystal physics (23); Electronic transport in materials (28); Thermal properties and ion transport (26); Ferroelectrics and other ferroic materials (34); Optical materials (29); Magnetic materials (29); Materials with useful mechanical properties (49). André Guinier, "The Structure of Matter - From the Blue Sky to Liquid Crystals", Edward Arnold, London, 1984, 230 p. Chapters: The basic elements of structures: atoms, molecules, ions (18); The two states of matter: order and disorder (18); The perfect gas (19); Crystals (50); The structure of real crystals (16); From crystals to crystalline solds (15); Pure liquids, liquid mixtures and solutions (21); Non-crystalline solids: the amorphous or glassy state (15); Between order and disorder: polymers, liquid crystals and soaps (33); Composite materials, suspensions and colloidal solutions (19); In conclusion: a quick look over the whole subject (2). A.F. Wells, "Structural Inorganic Chemistry", Fifth Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984, 1382 p. Chapters: Introduction (35); Symmetry (25); Polyhedra and nets (78); Sphere packings (46); Tetrahedral and octahedral structures (51); Some simple AXn structures (45); Bonds in molecules and crystals (57); Hydrogen: the noble gases (42); The halogens-simple halides (61); Complex, oxy- and hydroxy-halides (49); Oxygen (37); Binary metal oxides (44); Complex oxides (51); Metal hydroxides, oxyhydroxides, and hydroxy-salts (27); Water and hydrates (45); Sulphur, selenium, and tellurium (50); Metal sulphides and oxysulphides (4); Nitrogen (50); Phosphorus (38); Arsenic, antimony, and bismuth (35); Carbon (27); Metal cyanides, carbides, carbonyls, and alkyls (44); Silicon (63); Boron (52); Copper, silver, and gold (48); The elements of subgroups IIB, IIIB, and IVB (41); Group VIII and other transition metals (58); The lanthanides and actinides (26); Metals and alloys (53). P.A. Cox, "The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids", Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York/London, 1987, 259 p. Chapters: Introduction (23); Spectroscopic methods (21); Electronic energy levels and chemical bondin (34); Elementary band theory (55); The effects of electronic repulsion (32); Lattice distortions (29); Defects, impurities, and surfaces (47). H.M. Rosenberg, "The Solid State. An introduction to the Physics of Crystals for Students of Physics, Materials Science, and Engineering", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 3rd Ed. 1988, 318 p. Chapters: Atoms in crystals (18); Waves in crystals (19); Defects and disorder in crystals (17); Dislocations in crystals (25); The thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice (17); Phonons in non-metals: thermal conductivity (11); Free electrons in crystals (18); Electrical conductivity and the band theory (19); Semiconductors (17); The physics of the semiconductor p-n junction (27); Paramagnetism (13); Ferromagnestism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism (15); Dielectric properties (17); Superconductivity (36); Amorphous materials (34). Richard J. Borg & G.J. Dienes: "An Introduction to Solid State Diffusion", Academic Press Inc., San Diego etc., 1988, 358 p. Chapters: Fundamental concepts (24); Point defects in elemental crystalline substances (28); Mechanisms of diffusion (26); Diffusion in metals and alloys (32); Diffusion in ionic crystals(24); Less common modes of diffusion (26); The isotope effect (12); Diffusion in a concentration (14); Diffusion in semiconductors (30); Kinetic of defect reactions (38); Experimental methods (32); Solid state reactions (28); Appendices. Roald Hoffmann, "Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures", VCH Publishers, New York, 1988, 142 p. Chapters: Introduction (3); Orbitals and bands in one dimension (2); Bloch functions, k, Band structures (2); Band width (1); See how they run (1); An eclipsed stack of Pt(II) square planar complexes (5); The Fermil level (1); More dimensions, at least two (6); Setting up a surface problem (5); Density of states (5); Where are the electrons? (4); The detective work of tracing molecule-surface interactions: decomposition of the DOS (7); Where are the bonds? (12); A solid state sample problem: the ThCr2Si2 structure (11); The frontier orbital perspective (3); Orbital interactions on a surface (4); A case study: CO on Ni(100) (2); Barriers to chemisorption (1); Chemisorption is a compromise (3); Frontier orbitals in three-dimensional extended structures (5); More than one electronic unit in the cell. Folding bands (7); Making bonds in a crystal (1); The Peierls distortion (11); A brief excursion into the third dimension (5); Qualitative reasoning about orbital interactions on surfaces (4); The Fermi level matters (7); Another methodology and some credits (4); What's new in the solid? (8). André Guinier & Rémi Jullien, "The Solid State. From Superconductors to Superalloys", International Union of Crystallography: Texts on Crystallography 1, Oxford University Press, 1989, 271 p. Chapters: Thermal properties of solids [The heat capacity of solid, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity] (55); Electrical properties of solids [Dielectrics, The electrial conductivity of solids, The electronic conductivity of metals, Semiconductors, Superconductors, New conductors] (80); Magnetic properties of solids [The action of a magnetic field on a solid, Diamagnetism and paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Other types of magnetic ordering in crystals, The behaviour of ferro- and ferrimagnetics in a magnetic field, Relationships between magnetic properties and the structure of matter] (35); Mechanical properties of solids [General survey, Elasticity, Plastic deformation, Fracture, Creep, Fatigue, Some comments on the mechanical properties of metals] (71); Diffusion [The diffusion coefficient, Diffusion in real systems, Some applications of diffusion in solids] (22). B.G. Hyde & Sten Anderson, "Inorganic Crystal Structures", John Wiley & Sons, Neew York/Chichester/Brisbane/Toronto/Singapore, 1989, 430 p. Chapters: Introduction (5); CCP I. Cubic-close-packed arrays (usually of anions) projected along the diagonal of an octahedron - a four-fold axis (42); HCP I. Hexagonal-close-packed arrays (usually of anions) projected along the three-fold axi (= c 2.5 Å for many oxides) normal to the close-packed layers (56); HCP II: Hexagonal-close-packed arrays projected along an axis paralled to a cp plane but normal to a cp row in that plane <1010> (= v 3a 4.5-5 Å for many oxides) (25); HCP III: Hexagonal-close-packed arrays projected along a cp row of atoms, i.e., along <1120> onto {1120}; repeat distance = a 3.5 Å for many oxides (17); CCP II: Projection along the shortes axis <110> of the fcc unit cell, a cp row of atoms (22); Projection along the shortes axis of mixed (h+c) stackings of cp atom arrays - mixed hcp + ccp (12); Primitive cubic arrays and derived structures (32); Primitive hexagonal arrays and some derived and related structures (41); The stereochemistry of valence and lone pair electrons (15); Topological transformations (33); Noncommensurate vernier (or nonius) structures (25); Structures that can be related to (derived from) bcc or pc packing (21); Alloy structures with edge-capped tetrahedra, octahedra, square antiprisms, stellae quadrangulae, and/or tetraedersterns (35); Silicate structures (27). J.A. Duffy, "Bonding, Energy Levels and Bands in Inorganic Solids", Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, Essex, U.K., 1990, 249 p. Chapters: Orbital in atoms and ions (35); Optical spectra of metal ions (42); Electronegativity, polarisation and refractivity (21); Bonding in ionic, covalent and metallic materials (32); The band gap and charge transfer (25); Properties of the oxide ion (18); Semiconductors (20); Glasses (31); Magnetic properties of solids (19). |
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