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M.F. Ladd, "Structure and Bonding in Solid State Chemistry" , Ellis Horwood Ltd, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, etc., 1979, 321 p. Chapters : Preamble (36); Ionic compounds (68); Covalent compounds (71); Van der Waal's compounds (49); Metallic compounds (36); Postamble (16). Anthony R. West, "Solid State Chemistry and its Applications", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester/New York/Brisbane/Toronto/Singapore, 1984, 734 p. Chapters: What is solid state chemistry? (3); Preparative methods (42); Characterization of inorganic solids: applications of physical techniques (55); Thermal analysis (13); X-ray diffraction (72); Point groups, space groups and crystal structure (25); Descriptive crystal chemistry (51); Some factors which influence crystal structures (55); Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry (40); Solid solutions (16); Interpretation of phase diagrams (43); Phase transitions (35); Ionic conductivity and solid electrolytes (45); Electronic properties and band theory: metals, semiconductors, inorganic solids, colour (28); Other electrical properties (28); Magnetic properties (30); Optical properties: luminiscence, lasers (11); Glass (44); Cement and concrete (16); Refractories (12); Organic solid state chemistry (14). Anthony R. West, "Basic Solid State Chemistry", John Willey & Sons, Chichester/New York/Brisbane/Toronto/Singapore, 1984, 415 p. Chapters: Crystal structures (62); Bonding in solids (57); Crystallography and diffraction techniques (38); Other techniques: microscopy, spectroscopy, thermal analysis (48); Crystal defects, non-stoichiometry and solid solutions (50); Interpretation of phase diagrams (25); Electrical properties (61); Magnetic and optical properties (34). Hugo F. Franzen, "Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Crystalline Solids", Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg etc, 1986, 158 p. Chapters: Introduction (11); Space lattice symmetric (12); Space group symmetric (13); A brief sampling of some inorganic structure types (21); Thermodynamics (19); Reciprocal space and irreducible representations of space group (9); Second-order phase transitions (17); Diffraction by crystalline solids (15); Order-disorber transition and disordered structures (13); The electronic structure of crystalline solids (19). R.J.D. Tilley, "Defect Crystal Chemistry and its Applications", Blackie, Glasgow/London, 1987, 236 p. Chapters: Point defects in stoichiometric crystals (17); Atomic mobility: diffusion (26); The atomic theory of diffusion (25); Non-stoichiometry and defect chemistry (24); Some applications: galvanic cells and sensors using non-stoichiometric compounds (17); Non-stoichiometry and electronic conduction in materials containing ions of variable valence (24); Colour centres (11); Some thermodynamic considerations (27); Structural considerations (26); Thermodynamics and structure (12). A.K. Cheetham & P.Day, Editors, "Solid State Chemistry: Techniques", Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York/Toronto, 1987, 398 p. Chapters: J.D. Corbett: Synthesis of solid-state materials (38); A.K. Cheetham: Diffraction methods (45); G.K. Wertheim: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and related methods (38); W.E. Hatfield: Magnetic measurements (41); R.G. Denning: Optical techniques (27); C.A.Fyle &R.E. Wasylishen: High-resolution solid-state MAS NMR investigations of inorganic systems (41); C.R.A. Catlow: Computational techniques and simulation of crystal structures (48); A. Hamnett: Transport measurements (43); D.M. Adams: Vibrational spectroscopy (40); A. Navrotsky: Thermodynamic aspects of inorganic solid-state chemistry (32). A.K. Cheetham & P. Day, Editors, "Solid State Chemistry: Compounds", Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, OXford, 1992, 304 p. Chapters: P.A. Cox: Electronic structure of solids (30); P. Day: Chain compounds and one-dimensional physical behaviour (29); J. Etourneau: Superconducting materials (52); A. Simon: Metal-rich compounds (54); A.W. Sleight: Introduction to heterogeneous catalysts (16); A.J. Jacobson: Intercalation reactions of layered compounds (52); J.M. Newsam: Zeolites (47); C.N.R. Rao: Ferroics (16). Richard J. Borg & G.J. Dienes, "The Physical Chemistry of Solids", Academic Press, Inc., San Diego etc., 1992, 584 p. Chapters: Crystallography and the structure of the elements (38); Thermodynamic equations of state (26); The vibrational properties of solids (26); Potential functions (28); Ionic crystals (60); Quantum mechanical principles and the covalent bond (50); Covalent crystals (58); Metallic crystals (36); Polyphase equilibrium (44); Thermodynamics of heterogeneous equilibria (20); The chemistry of interfaces (36); Crystal defects (26); Diffusion in solids (40); Phase transitions (56); Appendices: van der Waals forces (4); The Grüneisen constants (4), Zero-point energy of the harmonic oscillator (4), Partial differental equations and boundary value problems: The vibrating string (4), Polarization catastrophe and the shell model (4), Operators (4), The uncertainty principle (2), Euler's equation and the thermodynamics (3). Lesley Smart & Elaine Moore, "Solid State Chemistry. An introduction", Chapman & Hall, London, 1992, 304 p. Chapters: An introduction to simple crystal structures (71); Bonding in solids and electronic properties (25); Defects and non-stoichiometry (66); Low-dimensional solids (20); Zeolites (31); Optical properties of solids (21); Magnetic properties of solids (23); Superconductivity (191). Ulrich Müller, "Inorganic Structural Chemistry", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester etc., 1993, 264 p. Chapters: Introduction (1); Description of chemical structures (12); Polymorphism and phase diagrams (7); Structure, energy and chemical bonding (9); The effective size of atoms (7); Ionic compounds (12); Molecular structures I: Compounds of main group elements (12); Molecular structures II: Compounds of transition metals (13); Molecular orbital theory and Molecular structures II: Compounds of transition metals (13); Molecular orbital theory and chemical bonding in solids (19); The element structures of the nonmetals (13); Diamond-like structures (10); Polyionic and polycationic compounds. Zintl phases (23); Sphere packings. Metal structures (7); The sphere packing principle for compounds (10; Linked polyhedra (28); Sphere packings with occupied interstices (25); Physical properties of solids (13); Symmetry (13); Symmetry as the organizing principle for crystal structures (12); References (6), Answer to problems (3). Aaron Wold & Kirby Dwight, "Solid State Chemistry. Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Selected Oxides and Sulfides", Chapman & Hall, New York, 1993, 245 p. Chapters: Part I: Tutorial. Crystal structure (14); Characterization of solids(14); Electrical properties of semiconductors (16); Magnetochemistry (7); Phase diagrams (12); Part II: Transition metal oxides. Introduction (1); Synthetic techniques (20); Binary oxides (35); Ternary and higher oxides (43); Part III: Selected metal sulfides. Binary sulfides (27); Chalcogenides with the tetrahedral structure (24); Ternary transition metal chalcogenides. H.V. Keer, "Principles of The Solid State" , John Wiley & Sons , New Delhi, India, 1993,377 p. Chapters: Bonding and Structure (56); Imperfections and related phenomena (38); Thermal properties (28); Electrical properties (80); Magnetic properties (53); Optical and dieletric properties (54); Solid State transformations, reactions and crystal growth (55); Appendix (10). |
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